Combining 'Expression()' with '\N'

Combining `expression()` with `\n`

As @otsaw said in his answer to your earlier question, plotmath (and therefore expression) doesn't allow linebreaks.

However, as a hack, you can use atop to let ≥80 appears on top of (N=10). But as you will soon see it doesn't match with the other labels:

labs <- c("0-9\n(N=10)","10-29\n(N=10)","30-49\n(N=10)", 
expression(atop(phantom(x) >=80, (N==10))))

Sample Image

So, as a further hack, you can pass the other labels as expressions:

labs <- c(expression(atop(0-9,(N==10))),expression(atop(10-29,(N==10))),
expression(atop(30-49,(N==10))), expression(atop(50-64,(N==10))),
expression(atop(65-79,(N==10))), expression(atop(phantom(x) >=80, (N==10))))

Sample Image

But of course you have @otsaw solution (using Unicode) that is considerably less wordy:

labs <- c("0-9\n(N=10)","10-29\n(N=10)","30-49\n(N=10)", 
"\u2265 80\n(N=10)")

Sample Image

How to combine N amount of expression trees with OR/And operators

This shall be simple, just use Expression.And or Expression.Or calls to aggregate various expressions in the single Expression tree call. Let me provide an example, if you have a List<Expression>, which needs to be aggreagated into Single Expression then use the following code using And aggregation for example, it can be any of the predicate builder:

    List<Expression> exptree = new List<Expression>();

var resultEXpression = exptree.Skip(1).Aggregate(exptree.FirstOrDefault(),
(exp1,exp2) => Expression.And(exp1,exp2));

This is just a sample, there are lot of Expression builders available by default, which can help bind the expressions together based on relevant logic, it can be Or, AndAlso, OrAssign, OrElse

Split text with '\r\n'

The problem is not with the splitting but rather with the WriteLine. A \n in a string printed with WriteLine will produce an "extra" line.


var text = 
"somet interesting text\n" +
"some text that should be in the same line\r\n" +
"some text should be in another line";

string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { "\r\n" };
string[] lines = text.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
Console.WriteLine("Nr. Of items in list: " + lines.Length); // 2 lines
foreach (string s in lines)
Console.WriteLine(s); //But will print 3 lines in total.

To fix the problem remove \n before you print the string.

Console.WriteLine(s.Replace("\n", ""));

Expression and new line in plot labels

You can introduce a line break inside an expression:

bquote(atop("first line",
"second line" ~ x ^ 2))

(I’m using bquote rather than expression here – both work in this case.)

Execute demo(plotmath) for more information and look at the documentation for atop.

boxplot apparently has some trouble interpreting expressions in its title. A simple fix is to plot the title separately:

boxplot(data, main = '')
title(bquote(atop("first line", "second line" ~ x ^ 2)))

How to use newline '\n' in f-string to format output in Python 3.6?

You can't. Backslashes cannot appear inside the curly braces {}; doing so results in a SyntaxError:

>>> f'{\}'
SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash

This is specified in the PEP for f-strings:

Backslashes may not appear inside the expression portions of f-strings, [...]

One option is assinging '\n' to a name and then .join on that inside the f-string; that is, without using a literal:

names = ['Adam', 'Bob', 'Cyril']
nl = '\n'
text = f"Winners are:{nl}{nl.join(names)}"

Results in:

Winners are:

Another option, as specified by @wim, is to use chr(10) to get \n returned and then join there. f"Winners are:\n{chr(10).join(names)}"

Yet another, of course, is to '\n'.join beforehand and then add the name accordingly:

n = "\n".join(names)
text = f"Winners are:\n{n}"

which results in the same output.


This is one of the small differences between f-strings and str.format. In the latter, you can always use punctuation granted that a corresponding wacky dict is unpacked that contains those keys:

>>> "{\\} {*}".format(**{"\\": 'Hello', "*": 'World!'})
"Hello World!"

(Please don't do this.)

In the former, punctuation isn't allowed because you can't have identifiers that use them.

Aside: I would definitely opt for print or format, as the other answers suggest as an alternative. The options I've given only apply if you must for some reason use f-strings.

Just because something is new, doesn't mean you should try and do everything with it ;-)

How to combine lines in regular expressions?

The (.*?)\n(.*?) pattern will never work well because the (.*?) at the end of the pattern will always return an empty string (since *? is a lazy matching quantifier and if it can return zero characters (and it can) it will. Use greedy matching and adjust the pattern like:

(.+)\r?\n *(.*)

or - since SublimeText uses Boost regex - you can match any newline sequence with \R:

(.+)\R *(.*)

and replace with \1\t\2. Note I replaced *? with + in the first capturing group because you need to match non-empty lines.

Regex breakdown:

  • (.+) - one or more characters other than a newline (as many as possible) up to
  • \R - a newline sequence (\r\n, \r or just \n)
  • * - a literal space, zero or more occurrences
  • (.*) - Group 2: zero or more characters other than a newline (as many as possible)

Sample Image
Sample Image

Python Combining f-string with r-string and curly braces in regex

You can use this string to combine the n value into your regexp, using double curly brackets to create a single one in the output:


The regex needs to have {} to make a quantifier (as you had in your original regex {4}). However f strings use {} to indicate an expression replacement so you need to "escape" the {} required by the regex in the f string. That is done by using {{ and }} which in the output create { and }. So {{{n}}} (where n=4) generates '{' + '4' + '}' = '{4}' as required.

Complete code:

import re

def ngram_finder(x, n):
pat = fr'(?=(\S{{{n}}}))'
return re.findall(pat, x)

x = 'abcdef'
print(ngram_finder(x, 4))
print(ngram_finder(x, 5))


['abcd', 'bcde', 'cdef']
['abcde', 'bcdef']

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