How to Change the Figure Caption Format in Bookdown

How to change the figure caption format in bookdown

To my knowledge, you cannot control figure/table captions to do what you want with rmarkdown/bookdown. You can use the package captioner to achieve it, with a catch: it works fine with rmarkdown outputs, but you'll need to do post-processing with bookdown outputs. Here is the Rmd file that produces your desired caption style:

title: Supporting Information
subtitle: "Iron(I) etc"
author: "Some people here"
abstract: "Added the addresses here since there is no abstract in the SI"
fig_caption: yes

```{r, include=F}
tables <- captioner(prefix = "Table S", suffix = ". ", style="b", style_prefix=TRUE, auto_space = FALSE)
figures <- captioner(prefix = "Figure S", suffix = ". ", style="b", style_prefix=TRUE, auto_space = FALSE)

figures("Xray1", "Single-crystal X-ray structure of some text (1)", display=FALSE)
figures("Xray2", "Single-crystal X-ray structure of some text (2)", display=FALSE)
figures("Xray3", "Single-crystal X-ray structure of some text (3)", display=FALSE)

## Reaction of etc.
Some text. Some text followed by `r figures("Xray1", display="cite")`, which is the same figure as `r figures("Xray3", display="cite")` but comes after `r figures("Xray2", display="cite")`.

```{r Xray, fig.cap=figures("Xray1"), echo=FALSE}

```{r Xray2, fig.cap=figures("Xray2"), echo=FALSE}

```{r Xray3, fig.cap=figures("Xray3"), echo=FALSE}

Some text etc. followed by `r tables("tab-DipUVvis", display="cite")`:

```{r DipUVvis, echo=FALSE}
df<-data.frame(Entry=c('AMM 51$3^a$','AMM 52^*a*^'),
Precat=c('[FeBr~2~(dpbz)~2~] (4.00)','[FeBr~2~(dpbz)~2~]

knitr::kable(head(df), caption=tables("tab-DipUVvis", "Table Caption"))

However, if you switch to use bookdown::word_document2 output, the figure caption becomes "Figure 1: Figure S1. ...". I haven't found a way to suppress "Figure 1:" and have to do post-processing in my output to search and replace all "Figure ?:" with "".

Remove colon in figure caption using pandoc and bookdown in R Markdown

Looks like there was a change in rmarkdown which adds a colon by default. Also the reason why the answer in the linked post does not work anymore. For more on this and a solution see

Besides the solution offered there you could achieve your desired result by replacing the colon by a dot. Adapting the lua filter provided by this could done like so:

function Image (img)
img.caption[1] = pandoc.Strong(img.caption[1])
img.caption[3] = pandoc.Strong(pandoc.Str(string.gsub(img.caption[3].text, ":", ".")))
return img

Sample Image

How to change caption label names in a single document with Bookdown?

If I save your example code as deutsch.rmd and then render it, I can reproduce what you describe.

If then I create a file called _bookdown.yml in the same directory as deutsch.rmd containing

fig: "Abbildung "

and re-render, the word "Figure" is replaced by "Abbildung" in the HTML output.

If then I create a file called preamble.tex containing


and adjust the YAML header of deutsch.rmd to read

title: Dokument auf Deutsch
toc: yes
toc: yes
in_header: preamble.tex

the PDF output switches to German, too.

edit: I just found out myself, that this solution seems to be equivalent to using the following YAML header:

title: Dokument auf Deutsch
toc: yes
toc: yes
lang: de

Note that the above solution for the PDF output uses "Inhaltsverzeichnis" instead of "Inhalt" though.

If you really want to simply change the figure label and table of contents header to your liking without relying on babel doing the right thing, you can use the following preamble.tex instead:


Caption styles for word_document2 in bookdown

In trying to make a reproducible example, I found the problem (apologies for not including an example in the first place).

The issue wasn't with the .Rmd, but the reference .docx itself. It had a "Caption" style, but for some reason it didn't have "Image Caption" or "Table Caption" styles, which is what markdown was looking for. I copied those styles over from another Word document according to these instructions, and now it works fine.

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