Unexpected 'Else' in "Else" Error

R Error: unexpected 'else' in else

typing else on the same line as the closing } solves this problem:

x = 1
} else
x = 2

R Unexpected token else in else if statement

If you remove the line break and bring the else in the same line as the closing } it works on my system.

Simple example. This works:

x <- 1
if (x == 0) {
} else print(2)

This does not:

x <- 1
if (x == 0) {
else print(2)

syntax error-unexpected keyword else ruby

++ operator doesn't exist in Ruby. Go for

num += 1

ERROR MESSAGE: unexpected 'else' (T_ELSE), expecting end of file in standard code

In your code, you're missing the '{' after if(conditions).

brackets are replaced by ':' for the opening and by ';' for closing and we explicitly say 'endif' which allows us to know when the if block closes instead of having a simple '}' as an indicator.

In short, to avoid getting lost with the opening and closing of your ifs in the middle of your HTML code, use this structure instead:

<?php if($condition): ?>
<?php else: ?>
// CODE HTML else
<?php endif; ?>

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