Remove Columns from Dataframe Where All Values Are Na

Remove columns from dataframe where ALL values are NA

Try this:

df <- df[,colSums(<nrow(df)]

How to delete columns that contain ONLY NAs?

One way of doing it:

df[, colSums( != nrow(df)]

If the count of NAs in a column is equal to the number of rows, it must be entirely NA.

Or similarly

df[colSums(! > 0]

Pandas: drop columns with all NaN's

From the dropna docstring:

Drop the columns where all elements are NaN:
df.dropna(axis=1, how='all')

0 NaN 2.0 0
1 3.0 4.0 1
2 NaN NaN 5

Remove columns that are all NA for at least one level of a factor

Another option:

 dat %>%
select(site, dat %>%
group_by(site) %>%
summarise(across(everything(), ~!all(>%
ungroup() %>%
select(-site) %>%

site year species_B species_C
1 A 2000 1 1
2 A 2001 2 2
3 A 2002 NA 3
4 A 2003 4 4
5 A 2004 5 5
6 B 2000 NA 2
7 B 2001 3 3
8 B 2002 4 4
9 B 2003 5 5
10 B 2004 6 6

Remove columns from dataframe where some of values are NA

The data:

Itun <- data.frame(v1 = c(1,1,2,1,2,1), v2 = c(NA, 1, 2, 1, 2, NA)) 

This will remove all columns containing at least one NA:

Itun[ , colSums( == 0]

An alternative way is to use apply:

Itun[ , apply(Itun, 2, function(x) !any(]

removing columns with NA values only

The tidyverse approach would look like this (also using @Rich Scriven data):

d %>% select_if(~any(!
# x
# 1 NA
# 2 3
# 3 NA

Remove Column if all values are either NA or 0 in r

Multiple ways to do this

df[colSums( | df == 0) != nrow(df)]

# rv X1 X2 X4
#1 M 0 110 1
#2 J 70 200 3
#3 J NA 115 4
#4 M 65 110 9
#5 J 70 200 3
#6 J 64 115 8

Using apply

df[!apply( | df == 0, 2, all)]

Or using dplyr

df %>% select_if(~!all( | . == 0))

Remove columns from dataframe where ALL values are NA, NULL or empty

We can use Filter

Filter(function(x) !(all(x=="")), df)
# Var1 Var3
#1 2R+ 52
#2 2R+ 169
#3 2R+ 83
#4 2R+ 98
#5 2R+ NA
#6 2R+ 111
#7 2R+ 94
#8 2R+ 116
#9 2R+ 86

NOTE: It should also work if all the elements are NA for a particular column

df$Var3 <- NA
Filter(function(x) !(all(x=="")), df)
# Var1
#1 2R+
#2 2R+
#3 2R+
#4 2R+
#5 2R+
#6 2R+
#7 2R+
#8 2R+
#9 2R+


Based on the updated dataset, if we need to remove the columns with only 0 values, then change the code to

Filter(function(x) !(all(x==""|x==0)), df2)
#1 2R+ 52 1.05 30
#2 2R+ 169 1.02 40
#3 2R+ 83 NA 40
#4 2R+ 98 1.16 40
#5 2R+ 154 1.11 40
#6 2R+ 111 NA 15


df2 <- structure(list(VAR1 = c("2R+", "2R+", "2R+", "2R+", "2R+", "2R+"
), VAR2 = c("", "", "", "", "", ""), VAR3 = c(52L, 169L, 83L,
98L, 154L, 111L), VAR4 = c(1.05, 1.02, NA, 1.16, 1.11, NA), VAR5 = c(0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), VAR6 = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L), VAR7 = c(30L,
40L, 40L, 40L, 40L, 15L)), .Names = c("VAR1", "VAR2", "VAR3",
"VAR4", "VAR5", "VAR6", "VAR7"), row.names = c("1", "2", "3",
"4", "5", "6"), class = "data.frame")

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