Simplest Way to Do Grouped Barplot

Grouped bar chart in R with 4 bars for each group

First do some manual cleanup in your text file by changing the spaces to commas:


Then you can load in the data using the tidyverse read_csv() function and reshape it as follows:

df <-
file_path %>%
read_csv() %>%
gather(key = type, value = pct, -Location) %>%
mutate(type = fct_relevel(type, c("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "C1", "C2", "TS3")))

Location type pct
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 PC_of_recapped_cells S1 7.31
2 PC_of_infested_cells S1 3.2
3 PC_Recapped_and_Infested S1 85.7
4 PC_Normal_mites S1 85.7
5 PC_of_recapped_cells S2 7.46
6 PC_of_infested_cells S2 2.63

Then it can be plotted:

df %>% 
ggplot(aes(x = type, y = pct, fill = Location)) +
geom_col(position = "dodge") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")

You should be able to take it from there when it comes to recoloring, renaming labels and other changes.

How to arrange subgroups in a grouped barplot in R in ascending number in R

You need to set the appropriate levels for the device_type variable. The easiest way to do it is this way.


F_dev_dec = read.table(
header = TRUE,text="
device_type year_2015 N
Accessories after 6
Aspiration_catheter before 4
Aspiration_catheter after 32
Guidewire before 3
Guidewire after 23
Microcatheter after 7
Sheath after 19
Stentretriever before 17
Stentretriever after 22
") %>% as_tibble()

F_dev_dec = F_dev_dec %>%
group_by(year_2015) %>%
arrange(N) %>%
year_2015 = year_2015 %>% factor(c("before", "after")),
device_type = device_type %>% fct_inorder()

F_dev_dec %>%
ggplot(aes(x= year_2015, y= N, fill= reorder(device_type, N))) +
geom_bar(data=F_dev_dec %>% filter(year_2015 == "before"), width=0.9, position = position_dodge(), stat = "identity") +
geom_bar(data=F_dev_dec %>% filter(year_2015 == "after"), width=0.5, position = position_dodge(), stat = "identity") +
scale_x_discrete(labels = c("Before", "After")) +
labs(title = NULL,
x= NULL,
y= "Count (n)")

Sample Image

Note the following order of commands first arrange(N) and then device_type = device_type %>% fct_inorder ().

You may have shared your FDA_co_tier data table with us. Without it, I had to read the summary using read.table.

Update 1

Phew! I got a bit tired to get the effect you expect. But in the end it worked. Let's see what we have here. First, I will work on your completed data. I made them the same for myself.


FDA_co_tier = tibble(
device_type = c(rep("Accessories", 6),
rep("Aspiration_catheter", 36),
rep("Guidewire", 26),
rep("Microcatheter", 7),
rep("Sheath", 19),
rep("Stentretriever", 39)),
year_2015 = c(rep("after", 6),
rep("before", 4),
rep("after", 32),
rep("before", 3),
rep("after", 49),
rep("before", 17),
rep("after", 22)))


# A tibble: 133 x 2
device_type year_2015
<chr> <chr>
1 Accessories after
2 Accessories after
3 Accessories after
4 Accessories after
5 Accessories after
6 Accessories after
7 Aspiration_catheter before
8 Aspiration_catheter before
9 Aspiration_catheter before
10 Aspiration_catheter before
# ... with 123 more rows

Now let's create a plot. Note one clever line of code geom_bar (position = position_dodge (), alpha = 0)), it does not display anything, it only sets the expected order of the variable year_2015.

FDA_co_tier %>% 
year_2015 = year_2015 %>% factor(c("before", "after"))) %>%
ggplot(aes(year_2015, fill=device_type))+
geom_bar(position = position_dodge(), alpha=0)+
geom_bar(data = . %>%
filter(year_2015 == "before") %>%
mutate(device_type = device_type %>% fct_infreq() %>% fct_rev()),
position = position_dodge())+
geom_bar(data = . %>%
filter(year_2015 == "after") %>%
mutate(device_type = device_type %>% fct_infreq() %>% fct_rev()),
position = position_dodge())

Sample Image

How to create a grouped bar plot from lists

  • The simplest way is to create a dataframe with pandas, and then plot with pandas.DataFrame.plot
    • The dataframe index, 'names' in this case, is automatically used for the x-axis and the columns are plotted as bars.
    • matplotlib is used as the plotting backend
  • Tested in python 3.8, pandas 1.3.1 and matplotlib 3.4.2
  • For lists of uneven length, see How to create a grouped bar plot from lists of uneven length
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

names = ["a","b","c","d"]
case1 = [5,7,5,6]
case2 = [7,4,8,5]

# create the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'c1': case1, 'c2': case2}, index=names)

# display(df)
c1 c2
a 5 7
b 7 4
c 5 8
d 6 5

# plot
ax = df.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(6, 4), rot=0, title='Case Comparison', ylabel='Values')

Sample Image

  • Try the following for python 2.7
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)), rot=0)

Grouped Barplot in R for a matrix of a data frame

I got the solution!!
we need to transpose the matrix

Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Ch6 Ch7 Ch8 Ch9 Ch10 Ch11
for_Rch13.Ch1to11 9218 2661 1260 1536 2793 5100 8845 1034 2057 1831 7285
for_Rch13.Ch1to13 5360 2144 965 1884 3076 3370 12858 1743 1039 2413 8615
Ch12 Ch13
for_Rch13.Ch1to11 0 0
for_Rch13.Ch1to13 1369 968
>barplot(pch, besides=TRUE)

Sample Image

Grouped bar chart: ggplot

If you rearrange into long format, then plotting is straightforward.

Here's a way to do that using purrr:map2():


feature_suffix <- c("", "1", "2", "3")
year_prefix <- c("Last", "One", "Two", "Three")

map2(feature_suffix, year_prefix,
~ df %>%
select(feature = paste0("Feature", .x), value = paste0(.y, "Year")) %>%
mutate(year = paste0(.y, "Year"))
) %>%
bind_rows(.) %>%
mutate(value = as.numeric(value)) %>%
ggplot(aes(year, value, fill=feature)) +
geom_bar(stat="summary", fun.y=mean, position = position_dodge(.9))

Sample Image

Grouped bar chart in R for multiple filter and select

It's probably easier than you think. Just put the data directly in aggregate and use as formula . ~ Result, where . means all other columns. Removing first column [-1] and coerce as.matrix (because barplot eats matrices) yields exactly the format we need for barplot.

This is the basic code:

barplot(as.matrix(aggregate(. ~ Result, data, sum)[-1]), beside=TRUE)

And here with some visual enhancements:

barplot(as.matrix(aggregate(. ~ Result, data, sum)[-1]), beside=TRUE, ylim=c(0, 70),
col=hcl.colors(2, palette='viridis'), legend.text=sort(unique(data$Result)),
names.arg=names(data)[-1], main='Here could be your title',
args.legend=list(x='topleft', cex=.9))

Sample Image


data <- structure(list(Result = c("pass", "pass", "Fail", "Fail", "pass", 
"Fail"), course1 = c(15L, 12L, 9L, 3L, 14L, 5L), course2 = c(17L,
14L, 13L, 2L, 11L, 0L), course3 = c(18L, 19L, 3L, 0L, 20L, 7L
)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -6L))

Create grouped barplot in R with ordered factor AND individual labels for each bar

We may use

gender(as.character(pizza$person)) %>%
select(person = name, gender) %>%
left_join(pizza) %>%
arrange(gender != 'male') %>%
mutate(across(c(person, gender),
~ factor(., levels = unique(.)))) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = person, y = pizzas_eaten, fill = person)) +
geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') +
facet_wrap(~ gender, scales = 'free_x') +


Sample Image

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