Return Elements of List as Independent Objects in Global Environment

Return elements of list as independent objects in global environment

There is special function for mapping list to environment:

> obj <- list(a=1:5, b=2:10, c=-5:5)
> ls()
[1] "obj"
> list2env(obj,globalenv())
<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
> ls()
[1] "a" "b" "c" "obj"

P. S. It is my comment provided as an answer

Global assignment of list elements within a function, using a variable name for the list

First of all, I'll be clear that I do not encourage assigning values to variables from inside the function in global environment. Ideally, you should always return the value from the function which you want to change. However, just for demonstration purpose here is a way in which you can change the contents of the list from inside the function

my_fun <- function(some_list) {
list_name <- deparse(substitute(some_list))
some_list[[1]] <- 'element_assigned_in_function'
assign(list_name, some_list, .GlobalEnv)

my_list <- list('original_element')
#[1] "element_assigned_in_function"

Make list of objects in global environment matching certain string pattern

I have used the following, obviously this will need to be repeated for each pattern.


How can I source a file into a list in the global environment

I think you have a misconception: if foo is stored in your list p, then redefining foo in .Globalenv won't have any effect. Those will be separate objects.

The purpose of the environment associated with a function is to tell R where to look for non-local variables used in the function. Your original version will end up with two copies of everything you sourced, one in the list and one in the local environment you created. If foo referred to x, it would see the one in the local environment. For example, look at this change to your code where foo() returns x:

# config.R
x <- 1
foo <- function() {
z <- x + 1

and then

source_in_list <- function(path) {
e <- new.env()
source(path, local = e)

p <- source_in_list("config.R")
x <- 42 # Set a global variable x
# [1] 1 # It is ignored

p$x <- 123 # Set x in p
# [1] 1 # It is ignored

You probably don't want two copies of everything. But then it's not clear that what you want to do is possible. A list can't act as the environment of a function, so there's no way to make p$x be the target of references from within foo.

I'd suggest that instead of returning a list, you just return the local environment you created. Then things will work as you'd expect:

source_to_local <- function(path) {
e <- new.env()
source(path, local = e)

e <- source_to_local("config.R")
x <- 42 # set a global
[1] 1 # it is ignored

e$x <- 123 # set x in e
[1] 123 # it responds

The main disadvantage of returning the environment is that they don't print the way lists do, but you could probably write a function to print an environment and make everything in it visible.

Pulling all objects in the global environment that have specific attributes

Here is one way to do it

# collect all objects in global environment
all = lapply(ls(), get)

# extract objects with attribute = "bar"
bar = all[lapply(all, attr, "foo") == "bar"]

Iteratively create global environment objects from tibble

As we already returned the object value in a list, we need only to specify the lambda function i.e. .x returns the value of the list element which is a tibble and extract the column

list_output <- map(list_df, ~.x$ave_neg_U_ml)

If the intention is to create global objects, deframe, convert to a list and then use list2env

list2env(as.list(deframe(neg_tibble_string)), .GlobalEnv)

Looping through data frames in global environment and passing a function to all to create new list

I've figured out the issue was with my function f1 and mget(ls()) in lapply. Here's what worked to solve the problem:


dfs_list <- Filter(function(x) is(x, "data.frame"), mget(ls()))


f1 <- function(df) { 
df %>%
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::mutate(row = row_number()) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = row, values_from = -row)


lst1 <- lapply(dfs_list, f1)

Is there any way to return all objects defined in a function in R?

Is there any way to return all objects defined in a function in R?

Literally, there is1:


However, I’d generally recommend against this: be explicit, name all objects that you want to return individually:

foo = foo,
bar = bar,


1 This will include arguments, since these are just locally defined values. To exclude formal arguments, do this:

values = as.list(environment())
values[setdiff(names(values), names(formals()))]

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