Subscript Letters in Ggplot Axis Label

Subscript letters in ggplot axis label

The reason the last one fails is that the arguments to expression get run through the R parser and an error is returned when they fail the test of whether they could possibly be correct R syntax. The string or token 1d is not a valid R token (or symbol). It would be possible to either break it into valid R tokens and "connect" with non-space operators, backtick it , or use ordinary quotes. I think either is a better way than using paste:

 ggplot(dat, aes(x=x,y=y)) +
geom_point() +
ggplot(dat, aes(x=x,y=y)) +
geom_point() +

Tokens (or "names" or "symbols") in R are not supposed to start with digits. So you get around that limitation by either quoting or by separating 1 and d by a non-space separator, the * operator. That "joins" or "ligates" a pure numeric literal with a legal R symbol or token.

To get a percent sign unsubscripted just:

 ggplot(dat, aes(x=x,y=y)) +
geom_point() +

To put parens around the pct-sign:


The % character has special meaning in R parsing, since it signifies the beginning of a user defined infix operator. So using it as a literal requires that it be quoted. The same reasoning requires that "for" and "in" be quoted, because they are in the "reserved words" group for R. There are other reserved words, (but for and in are the ones that trip me up most often.) Type:


And another "trick" is to use quotation marks around digits within italic()if you need them italicized. Unquoted digits do not get italicized inside that function.

Caveats: paste is a plotmath function except it has different semantics than the base::paste function. In particular, it has no 'sep' argument. So you can never get a space between the printed arguments and if you try to put in a non-space item, a single instance will appear after all the other arguments labeled as sep=" ".

paste0 is not a plotmath function and so will not get interpreted but rather will appear "unprocessed" with its unprocessed arguments inside parentheses.

ggplot2, getting a % symbol in subscript within axis labels

Moving the % sign in the square brackets and using quotation marks"" removes the error message

iris %>% ggplot(aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width)) + 
geom_point(aes(colour = Species)) +
geom_smooth(method = loess) +
labs(y = expression(Blah["1d%"]))

and yields this plot:

Sample Image

Using subscript and italics in ggplot2 axis labels

The easiest way to format without using the expression method is to use simple html.
I recommend the ggtext package

see also this answer regarding Greek text in ggplot2

library(ggtext) #
mtcars %>%
ggplot() +
geom_histogram(aes(drat), bins = 20) +
labs(x="K<sub><i>D</i></sub>(\u00b5M)") +
theme(axis.title.x = element_markdown())

Sample Image

Created on 2021-04-29 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

ggplot2 axis text label: subscript + superscript + square brackets

You could use expression:

ggplot(mtcars, aes(hp, mpg)) +
geom_point() +
labs(y = expression("S"["in"] ~ "[W" ~ m^-2~"]"))

Sample Image

How to get a subscript into an axis title in `ggplot`

Is this something you want?

x <- runif(20, 5, 10)
y <- runif(20, 15, 20)

df <- data.frame(x,y)

geom_point(data=df, aes(x,y))+
labs(y = expression(paste('Ba:Ca (µmol:mol'^-1,')')), x = "x axis")


How to add a text subscript to a special character in ggplot2 factor label?

bquote() needs quotes around the unicode, and the call to geom_point() is misspelled.


df <- data.frame(alpha = c("aii","aij","ajj","aji"), count = c(1,2,3,4))

ggplot(aes(x = alpha, y = count), data = df) +
geom_point() +
scale_x_discrete(labels=c("aii" = bquote("\u03b1" [ii]), "aij" = bquote("\u03b1" [ij]),
"ajj" = bquote("\u03b1" [jj]),"aji" = bquote("\u03b1" [ji])))

Sample Image

How to add subscripts to ggplot2 axis.text

One option is to turn the env strings into valid plotmath expressions, so that they can be parsed properly. The code below takes care of that, though I'd be surprised if there isn't a more elegant approach.


d = d %>%
arrange(pco2_inc) %>%
mutate(env=gsub("O2", "O[2]", env),
env=gsub(" ", "~", env),
env=gsub("@", "'@'", env),
env=gsub("%", "*'%'", env),
env=gsub("~°", "*degree*", env))
                          env pco2_inc
1 mean~SS 60.0000
2 50*'%'~O[2]~'@'~25*degree*C 112.5604
3 50*'%'~O[2]~'@'~0*degree*C 138.6524
4 50*'%'~O[2]~'@'~10*degree*C 144.3282
5 anoxic~'@'~0*degree*C 173.6156
6 anoxic~'@'~25*degree*C 209.1030
7 anoxic~'@'~10*degree*C 234.8623
ggplot(d, aes(reorder(env, pco2_inc), pco2_inc)) + geom_col() + 
scale_x_discrete(labels=parse(text=unique(d$env))) +
theme_classic(base_size=12) +
theme(axis.text=element_text(colour="black", face="bold")) +

Sample Image

Subscripts and superscripts - or + with ggplot2 axis labels? (ionic chemical notation)

Try quoting the minus sign after the superscript operator:

ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y))+
labs(x=expression(Production~rate~" "~mu~moles~NO[3]^{"-"}-N~Kg^{-1}),
y=expression(Concentration~mg~L^{-1})) +
theme(legend.title = element_text(size=12, face="bold"),
axis.title = element_text(color="black", face="bold", size=18))

I think it looks more scientifically accurate to use the %.% operator between units:

+ labs(x=expression(Production~rate~" "~mu~moles~NO[3]^{textstyle("-")}-N %.% Kg^{-1}),
y=expression(Concentration~mg~L^{-1})) +

textstyle should keep the superscript-ed text from being reduced in size. I'm also not sure why you have a " " between two tildes. You can string a whole bunch of tildes together to increase "spaces":

ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y))+
labs(x=expression(Production~rate~~~~~~~~~~~~mu~moles~NO[3]^{textstyle("-")}-N %.% Kg^{-1}),
y=expression(Concentration~mg~L^{-1})) +
theme(legend.title = element_text(size=12, face="bold"),
axis.title = element_text(color="black", face="bold", size=18))

Sample Image

And a bonus plotmath tip: Quoting numbers is a way to get around the documented difficulty in producing italicized digits with plotmath. (Using italic(123) does not succeed, ... but italic("123") does.)

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