Dplyr: Inner_Join With a Partial String Match

Conditionally mutate on partial string match across data frames of different lengths R/dplyr/stringr


JobDF %>%
mutate(inNameDF = ifelse(str_detect(occupation, paste0(NameDF$names, collapse = "|")),"yes","no"))

The output of paste0 is this:

paste0(NameDF$names, collapse = "|")

[1] "Jane|John"

Which is a regular expression to match "Jane" or "John". If you need the match to be case insensitive then wrap it in stringr::regex like so: regex(paste0(...), ignore_case = T).

If the name was always the first word then you could also do something like:

ifelse(sapply(str_split(JobDF$occupation, " "), `[[`, 1) %in% NameDF$names, "yes", "no")

[1] "no" "yes" "yes" "no" "yes"

Which extracts the first word from occupation and checks if it is %in% names.

Is there any way to do partial String matching in R?

I have used regular expression and merging of the two dataframes as shown below:


df2$ID <- str_trim(str_extract(df2$Text, pattern = "Q\\S*|A\\S*"))
df <- left_join(df1, df2, by = "ID")

Join data frames based fuzzy matching of strings

Perhaps this is what you're looking for?

df1 %>% fuzzy_inner_join(df2,by=c("col1" = "col3"),match_fun = str_detect)
## A tibble: 2 x 4
# col1 col2 col3 col4
# <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#1 Banana Shipping 2 Banana 700
#2 FedEX USA Ground 3 FedEX USA 900

If you wanted to ignore case, you could define your own str_detect.

my_str_detect <- function(x,y){str_detect(x,regex(y, ignore_case = TRUE))}
df1 %>% fuzzy_inner_join(df2,by=c("col1" = "col3"),match_fun = my_str_detect)
## A tibble: 3 x 4
# col1 col2 col3 col4
# <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#1 Banana Shipping 2 Banana 700
#2 FedEX USA Ground 3 FedEX USA 900
#3 FedEx USA Commercial 4 FedEX USA 900

For bonus points you can use agrepl from this question.

You can modify the max.distance = argument and potentially add cost =. See help(agrepl) for more.

my_match_fun <- Vectorize(function(x,y) agrepl(x, y, ignore.case=TRUE, max.distance = 0.7, useBytes = TRUE))
df1 %>% fuzzy_inner_join(df2,by=c("col1" = "col3"),match_fun = my_match_fun)
## A tibble: 4 x 4
# col1 col2 col3 col4
# <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#1 Banana Shipping 2 Banana 700
#2 FedEX USA Ground 3 FedEX USA 900
#3 FedEx USA Commercial 4 FedEX USA 900
#4 FedEx International 5 FedEX USA 900

fast partial match checking in R (or Python or Julia)

This is an [r] option aimed at reducing the number of times you are calling str_detect() (i.e., your example is slow because the function is called several thousand times; and for not using fixed() or fixed = TRUE as jpiversen already pointed out). Answer explained in comments in the code; I will try to jump on tomorrow to explain a bit more.

This should scale reasonably well and be more memory efficient than the current approach too because reduces the rowwise computations to an absolute minimum.


n = 2000

# A tibble: 4 × 13
expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr
<bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl> <int>
1 original() 6.67s 6.67s 0.150 31.95MB 0.300 1
2 using_fixed() 496.54ms 496.54ms 2.01 61.39MB 4.03 1
3 using_map_fixed() 493.35ms 493.35ms 2.03 60.27MB 6.08 1
4 andrew_fun() 167.78ms 167.78ms 5.96 1.59MB 0 1

n = 4000

Note: I am not sure if you need the answer to scale; but the approach of reducing the memory-intensive part does seem to do just that (although the time difference is negligible for n = 4000 for 1 iteration, IMO).

# A tibble: 4 × 13
expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr
<bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl> <int>
1 original() 26.63s 26.63s 0.0376 122.33MB 0.150 1
2 using_fixed() 1.91s 1.91s 0.525 243.96MB 3.67 1
3 using_map_fixed() 1.87s 1.87s 0.534 236.62MB 3.20 1
4 andrew_fun() 674.36ms 674.36ms 1.48 7.59MB 0 1

Code w/ comments:

# This is so we do not retain the strings with the max number of
# characters in our pattern because we are checking with %in% already
nchar_a = nchar(data_set_A$name)
nchar_b = nchar(data_set_B$name_2)

# Creating large patterns (excluding values w/ max number of characters)
pattern_a = str_c(unique(data_set_A$name[nchar_a != max(nchar_a, na.rm = TRUE)]), collapse = "|")
pattern_b = str_c(unique(data_set_B$name_2[nchar_b != max(nchar_b, na.rm = TRUE)]), collapse = "|")

# First checking using %in%
idx_a = data_set_A$name %in% data_set_B$name_2

# Next, IDing when a(string) matches b(pattern)
idx_a[!idx_a] = str_detect(data_set_A$name[!idx_a], pattern_b)

# IDing a(pattern) matches b(string) so we do not run every row of
# a(as a pattern) against all of b
b_to_check = data_set_B$name_2[str_detect(data_set_B$name_2, pattern_a)]

# Using unmatched values of a as a pattern for the reduced set for b
idx_a[!idx_a] = vapply(data_set_A$name[!idx_a], function(name) {
any(grepl(name, b_to_check, fixed = TRUE))
}, logical(1L), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

data_set_A[idx_a, ]
# A tibble: 237 × 2
name ID_A
<chr> <int>
1 wknrsauuj 2
2 lyw 7
3 igwsvrzpk 16
4 zozxjpu 18
5 cgn 22
6 oqo 45
7 gkritbe 47
8 uuq 92
9 lhwfyksz 94
10 tuw 100
# … with 227 more rows

Reproducible R code for benchmarks

The following code is largely taken from jpiversen who provided a great answer:


n = 2000

data_set_A <- tibble(name = unique(replicate(n, paste(sample(letters, runif(1, 3, 10), replace = T), collapse = "")))) %>%
mutate(ID_A = 1:n())

data_set_B <- tibble(name_2 = unique(replicate(n, paste(sample(letters, runif(1, 3, 10), replace = T), collapse = "")))) %>%
mutate(ID_B = 1:n())

original <- function() {

data_set_A %>%
rowwise() %>%
filter(any(str_detect(name, data_set_B$name_2)) | any(str_detect(data_set_B$name_2, name))) %>%


using_fixed <- function() {

data_set_A %>%
rowwise() %>%
filter(any(str_detect(name, fixed(data_set_B$name_2))) | any(str_detect(data_set_B$name_2, fixed(name)))) %>%


using_map_fixed <- function() {

logical_vec <- data_set_A$name %>%
~any(stringr::str_detect(.x, fixed(data_set_B$name_2))) ||
any(stringr::str_detect(data_set_B$name_2, fixed(.x)))

data_set_A[logical_vec, ]


andrew_fun = function() {

nchar_a = nchar(data_set_A$name)
nchar_b = nchar(data_set_B$name_2)

pattern_a = str_c(unique(data_set_A$name[nchar_a != max(nchar_a, na.rm = TRUE)]), collapse = "|")
pattern_b = str_c(unique(data_set_B$name_2[nchar_b != max(nchar_b, na.rm = TRUE)]), collapse = "|")

idx_a = data_set_A$name %in% data_set_B$name_2

idx_a[!idx_a] = str_detect(data_set_A$name[!idx_a], pattern_b)

b_to_check = data_set_B$name_2[str_detect(data_set_B$name_2, pattern_a)]

idx_a[!idx_a] = vapply(data_set_A$name[!idx_a], function(name) {
any(grepl(name, b_to_check, fixed = TRUE))
}, logical(1L), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

data_set_A[idx_a, ]


bm = bench::mark(
iterations = 1

How do I match on partial field matches in two R data sets using dplyr

We could paste the elements of 'other_cd' separated by | for matching any of the elements

tbl %>%
filter(str_detect(code, str_c(other_cd$other_cd, collapse="|"))) %>%
summarise(count = n_distinct(id))


In the updated post, OP wants to create a new column from the other_cd. In that case, we can use str_extract

tbl %>% 
mutate(other_cd = str_extract(code, str_c(other_cd$other_cd, collapse="|")))
# id code other_cd
#1 1 a1231 a123
#2 2 b3211 b321
#3 3 c9871985 c987

Or if the number of rows are the same

tbl %>% 
filter(str_detect(code, as.character(other_cd$other_cd)))

Join tables via multiple partial matching

A double-join can work.

Notes: You don't appear to be using segment, so I'm discarding it here, but this might be adapted if needed. Also, I added stringsAsFactors=FALSE to your data, since otherwise combining vectors of factors can be problematic.)


tracksmod <- bind_rows(
select(tracks, trackID, sta=from),
select(tracks, trackID, sta=to)
# trackID sta
# 1 A station_11
# 2 A station_12
# 3 A station_13
# 4 A station_14
# 5 B station_15
# 6 B station_16

sightings %>%
left_join(select(tracksmod, trackID, from=sta), by="from") %>%
left_join(select(tracksmod, trackID2=trackID, to=sta), by="to") %>%
mutate(trackID = if_else(trackID == trackID2, trackID, NA_character_)) %>%
# from to trackID
# 1 station_24 station_14 A
# 2 station_28 station_16 B
# 3 station_14 station_25 <NA>

I did not assume that directionality was important. That is, I'm not assuming that a station listed in from must always be in the from column. This is why I converted tracks to tracksmod, in order to identify a station with an id regardless of direction.

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