R - Finding Closest Neighboring Point and Number of Neighbors Within a Given Radius, Coordinates Lat-Long

R - Finding closest neighboring point and number of neighbors within a given radius, coordinates lat-long

Best option is to use libraries sp and rgeos, which enable you to construct spatial classes and perform geoprocessing.


Read the data and transform them to spatial objects:

mydata <- read.delim('d:/temp/testfile.txt', header=T)

sp.mydata <- mydata
coordinates(sp.mydata) <- ~long+lat

[1] "SpatialPointsDataFrame"
[1] "sp"

Now calculate pairwise distances between points

d <- gDistance(sp.mydata, byid=T)

Find second shortest distance (closest distance is of point to itself, therefore use second shortest)

min.d <- apply(d, 1, function(x) order(x, decreasing=F)[2])

Construct new data frame with desired variables

newdata <- cbind(mydata, mydata[min.d,], apply(d, 1, function(x) sort(x, decreasing=F)[2]))

colnames(newdata) <- c(colnames(mydata), 'neighbor', 'n.lat', 'n.long', 'n.area', 'n.canopy', 'n.avg.depth', 'distance')

pond lat long area canopy avg.depth neighbor n.lat n.long n.area n.canopy n.avg.depth
6 A10 41.95928 -72.14605 1500 66 60.61538 Borrow.Pit.3 41.95546 -72.15375 0 0 29.22222
3 AA006 41.96431 -72.12100 250 0 57.77778 Blacksmith 41.95508 -72.12380 361 77 71.31250
2 Blacksmith 41.95508 -72.12380 361 77 71.31250 AA006 41.96431 -72.12100 250 0 57.77778
5 Borrow.Pit.1 41.95601 -72.15419 0 0 41.44444 Borrow.Pit.2 41.95571 -72.15413 0 0 37.70000
4 Borrow.Pit.2 41.95571 -72.15413 0 0 37.70000 Borrow.Pit.1 41.95601 -72.15419 0 0 41.44444
5.1 Borrow.Pit.3 41.95546 -72.15375 0 0 29.22222 Borrow.Pit.2 41.95571 -72.15413 0 0 37.70000
6.1 Boulder 41.91822 -72.14978 1392 98 43.53333 Borrow.Pit.3 41.95546 -72.15375 0 0 29.22222
6 0.0085954872
3 0.0096462277
2 0.0096462277
5 0.0003059412
4 0.0003059412
5.1 0.0004548626
6.1 0.0374480316

Edit: if coordinates are in degrees and you would like to calculate distance in kilometers, use package geosphere


d <- distm(sp.mydata)

# rest is the same

This should provide better results, if the points are scattered across the globe and coordinates are in degrees

Finding closest coordinates between two large data sets

I wrote up an answer referencing this thread. The function is modified to take care of reporting the distance and avoid hard-coding. Please note that it calculates Euclidean distance.

#Euclidean distance
mydist <- function(a, b, df1, x, y){

dt <- data.table(sqrt((df1[[x]]-a)^2 + (df1[[y]]-b)^2))

return(data.table(Closest.V1 = which.min(dt$V1),
Distance = dt[which.min(dt$V1)]))

setDT(df1)[, j = mydist(HIGH_PRCN_LAT, HIGH_PRCN_LON, setDT(df2),
by = list(id, HIGH_PRCN_LAT, HIGH_PRCN_LON)]
  #     id HIGH_PRCN_LAT HIGH_PRCN_LON Closest.V1 Distance.V1
# 1: 1 52.88144 -2.873778 5 0.7990743
# 2: 2 57.80945 -2.234544 8 2.1676868
# 3: 4 34.02335 -3.098445 10 1.4758202
# 4: 5 63.80879 -2.439163 3 4.2415854
# 5: 6 53.68881 -7.396112 2 3.6445416
# 6: 7 63.44628 -5.162345 3 2.3577811
# 7: 8 21.60755 -8.633113 9 8.2123762
# 8: 9 78.32444 3.813290 7 11.4936496
# 9: 10 66.85533 -3.994326 1 1.9296370
# 10: 3 51.62354 -8.906553 2 3.2180026

You can use RANN::nn2, but you need to make sure to use the right syntax. Following works!

#    nn.idx   nn.dists
# 1 5 0.7990743
# 2 8 2.1676868
# 3 10 1.4758202
# 4 3 4.2415854
# 5 2 3.6445416
# 6 3 2.3577811
# 7 9 8.2123762
# 8 7 11.4936496
# 9 1 1.9296370
# 10 2 3.2180026

Get K nearest neighbors based on latitude and longitude

You can use the FNN package to find the k-nearest-neighbours. It handles large amounts of data quite well, so even with large datasets you should be able to find the full ranking with this code:

# Add library
#> Warning: pakke 'FNN' blev bygget under R version 4.0.4

# Generate data
distance <-
location = c("first", "second", "third"),
lat = c(33.720792, 33.715187, 33.714848),
long = c(-84.468126, -84.468684, -84.454265)

# Find KNN
knn <- distance %>%
select(lat,long) %>%
get.knn(k = nrow(.) - 1)

#> $nn.index
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 2 3
#> [2,] 1 3
#> [3,] 2 1
#> $nn.dist
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 0.005632707 0.01508173
#> [2,] 0.005632707 0.01442298
#> [3,] 0.014422985 0.01508173

# Identify locations
loc <- knn$nn.index
loc[] <- distance$location[loc]
colnames(loc) <- paste0("neighbour_",1:ncol(loc))

#> neighbour_1 neighbour_2
#> [1,] "second" "third"
#> [2,] "first" "third"
#> [3,] "second" "first"

# final data
distance %>%
select(location) %>%
bind_cols(loc %>% as_tibble())
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#> location neighbour_1 neighbour_2
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 first second third
#> 2 second first third
#> 3 third second first

Created on 2021-03-25 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

find number of points within a radius in R using lon and lat coordinates

To get what you want from nn2, you need to:

  1. Specify the searchtype to be "radius". By not specifying the searchtype, the searchtype is set to standard and the radius input is ignored.
  2. Specify k to be nrow(mydata) because k is the maximum number of nearest neighbors to compute.

The manner in which you are calling nn2 will return the 100 nearest neighbors in mydata for each point in mydata. Consequently, you will get the same result for any radius. For example:


## simulate some data
lon = runif(100, -99.1, -99)
lat = runif(100, 33.9, 34)

## data is a 100 x 2 matrix (can also be data.frame)
mydata <- cbind(lon, lat)

radius <- 0.02 ## your radius
res <- nn2(mydata, k=nrow(mydata), searchtype="radius", radius = radius)
## prints total number of nearest neighbors (for all points) found using "radius"
##[1] 1224
res1 <- nn2(mydata, k=100, radius = radius)
## prints total number of nearest neighbors (for all points) found using your call
##[1] 10000

radius <- 0.03 ## increase radius
res <- nn2(mydata, k=nrow(mydata), searchtype="radius", radius = radius)
## prints total number of nearest neighbors (for all points) found using "radius"
##[1] 2366
res1 <- nn2(mydata, k=100, radius = radius)
## prints total number of nearest neighbors (for all points) found using your call
##[1] 10000

Note that according to its documentation ?nn2, nn2 returns a list with two elements:

  1. nn.idx: a nrow(query) x k matrix where each row contains the row indices of the k nearest neighbors in mydata to the point at that row in the collection of query points in query. In both of our calls, query=mydata. When called with searchtype="radius", if there are m < k neighbors within the given radius, then k - m of those index values will be set to 0. Since the set of query points is the same as mydata, the index to the point itself will be included.

  2. nn.dist: a nrow(query) x k matrix where each element contains the Euclidean distances for the corresponding nearest neighbor in nn.idx. Here, if the corresponding element in nn.idx is 0, then the value in nn.dist is set to 1.340781e+154.

With your call, you get 100 nearest neighbors for each point in mydata, hence length(which(res1$nn.idx>0))==10000 no matter what the radius is in the example.

Finally, you should note that because nn2 returns two nrow(mydata) x nrow(mydata) in your case, it can very easily overwhelm your memory if you have a lot of points.

Updated to specifically produce the result of getting the count of neighbors within a given radius.

To compute the number of neighbors within a radius of each point in the data, call nn2 as such

res <- nn2(mydata, k=nrow(mydata), searchtype="radius", radius = radius)

Then, do this:

count <- rowSums(res$nn.idx > 0) - 1


  1. Since query=mydata and k=nrow(mydata) the resulting res$nn.idx will be nrow(mydata) x nrow(mydata) as explained above.
  2. Each row i of res$nn.idx corresponds to row i in query, which is the i-th point in query=mydata. Call this i-th point p[i].
  3. Each row i of res$nn.idx contains the row indices of the neighbors of p[i] AND zeroes to fill that row in the matrix (because not all points in mydata will be within the radius of p[i]).
  4. Therefore, the number of neighbors of p[i] can be found by finding those values in the row that are greater than 0 and then counting them. This is what rowSums(res$nn.idx > 0) does for each row of res$nn.idx.
  5. Lastly, because query=mydata, the point being queried is in the count itself. That is, a point is the nearest neighbor to itself. Therefore subtract 1 from these counts to exclude that.

The resulting count will be a vector of the counts. The i-th element is the number of neighbors within the radius to the i-th point in query=mydata.

Hope this is clear.

Find closest points (lat / lon) from one data set to a second data set

Here is solution using a single loop and vectorizing the distance calculation (converted to km).

The code is using base R's rank function to order/sort the list of calculated distances.

The indexes and the calculated distances of the 3 shortest values are store back in data frame A.


A = data.frame(longitude = c(-2.3954998, -2.0650243, -2.0650542), latitude = c(55.32043, 55.59062, 55.60859))
B = data.frame(longitude = c(-2.4252843, -2.0650542, -2.0650243), latitude = c(55.15858, 55.60859, 55.59062))

for(i in 1:nrow(A)){
#calucate distance against all of B
distances<-geosphere::distGeo(A[i,], B)/1000
#rank the calculated distances
ranking<-rank(distances, ties.method = "first")

#find the 3 shortest and store the indexes of B back in A
A$shortest[i]<-which(ranking ==1) #Same as which.min()
A$short[i]<-which(ranking ==3)

#store the distances back in A
A$shortestD[i]<-distances[A$shortest[i]] #Same as min()

longitude latitude shortest shorter short shortestD shorterD shortD
1 -2.395500 55.32043 1 3 2 18.11777 36.633310 38.28952
2 -2.065024 55.59062 3 2 1 0.00000 2.000682 53.24607
3 -2.065054 55.60859 2 3 1 0.00000 2.000682 55.05710

As M Viking pointed out, for the geosphere package the data must be arranged Lon then Lat.

Successive nearest neighbors in R

Here's a solution using dplyr and looping that works for the sample data. I leave it as an exercise to reverse engineer it.


# df <- my_sample_data
first_point <- 1

neighbors_df <- tibble(sanimusho = numeric(), sanimusho_nb = numeric())

for(i in seq(nrow(df))) {
next_neighbor <- df %>%
filter(sanimusho == tail(c(first_point, neighbors_df$sanimusho_nb), 1)) %>%
merge(select(df, sanimusho_nb = sanimusho, X_nb = X, Y_nb = Y)) %>%
mutate(dist_nb = sqrt((X - X_nb) ^ 2 + (Y - Y_nb) ^ 2)) %>%
filter(sanimusho != sanimusho_nb, !(sanimusho_nb %in% neighbors_df$sanimusho)) %>%
top_n(-1, dist_nb + row_number()) %>%
select(-X_nb, -Y_nb)

if (nrow(next_neighbor) > 0) {
neighbors_df <- bind_rows(neighbors_df, next_neighbor)
} else {
neighbors_df <- bind_rows(neighbors_df, filter(df, sanimusho == tail(neighbors_df$sanimusho_nb, 1)))


# A tibble: 10 x 9
sanimusho sanimusho_nb Latitude Longitude Altitude fartobi X Y dist_nb
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 2 41.8 45.0 1435 18.4 498634. 4632847. 498.
2 2 10 41.8 45.0 1455 19.8 499123. 4632750. 1758.
3 10 9 41.8 45.0 1446 18.2 500864. 4632507. 141.
4 9 8 41.8 45.0 1479 18.4 500894. 4632645. 1379.
5 8 7 41.8 45.0 1556 19.4 502272. 4632590. 413.
6 7 6 41.8 45.0 1574 18.4 502658. 4632737. 249.
7 6 5 41.8 45.0 1668 18.2 502764. 4632963. 678.
8 5 3 41.8 45.0 1588 18.2 503414. 4632771. 358.
9 3 4 41.8 45.0 1545 18.6 503690. 4632544. 126.
10 4 NA 41.8 45.0 1509 18.4 503676. 4632418. NA

Finding closest point by comparing two data frames in R

I think you just need to iterate over each within AllStations and return the nearest of the ContaminantStations that is within a radius.

func <- function(stations, constations, radius = 250000) {
if (!NROW(stations) || !NROW(constations)) return()
if (length(radius) == 1 && NROW(constations) > 1) {
radius <- rep(radius, NROW(constations))
} else if (length(radius) != NROW(constations)) {
stop("'radius' must be length 1 or the same as the number of rows in 'constations'")
out <- integer(NROW(stations))
for (i in seq_len(NROW(stations))) {
dists <- geosphere::distHaversine(stations[i,], constations)
out[i] <- if (any(dists <= radius)) which.min(dists) else 0L

This returns a integer vector, indicating the contaminant station that is closest. If none are within the radius, then it returns 0. This is safely used as a row-index on the original frame.

Each argument must include only two columns, with the first column being longitude. (I make no assumptions of the column names in the function.) radius is in meters, consistent with the geosphere package assumptions.

ind <- func(AllStations[,c("long_coor", "lat_coor")], ContaminantStations[,c("longitude", "latitude")],
radius = 230000)
# [1] 0 6 6 6 0 0 6 6

These are indices on the ContaminantStations rows, where non-zero means that that contaminant station is the closest to the specific row of AllStations.

We can identify which contaminant station is closest with this (there are many ways to do this, including tidyverse and other techniques ... this is just a start).

AllStations$ClosestContaminantStation <- NA_character_
AllStations$ClosestContaminantStation[ind > 0] <- ContaminantStations$station[ind]
# site_no lat_coor long_coor ClosestContaminantStation
# 1 02110500 33.91267 -78.71502 <NA>
# 2 02110550 33.85083 -78.89722 USGS-021473426
# 3 02110701 33.86100 -79.04115 USGS-021473426
# 4 02110704 33.83295 -79.04365 USGS-021473426
# 5 02110760 33.74073 -78.86669 <NA>
# 6 02110777 33.85156 -78.65585 <NA>
# 7 021108044 33.65017 -79.12310 USGS-021473426
# 8 02110815 33.44461 -79.17393 USGS-021473426

A vis of your data for perspective:

ggplot of station locations

An alternative to this approach would be to return the distance and index of the closest contaminant station, regardless of the radius, allowing you to filter later.

func2 <- function(stations, constations, radius = 250000) {
if (!NROW(stations) || !NROW(constations)) return()
if (length(radius) == 1 && NROW(constations) > 1) {
radius <- rep(radius, NROW(constations))
} else if (length(radius) != NROW(constations)) {
stop("'radius' must be length 1 or the same as the number of rows in 'constations'")
out <- data.frame(ind = integer(NROW(stations)), dist = numeric(NROW(stations)))
for (i in seq_len(NROW(stations))) {
dists <- geosphere::distHaversine(stations[i,], constations)
out$ind[i] <- which.min(dists)
out$dist[i] <- min(dists)

Demonstration, including bringing the contaminant station into the same frame.

AllStations2 <- cbind(
func2(AllStations[,c("long_coor", "lat_coor")], ContaminantStations[,c("longitude", "latitude")])
# site_no lat_coor long_coor ind dist
# 1 02110500 33.91267 -78.71502 1 241971.5
# 2 02110550 33.85083 -78.89722 6 227650.6
# 3 02110701 33.86100 -79.04115 6 214397.8
# 4 02110704 33.83295 -79.04365 6 214847.7
# 5 02110760 33.74073 -78.86669 6 233190.8
# 6 02110777 33.85156 -78.65585 6 249519.7
# 7 021108044 33.65017 -79.12310 6 213299.3
# 8 02110815 33.44461 -79.17393 6 217378.9
AllStations3 <- cbind(
# site_no lat_coor long_coor ind dist station latitude longitude
# 1 02110500 33.91267 -78.71502 1 241971.5 USGS-02146110 34.88928 -81.06869
# 6 02110550 33.85083 -78.89722 6 227650.6 USGS-021473426 34.24320 -81.31954
# 6.1 02110701 33.86100 -79.04115 6 214397.8 USGS-021473426 34.24320 -81.31954
# 6.2 02110704 33.83295 -79.04365 6 214847.7 USGS-021473426 34.24320 -81.31954
# 6.3 02110760 33.74073 -78.86669 6 233190.8 USGS-021473426 34.24320 -81.31954
# 6.4 02110777 33.85156 -78.65585 6 249519.7 USGS-021473426 34.24320 -81.31954
# 6.5 021108044 33.65017 -79.12310 6 213299.3 USGS-021473426 34.24320 -81.31954
# 6.6 02110815 33.44461 -79.17393 6 217378.9 USGS-021473426 34.24320 -81.31954

From here, you can choose your radius at will:

subset(AllStations3, dist < 230000)
# site_no lat_coor long_coor ind dist station latitude longitude
# 6 02110550 33.85083 -78.89722 6 227650.6 USGS-021473426 34.2432 -81.31954
# 6.1 02110701 33.86100 -79.04115 6 214397.8 USGS-021473426 34.2432 -81.31954
# 6.2 02110704 33.83295 -79.04365 6 214847.7 USGS-021473426 34.2432 -81.31954
# 6.5 021108044 33.65017 -79.12310 6 213299.3 USGS-021473426 34.2432 -81.31954
# 6.6 02110815 33.44461 -79.17393 6 217378.9 USGS-021473426 34.2432 -81.31954

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