Custom Sorting (Non-Alphabetical)

Custom sorting (non-alphabetical)

The levels should be specified explicitly:

A$animal <- factor(A$animal, levels = c("dog", "elephant","cat"))
A$color <- factor(A$color, levels = c("green", "blue", "red"))

Then you order by the 2 columns simultaneously:


# animal color
# 6 dog green
# 4 dog blue
# 5 dog red
# 9 elephant green
# 7 elephant blue
# 8 elephant red
# 3 cat green
# 1 cat blue
# 2 cat red

How to custom sort in JavaScript? Not alphabetical or numerical

A solution for more than only the listed words, with precedence of the listed words.

var data = [        'Salisbury', 'Charlotte', 'Frankfurt', 'Düsseldorf', 'Raleigh',        'Cary', 'Wilson', 'High Point', 'Wake', 'New Jersey'    ],    customSort = [        'Salisbury', 'High Point', 'Wake', 'Charlotte', 'Raleigh',        'Cary', 'Wilson'    ],    customLookup = customSort.reduce(function (r, a, i) {        r[a] = ('000'+i).slice(-4); return r;    }, {}),    customSortFn = function (a, b) {        return (customLookup[a] || a).localeCompare(customLookup[b] || b);    };
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(data.sort(customSortFn), 0, 4) + '</pre>');

Sorting rows into non-alphabetical customized order

We can do this in base R

i1 <- with(df, ave(seq_len(nrow(df)), as.integer(gl(nrow(df), 3, 
nrow(df))), FUN = function(i) c(i[c(2, 1, 3)])))
out <- df[i1,]
row.names(out) <- NULL
# Name Code
#1 Gas 2
#2 Tax 1
#3 Gas 2
#4 Gas 2
#5 Tax 1
#6 Gas 2
#7 Lunch 2
#8 Tax 1
#9 Lunch 2
#10 Car 2
#11 Tax 1
#12 Car 2

Or with tidyverse

df %>% # initial dataset
uncount(Code, .remove = FALSE) %>%
mutate(rn = row_number()) %>%
group_by(grp = gl(n(), 3, n())) %>%
slice(c(2, 1, 3)) %>%
ungroup %>%
select(-rn, -grp)

Custom sort of a string array non-alphabetical

I would make an array of the letters of the alphabet, in the order that they should be sorted. Let's call this array sort. You could then do something like

for (int i = 0; i < s1.Length; i++)
int s1Value = sort.IndexOf(s1[i]);
int s2Value = sort.IndexOf(s2[i]);

if(s1Value > s2Value)
return 1;

if(s2Value > s1Value)
return -1;

return 0;

Now a few disclaimers.

  1. I might have my -1 and 1 mixed up. I haven't looked at ICompare in a while and I forget which is which.
  2. This does not handle the two strings being different lengths.
  3. I have not tested this code.

You could improve on this by making a custom class to assign a weight to each character.

class CustomAlphabetSort
public char Character { get; set; }
public int Weight { get; set; }

From here you can sum of the value for each letter of a string and do the comparison that way. It might be a little more complex than your situation requires

Sort an array of object by a property (with custom order, not alphabetically)

You could take an object for the wanted order.

var array = [{ code: "RED", value: 0 }, { code: "BLUE", value: 0 }, { code: "RED", value: 0 }, { code: "GREEN", value: 0 }, { code: "BLUE", value: 0 }, { code: "RED", value: 0 }, { code: "GREEN", value: 0 }, { code: "BLUE", value: 0 }],
order = { GREEN: 1, BLUE: 2, RED: 3 };

array.sort(function (a, b) {
return order[a.code] - order[b.code];

.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

How to sort a data frame by user-defined (e.g. non-alphabetic order)

You need to specify the levels in factor and then use order with indexing:

zz <- "chrom   start
chr2 39482
chr1 203918
chr1 198282
chrX 7839028
chr17 3874"
Data <- read.table(text=zz, header = TRUE)


Data$chrom <- reorder.factor(Data$chrom , levels = c("chr1","chr2", "chr17", "chrX"))

Data[order(Data$chrom), ]
chrom start
2 chr1 203918
3 chr1 198282
1 chr2 39482
5 chr17 3874
4 chrX 7839028

or you can use this:

> Data$chrom  <- factor(chrom , levels = c("chr1","chr2", "chr17", "chrX"))
> Data[order(Data$chrom), ]
chrom start
2 chr1 203918
3 chr1 198282
1 chr2 39482
5 chr17 3874
4 chrX 7839028

or use this:

> Data$chrom <- reorder(Data$chrom, new.order=c("chr1","chr2", "chr17", "chrX"))
> Data[order(Data$chrom), ]

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