Offline Install of R Package and Dependencies

Offline install of R package and dependencies

The correct answer was given by Joshua Ulrich in the comment on the question:

The key is prefixing the argument to either repos or contriburl with file://. So in Unixy systems one could do:

install.packages("ggplot2", contriburl="file:///path/to/packages/")

This assumes that all required source packages, as well as a PACKAGES index file is available in /path/to/packages. If no PACKAGES file is present, this should be generated first using:


which will generate an index of all source packages found in this directory. Note that in the example, there are 3 slashes behind the file: prefix. The third slash indicates a path relative to the root of the file system.

The difference between the repos and contriburl argument is that repos will append another /src/contrib to the path specified, as this is usually where source packages are located on an official CRAN repository mirror.

R: How do I install packages and dependencies offline

I would suggest miniCRAN and specifically the pkgDep function to take care of all the dependency stuff. For example


pkgs <- c("tidyverse", "data.table", "RODBC", "RJDBC", "fasttime", "tidyr",
"knitr", "randomForest", "RMySQL", "jsonlite")
pkgList <- pkgDep(pkgs, type = "source", suggests = FALSE)
makeRepo(pkgList, path="/path/to/packages/", type = c("source"))

And then you would install from the repo with

install.packages(pkgs, repos="file://path/to/packages/", type="source")

Offline installation of a list of packages: getting dependencies in order

The package miniCRAN can help with this. You tell miniCRAN the list of packages you would ever want to install, it then figures out the dependencies, downloads those packages and creates a repository on your local machine that behaves like CRAN, i.e. it respects install.packages() etc.

More information:

  • Available on CRAN

  • Read the vignette

  • We are actively developing miniCRAN. Track progress and find the latest development version at github miniCRAN repository

  • See the project wiki for links to presentations, blog posts and more

To install from the local miniCRAN repository, you have two options.

  1. Firstly, you can use the URI convention file:///. e.g.

    install.packages("ggplot2", repos="file:///path/to/file/")
  2. Alternatively, you can configure the destination as an HTTP server and make your repository available via a URL. In this case, your local repository will look and feel exactly like a CRAN mirror, other than it only contains your desired packages.

R script: Installing packages from offline miniCRAN, still tries to access internet

My bad. The script should look like this:

repos = paste0("file:///", "C:/Temp/miniCRAN/"),
type = "source")

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