R: Calculating 5 Year Averages in Panel Data

R: Calculating 5 year averages in panel data

This is the stuff aggregate is made for. :

Df <- data.frame(
var1 = c(1:20,51:70),
var2 = c(20:1,70:51)

Level <-cut(Df$year,seq(1951,1971,by=5),right=F)
id <- c("var1","var2")

> aggregate(Df[id],list(Df$country,Level),mean)
Group.1 Group.2 var1 var2
1 Arg [1951,1956) 3 18
2 Ven [1951,1956) 53 68
3 Arg [1956,1961) 8 13
4 Ven [1956,1961) 58 63
5 Arg [1961,1966) 13 8
6 Ven [1961,1966) 63 58
7 Arg [1966,1971) 18 3
8 Ven [1966,1971) 68 53

The only thing you might want to do, is to rename the categories and the variable names.

How can I create 5 year averages for multiple countries in a panel data set?

To create the averages, with dplyr you can do:

df %>%
arrange(Country, Year) %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
mutate(Period = gl(ceiling(n() / 5), 5, length = n())) %>%
group_by(Country, Country_Code, Period) %>%

Country Country_Code Period Year GINI Trade_Openness Financial_Openness HMI
<chr> <chr> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Argentina ARG 1 1993 46.6 55.8 88.4 5.2
2 Argentina ARG 2 1996. 48.8 55.3 86.8 4.7
3 United_States USA 1 1993 57.7 57.6 79.6 5.87
4 United_States USA 2 1996. 56.8 60.9 78.9 6.15

Sample data:

df <- read.table(text = "
Country Country_Code Year GINI Trade_Openness Financial_Openness HMI
United_States USA 1991 60.4 45.71 81.4 5.56
United_States USA 1992 50.6 65.1 80.7 6.00
United_States USA 1993 56.1 61.0 79.1 6.1
United_States USA 1994 59.1 62.07 80.7 5.7
United_States USA 1995 62.5 54.34 76.0 6.0
United_States USA 1996 56.9 60.09 79.8 6.4
United_States USA 1997 56.8 61.7 78.1 5.9
Argentina ARG 1991 45.9 54.8 91.2 4.6
Argentina ARG 1992 47.1 56.1 87.1 4.7
Argentina ARG 1993 42.7 56.9 89.8 6.1
Argentina ARG 1994 47.1 55.1 88.1 5.9
Argentina ARG 1995 50.0 56.1 85.7 4.7
Argentina ARG 1996 49.0 54.0 87.2 4.5
Argentina ARG 1997 48.7 56.6 86.5 4.9 ",
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

calculate 5 year average of panel data with factors kept

The warnning results from that summarise_all(mean) calculates averages not only on var1 & var2 but on state & country. If you want to keep state and country as grouping columns, you should put them into group_by():


df %>%
group_by(county, state, country,
period = cut(year, seq(2011, 2021, by = 5), right = FALSE)) %>%
summarise_all(mean) %>%

# # A tibble: 10 × 7
# county state country period year var1 var2
# <chr> <chr> <chr> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 a A AA [2011,2016) 2013 33.1 69.7
# 2 a A AA [2016,2021) 2018 24.7 73.6
# 3 b B BB [2011,2016) 2013 27.6 72.3
# 4 b B BB [2016,2021) 2018 24.7 83.1
# 5 c C CC [2011,2016) 2013 38.7 75.7
# 6 c C CC [2016,2021) 2018 22.8 66.8
# 7 d D DD [2011,2016) 2013 33.8 72.2
# 8 d D DD [2016,2021) 2018 20.0 83.7
# 9 e E EE [2011,2016) 2013 14.9 71.0
# 10 e E EE [2016,2021) 2018 19.6 70.4

If the grouping columns are simply county and period, and other categorical variables are unique in each group, you could keep them by just leaving the first values with first() while doing summarise().

df %>%
period = cut(year, seq(2011, 2021, by = 5), right = FALSE)) %>%
summarise(across(!where(is.numeric), first),
across( where(is.numeric), mean)) %>%

Compute Average values in panel data R

You can use summarize or mutate:

Using summarize will fully aggregate your data to provide only the grouping variable (ID number for each firm) and the mean.

df %>% 
group_by(BvD_ID_Number) %>%
summarize(TotalAsset_Average = round(mean(TotalAsset),0))

This gives us:

  BvD_ID_Number TotalAsset_Average
<chr> <dbl>
1 FR810911719 1697
2 GBFC024701 124191
3 GBFC032748 6318.
4 GBFC32536 72912
5 GBFC32699 92878.

Using mutate

df %>% 
group_by(BvD_ID_Number) %>%
mutate(TotalAsset_Average = round(mean(TotalAsset),0))

This gives us:

# A tibble: 10 x 4
# Groups: BvD_ID_Number [5]
BvD_ID_Number Year TotalAsset TotalAsset_Average
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 FR810911719 2017 2220 1697
2 FR810911719 2016 1174 1697
3 GBFC024701 2018 124726 124191
4 GBFC024701 2017 126010 124191
5 GBFC024701 2016 121837 124191
6 GBFC32536 2017 72912 72912
7 GBFC32699 2016 111298 92878
8 GBFC32699 2015 74457 92878
9 GBFC032748 2017 6579 6318
10 GBFC032748 2016 6056 6318


structure(list(BvD_ID_Number = c("FR810911719", "FR810911719", 
"GBFC024701", "GBFC024701", "GBFC024701", "GBFC32536", "GBFC32699",
"GBFC32699", "GBFC032748", "GBFC032748"), Year = c(2017, 2016,
2018, 2017, 2016, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2017, 2016), TotalAsset = c(2220,
1174, 124726, 126010, 121837, 72912, 111298, 74457, 6579, 6056
)), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"

Taking a 3 year average across in a panel data set with NAs

Here's how you can do that with package dplyr. Basically, you first create a "year group" using mutate. I used ifelse but it you have more groups, you should consider looking at case_when although nested ifelse will work. Then, we summarise by country and Year_group.

df1 <- read.table(text="Country Year Var1 Var2
USA 2010 5 3
USA 2011 6 5
USA 2012 NA 8
USA 2013 4 NA
USA 2014 NA 6
USA 2015 6 9
CHN 2010 NA 5
CHN 2011 7 NA
CHN 2012 6 NA
CHN 2013 4 4
CHN 2014 NA 6
CHN 2015 NA 8
EGY 2010 3 NA
EGY 2011 3 5
EGY 2012 3 6
EGY 2013 NA 8
EGY 2014 NA NA
EGY 2015 NA 2",header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

Country Year_group Mean_var1 Mean_var2
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 CHN 2010-2012 6.5 5.000000
2 CHN 2013-2016 4.0 6.000000
3 EGY 2010-2012 3.0 5.500000
4 EGY 2013-2016 NaN 5.000000
5 USA 2010-2012 5.5 5.333333
6 USA 2013-2016 5.0 7.500000

R: Formula for moving average for panel data

It is slightly easier if you are willing to use packages but since the question asks for base R, using only that we have the following. ave applies roll to new_value by code_ID and roll is implemented by taking row means of embed or using filter or a combination of cumsum and diff

roll <- function(x, n = 7) c(rep(NA, n-1), rowMeans(embed(x, n)))
dat2 <- transform(dat, mean7 = ave(new_value, code_ID, FUN = roll))

or use one of these alternatives for roll:

roll2 <- function(x, n = 7) stats::filter(x, rep(1, n) / n, sides = 1)

roll3 <- function(x, n = 7) c(rep(NA, n-1), diff(cumsum(c(0, x)), n)/n)

roll4 <- function(x, n = 7) c(rep(NA, n-1), apply(embed(x, n), 1, mean))

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