Keyboard Shortcut for Inserting Roxygen #' Comment Start

Keyboard shortcut for inserting roxygen #' comment start

You could use an RStudio addin, you'll need a fairly recent version of RStudio. I've just created an RStudio addin that comments/uncomments using roxygen2 tags, i.e. works just like code commenting, but with #'. The addin is hosted on github.

Just install and attach a convenient keyboard shortcut.

If you are interested in other available addins, see the addinmanager addin.

Knitr:spin - how to add text without manually adding #' every line?

In RStudio v 1.1.28, starting a line with #' causes the next line to start with #' when I hit enter in a *.R file on my machine (Ubuntu Linux 16.04LTS).

So as long as you start a text chunk with it, it will continue. But for previously existing R scripts, it looks like you would have to use find -> replace, or write a function to modify the required file, this worked for me in a very simple test.

comment_replace <- function(in_file, out_file = in_file){
in_text <- scan(file = in_file, what = character(), sep = "\n")
out_text <- gsub("^# ", "#' ", in_text)
cat(out_text, sep = "\n", file = out_file)

I would note, that this function does not check for preexisting #', you would want to build that in. I modified it so that it shouldn't replace them too much by adding a space in the regular expression.

Remove Hashes in R Output from R Markdown and Knitr

You can include in your chunk options something like

comment=NA # to remove all hashes


comment='%' # to use a different character

More help on knitr available from here:

If you are using R Markdown as you mentioned, your chunk could look like this:

```{r comment=NA}

If you want to change this globally, you can include a chunk in your document:

```{r include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA)

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