Binning Data in R

Binning data in R with the same output as in spreadsheet

You have to sum up the score not the number of cases to come to the same values.

aggregate(xx$score, list(cut(xx$values, brks, right=FALSE, ordered_result = TRUE)), sum)
# Group.1 x
#1 [4,4.5) 15
#2 [4.5,5) 106
#3 [5,5.5) 100
#4 [5.5,6) 142
#5 [6,6.5) 148
#6 [6.5,7) 95
#7 [7,7.5) 25
#8 [7.5,8) 27

Or updating your code:

xx <- data.table(xx)
xx[, bins := cut(values, brks, right=FALSE, ordered_result = TRUE)]
dcast(xx, bins ~ year, sum, value.var = "score")



xx <- data.frame(
year = 2015,
values = iris$Sepal.Length,
score = sample(1:8, nrow(iris), replace = TRUE))
brks <- seq(0, ceiling(max(xx$values)), 0.5)

Binning data by time in R

You can use floor_date to round down the Time for each minute and take sum in each group.


df %>%
mutate(Time = ymd_hms(Time)) %>%
group_by(ID, Time = floor_date(Time, "1 min")) %>%
summarise(Data = sum(Data))

Incrementally binning a data frame by a single variable while taking mean across all others

One dplyr option could be:

stations %>%
mutate(cond = Depths %/% 1,
Depths = if_else(abs(Depths - cond) > abs(Depths - (cond + 1)),
cond + 1,
cond)) %>%
group_by(Station, Depths) %>%
summarise(rand = mean(rand))

Station Depths rand
<fct> <dbl> <dbl>
1 stn_1 0 69.6
2 stn_1 1 70.9
3 stn_1 2 69.5
4 stn_1 3 70.7
5 stn_1 4 70.5
6 stn_1 5 69.4
7 stn_1 6 69.2
8 stn_1 7 69.7
9 stn_1 8 70.1
10 stn_2 0 20.1

A binning procedure in R?

perhaps something like this:


 set.seed(12345) # setting seed
y<-seq(from=min(x)-1, to=max(x)+1, by=0.01)
nbins<-cut(y, 17)

step 1:

for all possible cuts find if any elements of x is in all bins:

p =lapply(3 : length(x), function(i){
nbins<-cut(y, i)
z = lapply(levels(nbins), function(j) y[nbins == j])
sumi = lapply(z, function(i) {
mini = min(i)
maxi = max(i)
sum(mini <= x & x <= maxi)
return(sum(unlist(sumi)>0) == length(sumi))

which(unlist(p)), only first 4 satisfy the rule, so 3, 4, 5, 6

step 2:

put values in a list according to bin:

z = lapply(levels(nbins), function(x) y[nbins == x] )

perform function of interest per list item

lapply(z, median) #median for each bin

lapply(z, function(i) {
mini = min(i)
maxi = max(i)
sum(mini <= x & x <= maxi)
) #number of elements of x in each bin

Based on the result some bins have 0 elements from x so bins 17 does not solve your problem at step 1.

EDIT: on the problem with missing x:

sum(unlist(lapply(z, function(i) {
mini = min(i)
maxi = max(i)
sum(mini <= x & x <= maxi)
))) is less than 100 in many cases

which x are missing:

nbins<-cut(y, 8) 
z = lapply(levels(nbins), function(x) y[nbins == x])
gix = lapply(z, function(i) {
mini = min(i)
maxi = max(i)
x[mini <= x & x <= maxi]
x[!x %in% unlist(gix)]

#-1.6620502 -0.8115405

so they should be in bins (-1.67,-0.812] and (-0.812,0.0446]
and are in fact close to the bin cutoff.

This is happening since y is rounded at two decimals. For instance if we bin a sequence: 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, and 0.04 and cut it in 2 bins that split the data at 0.025, we would get bin 1: 0.01 - 0.02 and bin 2: 0.03 - 0.04, if we then try to assign some random x value from range 0.01 - 0.04, based only on y values present in bins we would not assign anything in 0.02 - 0.03 range - hence the missing values.

A possible solution is to round x to 2 since you already did a seq rounded to 2. Or do a seq with y values rounded at 4 - 6 decimals and round x accordingly. Or instead of assigning x based on min(yi) and max(yi) in bin i, replace min(yi) <= x with max(yi-1) < x (max(yi) from bin i-1), and replace x <= max(yi) with x < min(yi+1).
Here is the simplest solution with rounding x at 2 decimals.

p =lapply(2 : length(x), function(i){
nbins<-cut(y, i)
z = lapply(levels(nbins), function(j) y[nbins == j])
sumi = lapply(z, function(i) {
mini = min(i)
maxi = max(i)
p = round(x, 2)
sum(mini <= p & p <= maxi)
return(sum(unlist(sumi)>0) == length(sumi))

that will at least solve the problem of missing x elements

the solution to the optimization problem is the same tho

which(unlist(p)), only first 4 satisfy the rule, so 3, 4, 5, 6

binning rows into ranges (dplyr/R)

try this


df <- data.frame(var1 = round(runif(100)*20, 0),
var2 = round(runif(100)*20, 0))

df <- df %>% mutate(var3 = ifelse(var1 <= 5 & var2 <= 5, "a", ifelse(var1 <= 10 & var2 <= 10, "b", "c")))

to check


df %>%
ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x=var1, y= var2, color= var3))

Sample Image

Better way of binning data in a group in a data frame by equal intervals

Here is one idea via integer division (%/%)


test %>%
group_by(Id, grp = cumulative_time %/% 10) %>%
summarise(toatal_duration = sum(duration))

which gives,

# A tibble: 6 x 3
# Groups: Id [?]
Id grp toatal_duration
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 0 1018
2 1 1 53
3 1 2 2175.
4 2 0 684
5 2 1 780
6 2 2 175

To address your updated issue, we can use complete in order to add the missing rows. So, for the same example, binning in hours of 3,

test %>%
group_by(Id, grp = cumulative_time %/% 3) %>%
summarise(toatal_duration = sum(duration)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
complete(Id, grp = seq(min(grp), max(grp)), fill = list(toatal_duration = 0))

which gives,

     # A tibble: 20 x 3
Id grp toatal_duration
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 0 188
2 1 1 124
3 1 2 706
4 1 3 53
5 1 4 0
6 1 5 0
7 1 6 0
8 1 7 669
9 1 8 0
10 1 9 1506.
11 2 0 335
12 2 1 349
13 2 2 0
14 2 3 0
15 2 4 395
16 2 5 0
17 2 6 385
18 2 7 175
19 2 8 0
20 2 9 0

Efficiently Binning Data into specified bins with dplyr

fuzzyjoin implements dplyr range/interval joins:


by = c('Wavelength' = 'Lambda_Start', 'Wavelength' = 'Lambda_End')
# A tibble: 52 x 5
Wavelength Sigma Bin_Number Lambda_Start Lambda_End
<int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 289 3.98e-20 1 289 298.
2 290 3.89e-20 1 289 298.
3 291 3.77e-20 1 289 298.
4 292 3.64e-20 1 289 298.
5 293 3.54e-20 1 289 298.
6 294 3.39e-20 1 289 298.
7 295 3.25e-20 1 289 298.
8 296 3.09e-20 1 289 298.
9 297 2.93e-20 1 289 298.
10 298 2.80e-20 1 289 298.
# … with 42 more rows

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