Reading a CSV File with Repeated Row Names in R

reading a csv file with repeated row names in R

the function is seeing duplicate row names, so you need to deal with that. Probably the easiest way is with row.names=NULL, which will force row numbering--in other words, it treats your first column as the first dimension and not as the row numbers, and so adds row numbers (consecutive integers starting with "1".

read.csv("S1N657.csv", header=T,fill=T, col.names=c("dam","anim","temp"), row.names=NULL)

How to read a CSV file with row.names = 1?

The only way that I've found to do this is:

data <- read.csv("C:/example.csv")

duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed error

Then tell read.table not to use row.names:

systems <- read.table("", 
header=TRUE, sep=",", row.names=NULL)

and now your rows will simply be numbered.

Also look at read.csv which is a wrapper for read.table which already sets the sep=',' and header=TRUE arguments so that your call simplifies to

systems <- read.csv("", row.names=NULL)

reading a csv file with repeated row names in R

the function is seeing duplicate row names, so you need to deal with that. Probably the easiest way is with row.names=NULL, which will force row numbering--in other words, it treats your first column as the first dimension and not as the row numbers, and so adds row numbers (consecutive integers starting with "1".

read.csv("S1N657.csv", header=T,fill=T, col.names=c("dam","anim","temp"), row.names=NULL)

Combining multiple .csv files using row.names

We may do this in tidyverse

map(count_lists, ~ .x %>%
rownames_to_column('rn')) %>%
reduce(full_join, by = 'rn') %>%
mutate(across(everything(), replace_na, 0))

Importing multiple .csv files into R adding condition (row.names=1)

If you call a function using lapply, you don't write arguments in braces as you would when you call the function itself. Instead, just add the argument like:

x = lapply(
X = setNames(temp, make.names(gsub("*.csv$", "", temp))),
FUN = read.csv, row.names = 1
envir = .GlobalEnv

read.csv row.names

read.csv only assumes there are any row names if there are less values in the header than in the other rows. So somehow you are either missing a column name or have an extra column you don't want.

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