How to Flip Rows and Columns in R

How do I flip rows and columns in R

Assuming you have this data frame df, see data below.

  Country.Name 1997 1998 1999 2000
1 Country1 1 1 1 1
2 Country2 2 4 7 10
3 Country3 4 2 1 5

First you have to transpose all data frame except the first column. The result being a matrix that we need to convert to a data frame. Finally, we assign as column names of df2the first column of the original data frame df.

df2 <- data.frame(t(df[-1]))
colnames(df2) <- df[, 1]


     Country1 Country2 Country3
1997 1 2 4
1998 1 4 2
1999 1 7 1
2000 1 10 5


df <- structure(list(Country.Name = c("Country1", "Country2", "Country3"
), `1997` = c(1L, 2L, 4L), `1998` = c(1L, 4L, 2L), `1999` = c(1L,
7L, 1L), `2000` = c(1L, 10L, 5L)), .Names = c("Country.Name",
"1997", "1998", "1999", "2000"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

How can I transpose my dataframe so that the rows and columns switch in r?

There are two ways you can do this. The first one is using t to just transpose the dataframe as if it would be a matrix (indeed the result of t is a matrix, not a dataframe).

The other option is to take the tidy data approach and use tidyr::spread along with tidyr::gather. Both have similar results although the second one is more versatile as it can be applied partially. Also notice that when using t the first column (which has type chr) will become the first row in the new matrix and therefore the entire matrix will be converted into a chr matrix, while gather+spread keeps the columns numeric.


df <- read.table(text = "Age Kodiak Banana Banff Montreal Fairfax
Age_1 5 6 7 9 2
Age_2 7 6 4 3 2
Age_3 5 3 8 5 9", header = T)

#> [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> Age "Age_1" "Age_2" "Age_3"
#> Kodiak "5" "7" "5"
#> Banana "6" "6" "3"
#> Banff "7" "4" "8"
#> Montreal "9" "3" "5"
#> Fairfax "2" "2" "9"

df %>%
gather("location", "value", 2:ncol(df)) %>%
spread(Age, value)
#> location Age_1 Age_2 Age_3
#> 1 Banana 6 6 3
#> 2 Banff 7 4 8
#> 3 Fairfax 2 2 9
#> 4 Kodiak 5 7 5
#> 5 Montreal 9 3 5

how do you flip rows to columns in r?

With tidyverse, we can use pivot_wider to get the data into the wide format.


df %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "Market", values_from = "N")


  Date     First Second Third
<chr> <int> <int> <int>
1 11/21/21 2 3 4
2 11/22/21 9 6 7


df <- structure(list(Market = c("First", "Second", "Third", "First", 
"Second", "Third"), Date = c("11/21/21", "11/21/21", "11/21/21",
"11/22/21", "11/22/21", "11/22/21"), N = c(2L, 3L, 4L, 9L, 6L,
7L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -6L))

How to flip column variable names to row labels?

You can use pivot_longer and pivot_wider -


df %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -Trial_Type) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Trial_Type, values_from = value)

# name Pre Post
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 CT_tib_all 0.244 0.254
#2 CT_lum_all 0.209 0.211
#3 CT_tho_all 0.309 0.302
#4 CT_gps_all 0.315 0.313
#5 CT_vest_all 0.31 0.316

In data.table -


dcast(melt(setDT(df), id.vars = 'Trial_Type'),
variable~Trial_Type, vvalue.var = 'value')

Summarize and Transpose rows to columns in R

You can take the following approach:


df %>%
group_by(Program) %>%
`Mean Age` = mean(Age),
ENG = sum(Language=="Eng"),
KOR = sum(Language=="Kor"),
Female = sum(Gender=="F"),
Male = sum(Gender=="M"),


# A tibble: 3 x 6
Program `Mean Age` ENG KOR Female Male
<chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 A 23.3 2 1 2 1
2 B 22 0 1 0 2
3 C 53 0 0 1 0

Note: .groups is a special variable for dplyr functions. The way it's used here is equivalent to using %>% ungroup() after the calculation. If you type any other name in the summarise function, it will assume it's a column name.

Transpose columns to rows in R dataframe

We may use pivot_longer

pivot_longer(df, cols = starts_with('cheese'),
names_to = c("product", ".value"), names_sep = "\\.",
values_transform = list(kg = as.integer))


# A tibble: 6 × 4
level1 column.other product kg
<chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
1 A yes cheese1 58
2 A yes cheese2 11
3 B yes cheese1 63
4 B yes cheese2 22
5 C yes cheese1 33
6 C yes cheese2 20

How to transpose a dataframe in tidyverse?

Try with add_rownames

add_rownames(mtcars) %>% 
gather(var, value, -rowname) %>%
spread(rowname, value)

In the newer version, rownames_to_column replaces add_rownames

mtcars %>%
rownames_to_column %>%
gather(var, value, -rowname) %>%
spread(rowname, value)

In the even newer version, pivot_wider replaces spread:

mtcars %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
pivot_longer(-rowname) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=rowname, values_from=value)

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