Replace Blank Cells with Character

Replace blank cells with character

An example data frame:

dat <- read.table(text = "
191 ''
282 A
202 ''
210 B")

You can use sub to replace the empty strings with "N":

dat$V2 <- sub("^$", "N", dat$V2)

# V1 V2
# 1 191 N
# 2 282 A
# 3 202 N
# 4 210 B

How to replace empty cells of a particular column in a list with a character in R

Here is a reproducible example (R Version 4.1.0)


my_list <- list(
data.frame(a = 1:5, Event = c(6, "", "", 9, ""), c = 11:15),
data.frame(a = 1:5, Event = c("", "", "", 8, 9), c = 16:20)

lapply(my_list, FUN = \(x) {
x |> mutate(Event = case_when(Event == "" ~ "No event", TRUE ~ Event))

For earlier R versions:

lapply(my_list, FUN = function(x) {
x %>% mutate(Event = case_when(Event == "" ~ "No event", TRUE ~ Event))

Replace blank cell with no in R

Work on the factor levels:

DF <- read.table(text = 'ID  Score  
1. A
2. " "
3. B
4. " "
5. C', header = TRUE)
levels(DF$Score)[levels(DF$Score) == " "] <- "no"
# ID Score
#1 1 A
#2 2 no
#3 3 B
#4 4 no
#5 5 C

This is very efficient since there are usually far less factor levels than elements in your vector.

Excel Office Scripts - Replace blank cells with the text null

This worked for me ...

function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook)
let worksheet = workbook.getWorksheet("Source");
let table = worksheet.getTable("Source");

let statusColumn = table.getColumnByName("Status");
let statusColumnRange = statusColumn.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal();

let emptyStatusCells = statusColumnRange.getSpecialCells(ExcelScript.SpecialCellType.blanks);

if (emptyStatusCells != undefined) {
let rangeAreas = emptyStatusCells.getAreas();

rangeAreas.forEach(range => {
let values = range.getValues();

values.forEach(cellValue => {
cellValue[0] = "null";


// Add additional logic here once the blank cells are dealt with.

How do you replace blanks with character string in a filtered dataframe in R?

Using grepl:

df_1$bdl[grepl("U", df_1$qual)]="<"


    qual bdl
1 U <
2 UJ <
3 <NA> <
4 J
5 U- <
6 UU <
7 <NA>
8 U <

Replace Blank/empty cell with a string value

You could just use the .Replace Method with the range. It would be much quicker.

Range("AS22:AU" & LastRow).Replace "", "Greens", xlWhole

Replacing blank values (white space) with NaN in pandas

I think df.replace() does the job, since pandas 0.13:

df = pd.DataFrame([
[-0.532681, 'foo', 0],
[1.490752, 'bar', 1],
[-1.387326, 'foo', 2],
[0.814772, 'baz', ' '],
[-0.222552, ' ', 4],
[-1.176781, 'qux', ' '],
], columns='A B C'.split(), index=pd.date_range('2000-01-01','2000-01-06'))

# replace field that's entirely space (or empty) with NaN
print(df.replace(r'^\s*$', np.nan, regex=True))


                   A    B   C
2000-01-01 -0.532681 foo 0
2000-01-02 1.490752 bar 1
2000-01-03 -1.387326 foo 2
2000-01-04 0.814772 baz NaN
2000-01-05 -0.222552 NaN 4
2000-01-06 -1.176781 qux NaN

As Temak pointed it out, use df.replace(r'^\s+$', np.nan, regex=True) in case your valid data contains white spaces.

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