Facebook Search by Keyword

Facebook search by keyword

Yes, that is true. Public Post Search is gone and there is no alternative, so you can´t search by keyword anymore.

Changelog: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/changelog

Edit: It is not in the changelog anymore, seems to be too old. Either way, the answer is still correct.

Facebook keyword search with 'OR' condition



Queries are of the form SELECT [fields] FROM [table] WHERE
. Unlike SQL, the FQL FROM clause can contain only a
single table. You can use the IN keyword in SELECT or WHERE
clauses to do subqueries, but the subqueries cannot reference
variables in the outer query's scope. Your query must also be
indexable, meaning that it queries properties that are marked as
indexable in the documentation below.

FQL can handle simple math, basic boolean operators, AND or NOT
logical operators, and ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses. ORDER BY can
contain only a single table.

So no, there is no OR operator in FQL. However you can write field in ('Ann', 'Kevin') and this will work like OR operator.

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