Read List of File Names from Web into R

Extract list of files with column of files names in R


data_files$filename = basename(rownames(data_files))

list files from https sever using R

The following works for me:


df <- readHTMLTable(content(GET(""), "text"))[[1]]

tail(df,1)$Filename), tail(df,1)$Filename, mode = "wb")

r dplyr - read list of files and use filename as a variable

I think that this should work. Since you get the information about the filename and pass it to the image_read but want to use this information also for another function (image_annotate), you can easily put the two in a function within map. If you don't want the whole path as annotation, just replace image_annotate(fnme) by image_annotate(stringr::str_extract(string = fnme, pattern = "(?<=(/|\\\\)).+(?=\\.png)")) which matches anything between / or \ and .png (assuming that you don't want the ending, else just remove the lookahead (?=\\.png).


list.files(path = "", pattern = "*.png", full.names = T) %>%
map(function(fnme) {
image_read(fnme) %>% image_annotate(fnme)
}) %>%
image_join() %>%
image_animate(fps=1) %>%

How to append input file name to corresponding list output index in R

The 'out' list doesn't have any names because it was not named. If the names should come from the files part, we may name the output ('out') with the substring of file names

# returns all the file paths for csv
files <- list.files("C:\\mypath\\", pattern="\\.csv$", full.names = TRUE)
# get the substring of file names without the .csv part
filenms <- sub("\\.csv$", "", basename(files))

Now, we use the same code as in the OP's post or just loop over the files directly

out <- lapply(files, function(x) {  # use lapply to loop over all files

this_data <- read.csv(x, header = TRUE)
aov_mod <- aov(revenue ~ dept, data = this_data)
tuk <- TukeyHSD(x= aov_mod)
# output of TukeyHSD is a list which can be summarised into tibble
# with tidy from broom

# set the names with filenms
names(out) <- filenms

If we want to write the output use imap/iwalk from purrr which is concise as .y returns the names and .x returns the value of the list

purrr::iwalk(out, ~ write.csv(.x, paste0(.y, ".csv"), row.names = FALSE))

If we want pdf file, an option is to use tableGrob

# reproducible exmaple
out <- list(iris = head(iris), mtcars = head(mtcars))
pdf(file.path(getwd(), "Downloads/filepdfMar9.pdf"))
iwalk(out, ~ {

title <- textGrob(.y, gp = gpar(fontsize = 50))
padding <- unit(0.5,"line")
x1 <- gtable_add_rows(
tableGrob(.x), heights = grobHeight(title) + padding, pos = 0
x1 <- gtable_add_grob(
x1, list(title),
t = 1, l = 1, r = ncol(x1)


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