In R, Merge Two Data Frames, Fill Down The Blanks

In R, Merge two data frames, fill down the blanks

It sounds like you need na.locf from the package zoo (stands for last observation carried forward):

tbl <- merge(small.table, big.table, by = "idx", all.y=TRUE)
tbl$color2 <- na.locf(tbl$color,na.rm = FALSE)

Merge uneven data frames in R by common column and fill in empty elements by NA

merge function works fine for me. As both dataframes have the same column name X, it can be used to merge using by.

claims = data.frame(X = c(10,24,30,35,64,104), 
TransactionDateTime = c('JUL-15','APR-17','SEP-15','JUL-15','APR-16','SEP-15'))
# X TransactionDateTime
# 1 10 JUL-15
# 2 24 APR-17
# 3 30 SEP-15
# 4 35 JUL-15
# 5 64 APR-16
# 6 104 SEP-15

lastaction = data.frame(X = c(10,24,30,35,40,57), lastvalue = c(6,1,4,6,6,1),
Approvalmonth = c('15-OCT','17-JAN','16-MAR','15-OCT','15-SEP','17-JUN'),
lastvalue = c(0,1,0,0,0,1))
# X lastvalue Approvalmonth lastvalue
# 1 10 6 15-OCT 0
# 2 24 1 17-JAN 1
# 3 30 4 16-MAR 0
# 4 35 6 15-OCT 0
# 5 40 6 15-SEP 0
# 6 57 1 17-JUN 1

merge(claims, lastaction, by = "X", all = TRUE)
# X TransactionDateTime lastvalue Approvalmonth lastvalue.1
# 1 10 JUL-15 6 15-OCT 0
# 2 24 APR-17 1 17-JAN 1
# 3 30 SEP-15 4 16-MAR 0
# 4 35 JUL-15 6 15-OCT 0
# 5 40 <NA> 6 15-SEP 0
# 6 57 <NA> 1 17-JUN 1
# 7 64 APR-16 NA <NA> NA
# 8 104 SEP-15 NA <NA> NA

dplyr's full_join as well works

dplyr::full_join(claims, lastaction, by = 'X')
X TransactionDateTime lastvalue Approvalmonth lastvalue.y
1 10 JUL-15 6 15-OCT 6
2 24 APR-17 1 17-JAN 1
3 30 SEP-15 4 16-MAR 4
4 35 JUL-15 6 15-OCT 6
5 64 APR-16 NA <NA> NA
6 104 SEP-15 NA <NA> NA
7 40 <NA> 6 15-SEP 6
8 57 <NA> 1 17-JUN 1

matching and filling in blanks of data frame in R

I am not sure how efficient this is, but this seems to be working. I am using 3 custom functions.

This would be easy to adapt to have it not match if there are two many NA's in a row and other cases such as that. The main trick is in f_compare() to build two dataframes representing each row combination to compare against rather than looping.



Compare each row to itself. We use combn() to develop all the unique row combinations. This function will return a matrix with two columns. These two columns specify row numbers which are "duplicates" - defined as ignoring the first column and by counting NA as a match.

Edit: Extended the logic to force a minimum number of fields to actually match by value rather than from an NA wildcard. We require the number of TRUE match values in the row plus the number of NA values in the row to equal the total number of fields.

Edit2: Added a check to see if a record is "bad". If there are matched pairs (a, b) and (c, b), it checks to see if (a, c) or (c, a) is a pair as well. If not, then the offending record c is dropped from the database. Again, this could fairly easily be adapted to flag rather than drop the row.

f_compare <- function(dat, .min_match = 1, .exclude_cols = c(1)) {

# grid of unique row id combinations
dat_rows <- t(combn(seq_len(nrow(dat)), 2))

# grid of all row id combinations (e.g., (1, 2) and (2, 1))
dat_rows_all <- expand.grid(seq_len(nrow(dat)), seq_len(nrow(dat)))
dat_rows_all <- dat_rows_all[dat_rows_all[,1] != dat_rows_all[,2], ]

# function to find record matches based on a grid specification
f_match <- function(dat, dat_rows, .min_match, .exclude_cols) {

compare <- dat[dat_rows[, 1], -.exclude_cols] == dat[dat_rows[, 2], -.exclude_cols]

row_true <- rowSums(compare, na.rm = TRUE)
row_na <- rowSums(

which_rows <- which((row_true >= .min_match) & (row_true + row_na == ncol(compare)))


# matches for each grid
match_rows <- f_match(dat, dat_rows, .min_match, .exclude_cols)
match_rows_all <- f_match(dat, dat_rows_all, .min_match, .exclude_cols)

# function to determine if it is a "bad" record
f_bad <- function(check_index, id_comb, id_all) {

if (length(id_comb[id_comb[,2] == check_index, 1]) > 1) {
trans_rows <- t(combn(id_comb[id_comb[,2] == check_index, 1], 2))

compare_trans <- id_all[rep(seq_len(nrow(id_all)), times = nrow(trans_rows)),] == trans_rows[rep(seq_len(nrow(trans_rows)), each = nrow(id_all)),]

return(!any(rowSums(compare_trans) == ncol(compare_trans)))
} else {

# check all rows with a potential match to see if it is "bad"
check_ids <- unique(match_rows[,2])

if (length(check_ids) > 0) {
bad_ids <- check_ids[sapply(check_ids, f_bad, match_rows, match_rows_all)]
} else {
bad_ids = check_ids

list(id = rbind(match_rows[!(match_rows[,2] %in% bad_ids), ]), bad_id = bad_ids)



Given two vectors, x and y, fill in NA slots in each with values from the other.

f_merge <- function(id, dat) {
x <- dat[id[1],]
y <- dat[id[2],]

y[] <- x[]
x[] <- y[]



Recursively work through the data set until there are no more duplicates left to merge. There is some case logic in here to account for things like R converting a single row matrix to a vector and when to exit the recursion.

Edit2: Modified the merge to drop "bad" records.

merge_records <- function(dat) {
merge_id <- f_compare(dat)

# drop bad rows
if (length(merge_id$bad_id) > 0) {
dat <- dat[-merge_id$bad_id,]

dat2 <-"rbind", apply(merge_id$id, 1, f_merge, dat = dat))
dat2 <- rbind(dat2, dat[which(!(seq_len(nrow(dat)) %in% c(merge_id$id))), ])

if (nrow(dat2) > 1) {
dat2 <- dat2[which(!(duplicated(dat2))),]

if (nrow(f_compare(dat2)$id) > 0) merge_records(dat2) else return(dat2)
} else {


End Result:

    id first      last birthyear father
1 a12 linda john 1991 dan
21 3n8 max well 1915 mike
5 1y9 pam degeneres 1855 <NA>
6 84z <NA> degeneres 1950 hank

Merge two data frames to fill in missing dates

One way, with dplyr:

df3 <- df1 %>% filter(year < 1920) %>%
left_join(filter(df2, year == 1910) %>% select(-year))
df3 <- df1 %>% filter(year >= 1920) %>%
left_join(filter(df2, year == 1920) %>% select(-year)) %>%
bind_rows(df3) %>%
arrange(year, state)

It's split into two chains, one that just joins the pre-1920 data, the other which does the post-1920, joins the two, and sorts.

Update based on comments:

To split the years into 5-year increments and join on df2 values in those increments:

df1$year_factor <- cut(df1$year, seq(1900, 1950, 5), right = FALSE)
df2$year_factor <- cut(df2$year, seq(1900, 1950, 5), right = FALSE)
df3 <- df1 %>% left_join(select(df2, -year)) %>% select(-year_factor)

This is actually simpler, but it introduces (and removes) a dummy variable, and cut can be a little finicky; play with it as you like. It produces:

   year      state acre_yield          w
1 1910 colorado 15.5 0.11777361
2 1910 kansas 19 0.33202730
3 1910 new mexico 15 0.01760644
4 1910 oklahoma 16 0.49216919
5 1910 texas 22 0.04042345
6 1911 colorado 14 0.11777361
7 1911 kansas 14.5 0.33202730
8 1911 new mexico 19.5 0.01760644
9 1911 oklahoma 7 0.49216919
10 1911 texas 11 0.04042345
11 1919 texas 23 NA
12 1920 colorado 18.5 0.30557449
13 1920 kansas 26.2 0.32107132
14 1920 new mexico 20 0.05836014
15 1920 oklahoma 26 0.26414535
16 1920 texas 20 0.05084870
17 1921 colorado 12 0.30557449
18 1921 kansas 22.8 0.32107132
19 1921 new mexico 19.5 0.05836014
20 1921 oklahoma 23 0.26414535
21 1921 texas 18 0.05084870

Note the one NA value for the 1919 row; since df2 doesn't have any values between 1915 and 1919, there's nothing to insert. To go by decades, change the 5 in seq to 10, or otherwise set as you prefer.

Merge unequal dataframes and replace missing rows with 0

Take a look at the help page for merge. The all parameter lets you specify different types of merges. Here we want to set all = TRUE. This will make merge return NA for the values that don't match, which we can update to 0 with

zz <- merge(df1, df2, all = TRUE)
zz[] <- 0

> zz
x y
1 a 0
2 b 1
3 c 0
4 d 0
5 e 0

Updated many years later to address follow up question

You need to identify the variable names in the second data table that you aren't merging on - I use setdiff() for this. Check out the following:

df1 = data.frame(x=c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', NA))
df2 = data.frame(x=c('a', 'b', 'c'),y1 = c(0,1,0), y2 = c(0,1,0))

#merge as before
df3 <- merge(df1, df2, all = TRUE)
#columns in df2 not in df1
unique_df2_names <- setdiff(names(df2), names(df1))
df3[unique_df2_names][[, unique_df2_names])] <- 0

Created on 2019-01-03 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

Combining data frames in R without overwriting data with blanks

If we want to overwrite, create a logical matrix and use that to assign

i1 <- df_all_data == 'outlier' & !
df_all_data[i1] <- df_outliers[i1]

How to merge dataframes in R when empty strings exist

Assuming that the order of these your two data frames is going to be stable, this can be done just by selecting the missing rows and filling them with the corresponding non-empty rows from the other one.

file3 <- file1
file3[file3$date == "", ] <- file2[file2$date != "", ]

# date X
# 1 2021-01-01 foo
# 2 2021-01-02 bar
# 3 2021-01-03 bar
# 4 2021-01-04 foo

I've created a new object called file3 just in case you don't want to modify your original. If you don't mind overwriting the original, this can be shortened down as:

file1[file1$date == "", ] <- file2[file2$date != "", ]

Edit: @jay.sf asks how this would work with NA in the data. I've extended the OP's original example to show how I would handle NA in my approach:

date1 <- c("2021-01-01", "2021-01-02", "", "", NA)
X1 <- c("foo", "bar", "", "", NA)
date2 <- c("", "", "2021-01-03", "2021-01-04", "2021-01-05")
X2 <- c("", "", "bar", "foo", "bar")

file1 <- data.frame(date = date1, X = X1)
file2 <- data.frame(date = date2, X = X2)

# > file1
# date X
# 1 2021-01-01 foo
# 2 2021-01-02 bar
# 3
# 4
# 5 <NA> <NA>

# > file2
# date X
# 1
# 2
# 3 2021-01-03 bar
# 4 2021-01-04 foo
# 5 2021-01-05 bar

file3 <- file1
empty_rows <- file1$date == "" |$date)
file3[empty_rows, ] <- file2[empty_rows, ]

# > file3
# date X
# 1 2021-01-01 foo
# 2 2021-01-02 bar
# 3 2021-01-03 bar
# 4 2021-01-04 foo
# 5 2021-01-05 bar

I've consolidated it a bit by creating the object empty_rows, which is a logical indicating rows in file1 that have empty text or NA.

Merged data frame leaving some columns blank

A working version of your example:

# create data
df_finance <- data.frame(
member_id = c(rep(1111, 3), rep(2234, 2), rep(3355,3)),
descrip = rep("x", 8))

df_membership <- data.frame(
member_id = c(1111, 2234, 3355),
alt_id = c(9876, 7777, 522))

# with base R
merge(df_finance, df_membership, by="member_id", all.x=T)

member_id descrip alt_id
1 1111 x 9876
2 1111 x 9876
3 1111 x 9876
4 2234 x 7777
5 2234 x 7777
6 3355 x 522
7 3355 x 522
8 3355 x 522

# tidyverse style
dplyr::left_join(df_finance, df_membership, by="member_id")

member_id descrip alt_id
1 1111 x 9876
2 1111 x 9876
3 1111 x 9876
4 2234 x 7777
5 2234 x 7777
6 3355 x 522
7 3355 x 522
8 3355 x 522

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