How to Keep Track of Total Transaction Amount Sent from an Account Each Last 6 Month

How can I keep track of total transaction amount received by an account each last 6 month?

We can use map2_dbl and take sum of amount that lie in the 6-month range.


data %>%
mutate(amt = map2_dbl(from, date,
~sum(amount[to == .x & between(date, .y - 180, .y)])))

Sum amount last 6 month prior to the date of transaction

This is simply a non-equi join in data.table. You can create a variable of date - 180 and limit the join between the current date and that variable. This should be fairly quick

setDT(dt)[, date_minus_180 := date - 180]
dt[, amnt_6_m := .SD[dt, sum(amount, na.rm = TRUE),
on = .(to = from, date <= date, date >= date_minus_180), by = .EACHI]$V1]
head(dt, 10)
# id from to date amount date_minus_180 amnt_6_m
# 1: 18529 5370 9356 2005-05-31 24.4 2004-12-02 0.0
# 2: 13742 5370 5605 2005-08-05 7618.0 2005-02-06 0.0
# 3: 9913 5370 8567 2005-09-12 21971.0 2005-03-16 0.0
# 4: 956 8605 5370 2005-10-05 5245.0 2005-04-08 0.0
# 5: 2557 5370 5636 2005-11-12 2921.0 2005-05-16 5245.0
# 6: 1602 6390 5370 2005-11-26 8000.0 2005-05-30 0.0
# 7: 18669 5370 8933 2005-11-30 169.2 2005-06-03 13245.0
# 8: 35900 5370 8483 2006-01-31 71.5 2005-08-04 13245.0
# 9: 48667 8934 5370 2006-03-31 14.6 2005-10-02 0.0
# 10: 51341 5370 7626 2006-04-11 4214.0 2005-10-13 8014.6

Finding the last transaction for each id

This how I might approach the problem with rle:

L1 <- lapply(split(df, df[, "id"]), function(dat){
dat[, "last"] <- as.Date(NA)
x <- rle(as.character(dat[, "period"]))
z <- cumsum(x[["lengths"]])
dat$last[z[x[["values"]] == "calib"]] <- dat[z[x[["values"]] == "calib"] ,

data.frame(, L1), row.names = NULL)

How to select last 6 months from news table using MySQL


 .... where yourdate_column > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH)

Extract first and last transaction date in R

We can use first and last from dplyr after grouping by 'ID'

df1 %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
summarise(FIRST_PURCHASE_DATE = first(purchase_date),
LAST_PURCHASE_DATE = last(purchase_date))

The above assumes that 'purchase_date' is ordered by 'ID'. If it is not, arrange after converting to Date class and then take the first and last

df1 %>%
arrange(ID, mdy(purchase_date)) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
summarise(FIRST_PURCHASE_DATE = first(purchase_date),
LAST_PURCHASE_DATE = last(purchase_date))

I have data frame and I want to calculate the last three month transaction count and sum for each Group Id


data = [['A', '2022-01-02', 10], ['A', '2022-01-02', 20], ['A', '2022-02-04', 30], 
['A', '2022-02-05', 20], ['A', '2022-04-08', 300], ['A', '2022-04-11', 100],
['A', '2022-05-13', 200], ['A', '2022-06-12', 20], ['A', '2022-06-15', 300],
['A', '2022-08-16', 100], ['B', '2022-01-02', 10], ['B', '2022-01-02', 20],
['B', '2022-02-04', 30], ['B', '2022-02-05', 20], ['B', '2022-04-08', 300],
['B', '2022-04-11', 100], ['B', '2022-05-13', 200], ['B', '2022-06-12', 20],
['B', '2022-06-15', 300], ['B', '2022-08-16', 100]]
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Id', 'Date', 'TransAmt'])


    Id  Date    TransAmt
0 A 2022-01-02 10
1 A 2022-01-02 20
2 A 2022-02-04 30
3 A 2022-02-05 20
4 A 2022-04-08 300
5 A 2022-04-11 100
6 A 2022-05-13 200
7 A 2022-06-12 20
8 A 2022-06-15 300
9 A 2022-08-16 100
10 B 2022-01-02 10
11 B 2022-01-02 20
12 B 2022-02-04 30
13 B 2022-02-05 20
14 B 2022-04-08 300
15 B 2022-04-11 100
16 B 2022-05-13 200
17 B 2022-06-12 20
18 B 2022-06-15 300
19 B 2022-08-16 100


s = df1['Date']
df1['Date'] = df1['Date'].astype('Period[M]')
df2 = df1.groupby(['Id', 'Date'])['TransAmt'].agg(['count', sum])
idx1 = pd.period_range(df1['Date'].min(), df1['Date'].max(), freq='M')
idx2 = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([df1['Id'].unique(), idx1])
cols = ['Id', 'Date', 'CountThreeMonth', 'AmountofThreeMonth']
n = 3
df3 = df2.reindex(idx2, fill_value=0).groupby(level=0).rolling(n, min_periods=1).sum().droplevel(0).reset_index().set_axis(cols, axis=1)
df1.merge(df3, how='left').assign(Date=s)

result(df1.merge(df3, how='left').assign(Date=s))

    Id  Date    TransAmt    CountThreeMonth AmountofThreeMonth
0 A 2022-01-02 10 2.0 30.0
1 A 2022-01-02 20 2.0 30.0
2 A 2022-02-04 30 4.0 80.0
3 A 2022-02-05 20 4.0 80.0
4 A 2022-04-08 300 4.0 450.0
5 A 2022-04-11 100 4.0 450.0
6 A 2022-05-13 200 3.0 600.0
7 A 2022-06-12 20 5.0 920.0
8 A 2022-06-15 300 5.0 920.0
9 A 2022-08-16 100 3.0 420.0
10 B 2022-01-02 10 2.0 30.0
11 B 2022-01-02 20 2.0 30.0
12 B 2022-02-04 30 4.0 80.0
13 B 2022-02-05 20 4.0 80.0
14 B 2022-04-08 300 4.0 450.0
15 B 2022-04-11 100 4.0 450.0
16 B 2022-05-13 200 3.0 600.0
17 B 2022-06-12 20 5.0 920.0
18 B 2022-06-15 300 5.0 920.0
19 B 2022-08-16 100 3.0 420.0

I'm sorry it's hard to explain

Is there an API to get bank transaction and bank balance?

Just a helpful hint, there is a company called who provides this data. They do charge for the API. Companies like use this API to gather bank and financial account data.

Also, checkout, they are a similar company and provide both authentication API for several banks and REST-based transaction fetching endpoints.

Algorithm to share/settle expenses among a group

You have described it already. Sum all the expenses (1500 in your case), divide by number of people sharing the expense (500). For each individual, deduct the contributions that person made from the individual share (for person A, deduct 400 from 500). The result is the net that person "owes" to the central pool. If the number is negative for any person, the central pool "owes" the person.

Because you have already described the solution, I don't know what you are asking.
Maybe you are trying to resolve the problem without the central pool, the "bank"?

I also don't know what you mean by "start with the least spent amount and work forward."

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