Counting Non-Blank Cells for Selected Columns

Count Non-Blank Cells in Column

Count Non-Blank or Non-Empty Cells in a Column

  • The code was used in a new workbook. In Sheet1, in cell A2 I entered the formula ="" and in cell A3 I entered a single quote ('). These two cells appear to be empty, but they are not. They are blank.
Sub CountNonBlanks()

Dim rg As Range
Set rg = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:A30000")

' Counts cells that are not empty, do not contain a formula
' that evaluates to an empty string (e.g. '=""')
' and do not contain a single quote.
Dim NonBlanks As Long
NonBlanks = rg.Cells.Count - Application.CountBlank(rg)

' Counts cells that are not empty.
Dim NonEmpties As Long
NonEmpties = Application.CountA(rg)

Debug.Print rg.Address(0, 0), NonBlanks, NonEmpties

End Sub
  • The result in the Immediate window was:

    A2:A30000      0             2 

How to 'count' number of non-empty values in a single row across multiple columns in a dataframe

If you are talking about missing values in R, it's represented in capital letter NA instead of na, otherwise, R will treat it as a string, which is not empty.

Also, I have artificially included some Name in your df to act like each row represents one Name, and a artificial Comp5 which includes some NAs but will not be included in the calculation.

rowSums() as its name suggests, calculates the sum of the row.[, 2:4]) makes it only counts the NA in df from column 2 to column 4.

df <-read.table(header = T, 
text =
"Name Comp1 Comp2 Comp3 Comp4 Comp5
A 0.5 0.4 NA 0.6 NA
B 0.6 NA NA 0.7 1
C NA 0.4 NA 1.1 NA")

df$Count_NA <- rowSums([, 2:4]))


  Name Comp1 Comp2 Comp3 Comp4 Comp5 Count_NA
1 A 0.5 0.4 NA 0.6 NA 1
2 B 0.6 NA NA 0.7 1 2
3 C NA 0.4 NA 1.1 NA 2

COUNT non-empty cells in each column of a table with condition



A2:A7 is your name column

H2 is your name equal to criteria

B2:F7 is there non blank cells you want to count

Sample Image

Count the number of non empty columns in R

We may use vectorized rowSums on a logical matrix

data$Total <- rowSums(![1:3]))
[1] 3 2 2 1 1

Is there a way to count not blank cell in a row with a specific column criteria from a header

O2: =COUNTIFS($A$1:$N$1,"s*",A2:N2,"<>")

and fill down

Sample Image

Count Non blanks cells form column based on month in another column and sum the values of cells?

Adjust you SUMPRODUCT to include a check for blanks:


Then for the sum:


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