Can't Read an .Rdata Fileinput

Can't read an .RData fileInput

The following example solves the problem. It allows you to upload all .RData files.

Thanks to @Spacedman for pointing me to a better approach of loading the data:
Load the file into a new environment and get it from there.

For the matter of the example being "standalone" I inserted the top section that stores two vectors to your disk in order to load and plot them later.


# Define two datasets and store them to disk
x <- rnorm(100)
save(x, file = "x.RData")
y <- rnorm(100, mean = 2)
save(y, file = "y.RData")

# Define UI
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
titlePanel(".RData File Upload Test"),
fileInput("file", label = ""),

# Define server logic
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
if ( is.null(input$file)) return(NULL)
inFile <- isolate({input$file })
file <- inFile$datapath
# load the file into new environment and get it from there
e = new.env()
name <- load(file, envir = e)
data <- e[[name]]

# Plot the data
output$hist <- renderPlot({

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Read and Use Several Objects in an .RData fileInput in Shiny

This code works:


# Define several objects and store them to disk
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(200)
z <- "some text for the title of the plot"

save(x, file = "x.RData")
save(x, y, z, file = "xyz.RData")
rm(x, y, z)

# Define UI
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
titlePanel(".RData File Upload Test"),
fileInput("file", label = ""),

# Define server logic
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
if ( is.null(input$file)) return(NULL)
inFile <- isolate({input$file })
file <- inFile$datapath
load(file, envir = .GlobalEnv)

# Plot the data
output$hist <- renderPlot({

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Produces the plot like:

Sample Image

Loading User input .Rdata on Shiny App

What if you try to use the new.env function and load the .Rdata in to a new environment.

server <- function(input, output) {
# Global variable to store loaded environment
env <<- NULL

load_Rdata <- function(){
if(is.null(input$file)) return(NULL)
inFile <- isolate({ input$file })

# Create new environment to load data into
n.env <- new.env()
env <<- n.env
load(inFile$datapath, envir=n.env)

# Check if specified variable exists in environment
if( !is.null(n.env$var) ){
output$out <- renderPrint({ str(n.env$var) })
output$out <- renderPrint({ "No variable var in .Rdata file" })

save_Rdata <- function(){
if ( !is.null(env) ){
env$new.var <- "My new variable"
save(env, file="~/savedWorkspace.Rdata")
output$out <- renderPrint({ "No .Rdata file loaded" })


ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
fileInput("file", label = "Rdata"),

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

The saved variable can be accessed through:

> load("~/savedWorkspace.Rdata")
> env$new.var
[1] "My new variable"

And a example workspace to load can be created as:

> var <- "My variable to load"
> save.image(file="~/myWorkspace.Rdata")

Was it something like this you were looking for?

Shiny: Dynamically load .RData file

I think you just need to move the load statement outside of the renderTable function. So you should have

output$table1 <- renderTable({myData})

If you look at the help file for renderTable, the first argument is

expr: An expression that returns an R object that can be used with

load does not return this.

error running shiny app can not open connection

As Vishesh says, I think you might be needing to use readRDS instead of load, but here's a shiny app that allows all three: csv, rds, or rda.

First, quick debugging setup so we have three types of files to test with:

write.csv(mtcars, file="mt.csv")
saveRDS(mtcars, file="mt.rds")
save(mtcars, file="mt.rda")

(Certainly not needed for a production app.)

Now the app:


ui <- fluidPage(
fileInput("file1", "Choose CSV, rda, or rds File"),
checkboxInput("header", "Header (if CSV)", TRUE),

server <- function(input, output) {
file1_ <- reactive({
# might also work with input$file1$type, which is something like
# 'application/', though for me in testing this was
# blank for RDS/RDA ...
a <- input$file1
a$ext <- tolower(tools::file_ext(input$file1$name))
# ... though length==1 since we did not do multiple = TRUE
a$ext <- ifelse(a$ext == "rdata", "rda", a$ext)
rawdat <- reactive({
inFile <- file1_()
# if we ever do fileInput(..., multiple = TRUE), this will need to
# be on a vector of length > 1
if ("csv" == inFile$ext) {
return( read.csv(inFile$datapath, header = input$header) )
} else if ("rds" == inFile$ext) {
return( readRDS(inFile$datapath) )
} else if (inFile$ext == "rda") {
e <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
load(inFile$datapath, envir = e)
return( e )
} else return( NULL )
output$rda_objname <- renderUI({
# this only displays a select-input if the input file is valid and
# an Rdata-looking file, otherwise the select-input is absent
inFile <- file1_()
if (inFile$ext == "rda") {
obj <- isolate(ls(envir = rawdat()))
selectInput("objname", "RDA object name",
choices = c("Select object name ...", obj))
} else return( NULL )
dat <- reactive({
inFile <- isolate(file1_())
if (inFile$ext == "rda") {
req(input$objname, input$objname %in% ls(envir = rawdat()))
return( get(input$objname, envir = rawdat()) )
} else return( rawdat() )
output$contents <- renderTable({

shinyApp(ui, server)

If you select a CSV or RDS file in the fileInput, then it will automatically render the table. If it ends in .rda or .rdata (case-insensitive), then it will create a selector to choose which object within the rda file (since they really store environments with named objects, not a single object).

Demo: with CSV or RDS:

shiny demo with RDS file

With an RDA file (that has a single object in it, mtcars:

shiny demo with RDA file

Some other changes from your code:

  • instead of using if (is.null(...)), I'm using the more shiny-esque req(...) methodology; it's a little more user-friendly when things don't go as you (the dev) intended;
  • I've intentionally isolated a few things that might stand to not be isolated, but I wanted a clear path of reactivity; it is possible if A depends on B and C depends on both A and B that, when A updates, C will update, then B will update, causing C to update again ... dizzying, perhaps, but a consequence of multiple dependency paths.
  • Because this accepts both types of storage (one object and multi), I need a two-step to retrieve the data: rawdat() might be an environment (RDA) or an actual objecvt; dat() will always be an object or NULL (if RDA and an object name is not selected).
  • I don't need the else return(NULL) in output$rda_objname, I just have it there for clarity and explicit code in this example; I likely would not have it in my production code.
  • I also use return a lot here; technically, it is not required in any of these uses, again I'm just being explicit for this example.

Loading .RData files into Python

People ask this sort of thing on the R-help and R-dev list and the usual answer is that the code is the documentation for the .RData file format. So any other implementation in any other language is hard++.

I think the only reasonable way is to install RPy2 and use R's load function from that, converting to appropriate python objects as you go. The .RData file can contain structured objects as well as plain tables so watch out.



>>> import rpy2.robjects as robjects
>>> robjects.r['load'](".RData")

objects are now loaded into the R workspace.

>>> robjects.r['y']
<FloatVector - Python:0x24c6560 / R:0xf1f0e0>
[0.763684, 0.086314, 0.617097, ..., 0.443631, 0.281865, 0.839317]

That's a simple scalar, d is a data frame, I can subset to get columns:

>>> robjects.r['d'][0]
<IntVector - Python:0x24c9248 / R:0xbbc6c0>
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 8, 9, 10]
>>> robjects.r['d'][1]
<FloatVector - Python:0x24c93b0 / R:0xf1f230>
[0.975648, 0.597036, 0.254840, ..., 0.891975, 0.824879, 0.870136]

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