Case-Insensitive Search of a List in R

Case-insensitive search of a list in R

Assuming that there are no variable names which differ only in case, you can search your all-lowercase variable name in tolower(names(myDataFrame)):

match("b", tolower(c("A","B","C")))
[1] 2

This will produce only exact matches, but that is probably desirable in this case.

How to do a case-insensitive search?


g = c("PLD3","PLD2","PLD2ABC","DTPLD2a")
r <- 'pLd2'
r2 <- paste('^', r, '$', sep = '')
grep(r2 , g , = T, value=TRUE)

[1] "PLD2"

basically the meta characters ^ and $ force grep to fix the regular expression at the start and the end.

R case-insensitive %in%

Based on the comments above, I came to the relatively simple solution below:

#' Quick Search
#' Quick case-insensitive search of strings in a character vector
#' @param str a character vector: the values to be matched
#' @param vec a character vector: the values to be matched against
#' @details Utilizes \code{data.table::`%chin%`} to rapidly complete a case-insensitive search
#' through a character vector to return a logical vector of string detections.
#' Will always return TRUE or FALSE for each position of \code{str} regardless of NA missing values
#' in either provided vector. NA in \code{str} will never match an NA value in \code{vec}.
#' @return a logical vector of length \code{length(str)}
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table %chin%
#' @examples
#' x <- c("apple","banana","cherry",NA)
#' "apple" %qsin% x
#' c("APPLE","BANANA","coconut", NA) %qsin% x
`%qsin%` <- function(str, vec) {
tolower(str) %chin% na.omit(tolower(vec))

Which() case insensitive in R

The tolower function won't work on a dataframe. which is designed for vectors and matrices, and works on dataframes by converting them to matrices first. So you need to do that explicitly:

which(tolower(as.matrix(dataframe)) == "matching string", arr.ind = TRUE)

which' command in R with case insensitive

You can convert your names to upper cases

which(toupper(names(mydata)) == "COLUMN73")

Case-insensitive search of a list in R

Assuming that there are no variable names which differ only in case, you can search your all-lowercase variable name in tolower(names(myDataFrame)):

match("b", tolower(c("A","B","C")))
[1] 2

This will produce only exact matches, but that is probably desirable in this case.

Case Insensitive Unique keeping original

You can try the code below using duplicated


turning off case sensitivity in r

There's no way to turn off case sensitivity of ==, but coercing both character vectors to uppercase and then testing for equality amounts to the same thing:

[1] "A" "A" "A" "A" "A" "A" "A"


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