Sparse Matrix to a Data Frame in R

Sparse matrix to a data frame in R

Using summary, here is an example:

mat <- Matrix(data = c(1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 4, 0, 0), nrow = 3, ncol = 3,
dimnames = list(Origin = c("A", "B", "C"),
Destination = c("X", "Y", "Z")),
sparse = TRUE)
# 3 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
# Destination
# X Y Z
# A 1 . 4
# B . . .
# C 2 3 .

summ <- summary(mat)
# 3 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix", with 4 entries
# i j x
# 1 1 1 1
# 2 3 1 2
# 3 3 2 3
# 4 1 3 4

data.frame(Origin = rownames(mat)[summ$i],
Destination = colnames(mat)[summ$j],
Weight = summ$x)
# Origin Destination Weight
# 1 A X 1
# 2 C X 2
# 3 C Y 3
# 4 A Z 4

converting a dgCMatrix to data frame

You can use

b =
# i j x
# 1 2 1 2
# 2 2 2 1
# 3 3 3 3
# 4 1 4 1
# 5 3 5 1

If you need the same order as in your example, you can use

b = b[order(b$i),]
# i j x
# 4 1 4 1
# 1 2 1 2
# 2 2 2 1
# 3 3 3 3
# 5 3 5 1

Another alternative, though not quite as neat, is to use

b = as(a, "dgTMatrix") = b@i + 1, c = b@j + 1, x = b@x)

how to coerce a data.frame into a sparse matrix in R

Following user20650's comment, first coerce the CUI* columns to factor with the same levels, then use xtabs to create a sparse matrix, then add its transpose.

txt <- '
CUI1 CUI2 Count
1 C0000699 C3894683 2
2 C0000699 C0101725 1
3 C0000699 C1882413 3
4 C0000699 C0245531 3
5 C0000699 C0068475 2
6 C0000699 C0538927 3
7 C0000699 C0724693 1
8 C0000699 C0216784 2
9 C0000699 C2248020 1
10 C0000699 C0069449 3
test <- read.table(textConnection(txt), header = TRUE)


levls <- Reduce(union, test[1:2])
test[1:2] <- lapply(test[1:2], factor, levels = levls)
res <- xtabs(Count ~ CUI1 + CUI2, data = test, sparse = TRUE)
res <- forceSymmetric(res)
#> [1] "dsCMatrix"
#> attr(,"package")
#> [1] "Matrix"

Created on 2022-02-13 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Build identity matrix from dataframe (sparsematrix) in R

A possible solution:

tidyr::pivot_wider(dis_matrix, id_cols = i, names_from = j,
values_from = distance, values_fill = 0)

#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#> i Rwanda France `South Korea`
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 South Korea 10845. 9384 0
#> 2 France 6003 0 9384

R convert matrix or data frame to sparseMatrix

Here are two options:


A <- as(regMat, "sparseMatrix") # see also `vignette("Intro2Matrix")`
B <- Matrix(regMat, sparse = TRUE) # Thanks to Aaron for pointing this out

identical(A, B)
# [1] TRUE
# 10 x 10 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
# [1,] . . . . . 45 . . . .
# [2,] . . . . . . . 59 . .
# [3,] . . . . 95 . . . . .
# [4,] . . . . . . . . . .
# [5,] . . . . . . . . . .
# [6,] . . . . . . . . . .
# [7,] . . . 23 . . . . . .
# [8,] . . . 63 . . . . . .
# [9,] . . . . . . . . . .
# [10,] . . . . . . . . . .

Convert a dgCMatrix to data frame

I think you have your matrix inside a list.

m <- matrix(c(1,4,rep(0,100),10), ncol = 1)
group_x <- as(m, "Matrix") works fine:

## 'data.frame': 103 obs. of 1 variable:
## $ V1: num 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...


gx <- list(group_x)
## V1
## 1 <S4 class ‘dgCMatrix’ [package “Matrix”] with 6 slots>

So if what you have is gx, then

data.frame(Group = rownames(gx[[1]]), Value = gx[[1]][,1])

should work.

Create Sparse Matrix from a data frame

The Matrix package has a constructor made especially for your type of data:

UIMatrix <- sparseMatrix(i = trainingData$UserID,
j = trainingData$MovieID,
x = trainingData$Rating)

Otherwise, you might like knowing about that cool feature of the [ function known as matrix indexing. Your could have tried:

buildUserMovieMatrix <- function(trainingData) {
UIMatrix <- Matrix(0, nrow = max(trainingData$UserID),
ncol = max(trainingData$MovieID), sparse = TRUE);
trainingData$MovieID)] <- trainingData$Rating;

(but I would definitely recommend the sparseMatrix approach over this.)

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