Bold Formatting for Significant Values in a Rmarkdown Table

Bold formatting for significant values in a Rmarkdown table

We could do it like this, using pander:


# compute matrix correlation
df3 <- rcorr(as.matrix(mtcars), type="pearson")

# we get a list of three items, first item is df of r values
# third item in df of p values

# make cells of r values bold if p value is <0.01
emphasize.strong.cells(which(df3[[3]] < 0.001, arr.ind = TRUE))

Which gives:

  mpg cyl disp hp
---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
**mpg** 1 **-0.8522** **-0.8476** **-0.7762**

**cyl** **-0.8522** 1 **0.902** **0.8324**

**disp** **-0.8476** **0.902** 1 **0.7909**

**hp** **-0.7762** **0.8324** **0.7909** 1

**drat** **0.6812** **-0.6999** **-0.7102** -0.4488

**wt** **-0.8677** **0.7825** **0.888** **0.6587**

**qsec** 0.4187 **-0.5912** -0.4337 **-0.7082**

**vs** **0.664** **-0.8108** **-0.7104** **-0.7231**

**am** **0.5998** -0.5226 **-0.5912** -0.2432

**gear** 0.4803 -0.4927 **-0.5556** -0.1257

**carb** -0.5509 0.527 0.395 **0.7498**
[output snipped]

And when rendered into HTML looks like (side-effect of making the row names bold also):

Sample Image

Is something like this possible using only knitr?

How to change fontface (bold/italics) for a cell in a kable table in rmarkdown?

Highlighting cells, rows or columns with pander is pretty straightforward:

> df <- data.frame(c('a','b','c'),c(1,2,3))
> emphasize.strong.cells(which(df == 3, arr.ind = TRUE))
> pander(df)

c..a....b....c.. c.1..2..3.
------------------ ------------
a 1

b 2

c **3**

But adding horizontal line to the table is out of the scope of markdown table specifications.

R Markdown - PDF Table with conditional bold format for row maximum AND percentage format

The percentage values are converted into character with the cell_spec argument. with a bit of stringr and regex the decimal values can be converted to percentages. Note % is a reserved symbol in LaTeX so needs escaping.


```{r setup, include=FALSE}

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

p_load(dplyr, tidyr, stringr, kableExtra, forcats, tinytex, scales, janitor)

```{r df, include=FALSE}

segment<- c('seg1', 'seg1', 'seg2', 'seg2', 'seg3', 'seg3', 'Tot')
subSegment<- c('subseg1.1', 'subseg1.2', 'subseg2.1', 'subseg2.2', 'subseg3.1', 'subseg3.2', "-")
co.1<- c(0.1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4)
co.2<- c(0.5, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.5, 0.4)
co.3<- c(0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.15)
co.4<- c(0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.0, 0.05)
total<- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1)

df <-
data.frame(segment, subSegment, co.1, co.2, co.3, co.4, total) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(across(co.1:co.4, ~cell_spec(.x, 'latex', bold = ifelse(.x == max(c_across(co.1:co.4)), TRUE, FALSE)))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(pc = percent(as.numeric(str_extract(value, "0.\\d+|0")), accuracy = 0.1),
value = str_replace(value, "0.\\d+|0", pc),
value = str_replace(value, "%", "\\\\%")) %>%
select(-pc) %>%
pivot_wider() %>%
select(-total, everything(), total)


```{r kable, results='asis'}

df %>%
kable(booktabs = TRUE,
caption = "Title",
align = "c",
escape = FALSE) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options = c("HOLD_position", "repeat_header", "scale_down"),
font_size = 6) %>%
pack_rows(index = table(fct_inorder(df$segment)),
italic = FALSE,
bold = FALSE,
underline = TRUE,
latex_gap_space = "1em",
background = "#f2f2f2") %>%
column_spec(1, monospace = TRUE, color = "white") %>%
row_spec(nrow(df), bold = TRUE)


Sample Image

How to change fontface (bold/italics) for a cell in a kable table in rmarkdown?

Highlighting cells, rows or columns with pander is pretty straightforward:

> df <- data.frame(c('a','b','c'),c(1,2,3))
> emphasize.strong.cells(which(df == 3, arr.ind = TRUE))
> pander(df)

c..a....b....c.. c.1..2..3.
------------------ ------------
a 1

b 2

c **3**

But adding horizontal line to the table is out of the scope of markdown table specifications.

How can I bold each cell with minimum value for each column in R Markdown

You may add library(formattable) and then

df |> 
lapply(\(x){ifelse(x == min(x), cell_spec(round(x,2), bold = TRUE), round(x,2))}) |>
knitr::kable(format = "html", table.attr = "style='width:100%;'", digits = 2, align = 'c',
caption = "5 Random Numbers from the Normal Dist at diff set and std dev",
escape = FALSE) |>
kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = 'bordered') |>
kableExtra::add_header_above(c('$sd = 1$' = 3, '$sd$ = 2' = 3))

Or, if you only want for df1 you may start by

df1 |> lapply(\(x){ifelse(x == min(x), cell_spec(round(x, 2), bold = TRUE), round(x, 2))}) |> cbind(df2) |> 

And for df2

df1 |> cbind(df2 |> lapply(\(x){ifelse(x == min(x), cell_spec(round(x, 2), bold = TRUE), round(x, 2))})) |>

A remark: With my solution names of dataframe become all x. You could add after the lapply to get the original names, but in this case they become changed because df has the names duplicated which is not a suitable practice. Instead, using col.names you may write the desired ones, for example

df |> 
lapply(\(x){ifelse(x == min(x), cell_spec(round(x,2), bold = TRUE), round(x,2))}) |> |>
knitr::kable(format = "html", table.attr = "style='width:100%;'", digits = 2, align = 'c',
caption = "5 Random Numbers from the Normal Dist at diff set and std dev",
escape = FALSE, col.names = rep(c("seed1", "seed2", "seed3"), 2)) |>
kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = 'bordered') |>
kableExtra::add_header_above(c('$sd = 1$' = 3, '$sd$ = 2' = 3))

Sample Image

Note also that as comment @phiver, I had to modify output: pdf_document to output: html_document, since otherwise code didn't work. To get a pdf, the last lines of the code should be as follows (then it works):

  knitr::kable(format = "latex",  digits = 2, align = 'c', 
caption = "5 Random Numbers from the Normal Dist at diff set and std dev",
escape = FALSE, col.names = rep(c("seed1", "seed2", "seed3"), 2)) |>
kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = 'bordered', full_width = TRUE) |>
kableExtra::add_header_above(c('$sd = 1$' = 3, '$sd$ = 2' = 3))

Scientific formats, subscripts and superscripts in RMarkdown table (docx output)

You can use tildes (~) to put in subscript and carets (^) for superscripts; and use sprintf to get the expected digit format:

title: "Table won't work"
author: "Exhausted student"
date: "2022/01/28"

```{r table, echo=F, warning=F, message=F}

expSup <- function(x, digits=3) {
sprintf(paste0("%05.", digits, "f x 10^%d^"), x/10^floor(log10(abs(x))), floor(log10(abs(x))))

a <- tibble(
constants = c("c", "N~A~", "h", "e", "H~2~0"),
values = expSup(c(2.998e8, 6.022e-23, 6.626e-34, -1.602e-19, 18.02))


Sample Image

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