How to Use a Character as Attribute of a Function

How to use a character as attribute of a function

(Update: Make sure to see Hadley's answer for the better way of doing this, without resorting to string-pasting. My answer will still be useful for explaining why that is harder-than-usual in this case.)

The peculiarities of mcp() require you to use the relatively brute force approach of pasting together the expression you'd like to evaluate and then passing it through eval(parse()).

The tricky bit is that mcp() interprets its first argument in a nonstandard way. Within mcp(), x1 = 'Tukey' does not (as it normally would) mean "assign a value of 'Tukey' to the argument x1". Instead, the whole thing is interpreted as a symbolic description of the intended contrasts. (In this, it is much like more familiar formula objects such as the y ~ x1 + x2 in your lm() call).

for(var in c('x1', 'x2')) {
# Construct a character string with the expression you'd type at the command
# line. For example : "mcp(x1 = 'Tukey')"
exprString <- paste("mcp(", var, "='Tukey')")
# eval(parse()) it to get an 'mcp' object.
LINFCT <- eval(parse(text = exprString))
mc1 <- glht(fm1, linfct = LINFCT)

How do I properly use a function under a class?

If you want to use it like a property in C#, decorate the function with @property, like so:

class Character:

def __init__(self,Id,Hp,Mana):

def Score(self):
return (self.Hp+self.Mana)*10;



So you don't have to call it like a function.

For more advanced usage of properties (e.g. also having a setter func), see the official docs:

Accessing char attribute of a struct

Function getEntry returns the address of a non-static local variable. Using this address in main is undefined behavior. Probably the call to printEntry partially overwrites the data, that's why you see different output.

You try to dynamically allocate memory for the returned data with

Entry *pntEntry = malloc(sizeof(struct Entry));

but you throw away the address to this memory and assign the address of your local variable with

pntEntry = &entry;

You probably want to copy the structure instead of the pointer. This would be

*pntEntry = entry;

Not related to your problem:

Your program should free all allocated memory when it is no longer used.

With the code shown in the question it is not necessary to pass the address of the pointer to the input string to getEntry and separateBySpace as a type char** because you don't want to modify the pointer. Passing a char* would be sufficient.

In separateBySpace you return an array of pointers that point to characters of the input string which gets modified by strtok. Later in getEntry you assign the pointer password to a pointer in your Entry structure. This means you should not change the string variable that was passed as an argument to getEntry, otherwise the password´ string referenced in the returned Entry` structure will change.

Edit (to answer a comment):

I think in getEntry you can free the pointer array allocated in separateBySpace because all values have been used or copied to the Entry structure.

At the end of the program you should free the memory pointed to by entry that was allocated in getEntry.

You must not free the memory password because this points to a character in your local variable line. Freeing entry->password before freeing entry would be necessary if you would allocate memory for a copy of the password, for example using strdup. This would also fix the possible problem that entry->password points to an element of line.

Python how to pass class function from instance to another class

Please post the traceback error messages. I think the problem is in Milestone1() you check self.power and self.position but self refers to the instance of Character not Player, and character has no power or position attributes.

Here are 2 fixes I can think of:

  1. Inheritance: If you make player a subclass of character, then player would have all of the attributes of character and therefore be able to call ms1()

    class Player(Character):
    def __init__(self, player_num, name):
    # self.character = Character(name) <-- not needed
    # self.ms1 = self.character.Milestone1 <-- not needed

    # since Player is a subclass of Character,
    # use super to init & it already has name and Milestone1
    super().__init__(name) # Py3 usage
    # super(Player, self).__init__(name) # Py2 usage

    I tested this out in a simple example on
    and it works for me, try it by pressing play, output is 'n', then 't'.

    Note: in Python-2, the syntax for super is different than Python-3, and you must also supply the subclass, Player, and the instance, self as args. I tested inheritance with super(Player, self).__init__(name) in this sample using Python-2 and it also works.

    Also Note: Python-2 classes should subclass object to create new-style classes.

  2. Composition:Fix Milestone1() so it uses player as an argument, and therefore has access to power and position

    class Character:
    # no change

    def Milestone1(self, player):
    if == 'char x':
    if player.power >= 20:
    return True
    return False

    update Player too, passing the player instance to Milestone1

    class Player:
    def __init__(self, player_num, name):
    self.character = Character(name)

    # self is the Player, lambda makes ms1 callable
    self.ms1 = lambda: self.character.Milestone1(self)

    Although then the name attribute isn't really used, and this seems a bit hacky, but I tested it in this simple example and it also works.

In general, I think this is a good opportunity to use inheritance over composition. Ask yourself:

Is a player a character? (Inheritance: #1)

Does a player have a character? (Composition: #2)

How to set a specific attribute of an object if the object name is in a variable?

You can use a function to apply the attributes and the assign function to apply them:

add_dummy <- function(obj, name, attribute){
attr(obj, name) <- attribute

assign(var, add_dummy(get(var), "attr_name", list(dummy = 123)))

What is getattr() exactly and how do I use it?

getattr(object, 'x') is completely equivalent to object.x.

There are only two cases where getattr can be useful.

  • you can't write object.x, because you don't know in advance which attribute you want (it comes from a string). Very useful for meta-programming.
  • you want to provide a default value. object.y will raise an AttributeError if there's no y. But getattr(object, 'y', 5) will return 5.

Special char in attribute

Colons aren't valid parts of identifiers in Python, but you can sidestep this by splatting a dict:

category = ET.SubElement(
"xmlns": "EE.Schema.VSOP.V1R00",
"xmlsn:comDef": "EE.Schema.V1R00",

As an aside, though, if that's supposed to be xmlns:comDef, you should not be managing namespace aliases by hand, but by using the namespace mapping features and spelling out namespaced attributes; "comDef:foo" with that namespace would be {EE.Schema.V1R00}foo and the XML serialization engine would take care of ensuring there are suitable xmlns:... attributes somewhere.

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