How to Get Covariance Matrix for Random Effects (Blups/Conditional Modes) from Lme4

How to get covariance matrix for random effects (BLUPs/conditional modes) from lme4

From ?ranef:

If ‘condVar’ is ‘TRUE’ each of the data frames has an attribute
called ‘"postVar"’ which is a three-dimensional array with symmetric
faces; each face contains the variance-covariance matrix for a
particular level of the grouping factor. (The name of this attribute
is a historical artifact, and may be changed to ‘condVar’ at some
point in the future.)

Set up an example:

fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
rr <- ranef(fm1,condVar=TRUE)

Get the variance-covariance matrix among the b values for the intercept

pv <- attr(rr[[1]],"postVar")
##num [1:2, 1:2, 1:18] 145.71 -21.44 -21.44 5.31 145.71 ...

So this is a 2x2x18 array; each slice is the variance-covariance matrix among the conditional intercept and slope for a particular subject (by definition, the intercepts and slopes for each subject are independent of the intercepts and slopes for all other subjects).

To convert this to a variance-covariance matrix (see getMethod("image",sig="dgTMatrix") ...)

vc <- bdiag( ## make a block-diagonal matrix
## split 3d array into a list of sub-matrices
## ... put them back into 2x2 matrices

Sample Image

Extract raw model matrix of random effects from lmer objects (lme4, R)

If mmList is there, then it's not going away (however poorly documented it may be -- feel free to suggest documentation improvements ...). How about,getME(m2,"mmList"))

(which would seem to generalize correctly for multi-term models)?

I agree that it's a bit of a pain that Zt doesn't distinguish correctly between structural and non-structural zeroes -- it might be possible to change the underlying code to make this work if it were sufficiently important, but I think it would be hard enough that we'd need a pretty compelling use case ...

Extract the confidence intervals of lmer random effects; plotted with dotplot(ranef())

rr <- ranef(fm1)  ## condVar = TRUE has been the default for a while

With gives the conditional mode and SD, from which you can calculate the intervals (technically, these are not "confidence intervals" because the values of the BLUPs/conditional modes are not parameters ...)

dd <-
transform(dd, lwr = condval - 1.96*condsd, upr = condval + 1.96*condsd)

Or with broom.mixed::tidy:

broom.mixed::tidy(m1, effects = "ran_vals", = TRUE)

broom.mixed::tidy() uses (the method called by internally: this function takes the rather complicated data structure described in ?lme4::ranef and extracts the conditional modes and standard deviations in a more user-friendly format:

If ‘condVar’ is ‘TRUE’ the ‘"postVar"’
attribute is an array of dimension j by j by k (or a list of such
arrays). The kth face of this array is a positive definite
symmetric j by j matrix. If there is only one grouping factor in
the model the variance-covariance matrix for the entire random
effects vector, conditional on the estimates of the model
parameters and on the data, will be block diagonal; this j by j
matrix is the kth diagonal block. With multiple grouping factors
the faces of the ‘"postVar"’ attributes are still the diagonal
blocks of this conditional variance-covariance matrix but the
matrix itself is no longer block diagonal.

In this particular case, here's what you need to do to replicate the condsd column of

## get the 'postVar' attribute of the first (and only) RE term
aa <- attr(rr$Subject, "postVar")
## for each slice of the array, extract the diagonal;
## transpose and drop dimensions;
## take the square root
sqrt(c(t(apply(aa, 3, diag))))

How does one compute the normalized model residuals based via lme4/merMod in R?

nlme::lme allows for modeling correlation and heteroscedasticity in the residual error term, while lme4::lmer doesn't (these are called "R-side" structures in SAS terminology). Specifying type = "normalized" provides residuals that account for/correct for any modeled structure in the residuals; since lme4::lmer doesn't have those structures, normalizing the residuals wouldn't do anything.

If a linear mixed model (with R-side structures) is expressed as

y ~ MVN(mu, Sigma_r(phi))
mu = X beta + Z b
b ~ MVN(0, Sigma_g(theta))

where X is the fixed-effect model matrix, beta is the FE parameter vector, Z is the random-effect model matrix, b is the vector of BLUPs/conditional modes, Sigma_r and Sigma_g are the covariance matrices of the residual error and the random effects, and phi and theta are the parameter vectors defining these matrices ...

... then Sigma_r is the error correlation (covariance) matrix. In lmer, Sigma_r is always a homogeneous diagonal matrix (phi^2*I).

Variance-covariance matrix for random effect from GAM with mgcv package


fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject), sleepstudy)
fm1.rr <- ranef(fm1,condVar=TRUE)$Subject[,1]
fm1.pv <- sqrt(attr(ranef(fm1,condVar=TRUE) [['Subject']],"postVar")[1,1,])

fm2 <- gam(Reaction ~ Days + s (Subject, bs="re"),
data = sleepstudy, method = "REML")

To extract random effect for each Subject

idx <-grep("Subject", names(coef(fm2)))

We can see that random effects in both models are identical as expected.

To extract variance-covariance matrix for random effect and calculate an error we use parameter Vp which is a Bayesian posterior covariance matrix:

fm2.pv <-sqrt(diag(fm2$Vp))[idx]

Or frequentist estimated covariance matrix Ve

fm2.pv <-sqrt(diag(fm2$Ve))[idx]

We can see that random effect errors estimated with mgcv slightly differ that those estimated with lme4 model. Errors based on a Bayesian posterior covariance matrix are larger, whereas based on a frequentist matrix are smaller.

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