Print a Data Frame with Columns Aligned (As Displayed in R)

Print a data frame with columns aligned (as displayed in R)

You could redirect the output of print to file.

max.print <- getOption('max.print')
options(max.print=nrow(dframe) * ncol(dframe))

Print data frame with columns center-aligned

The problem is that in order for this to work as you expect, the "width" argument needs to also be specified.

Here's an example:

test.1 <- data.frame(Variable.1 = as.character(c(1,2,3)), 
Variable.2 = as.character(c(5,6,7)))

# Identify the width of the widest column by column name
name.width <- max(sapply(names(test.1), nchar))
format(test.1, width = name.width, justify = "centre")
# Variable.1 Variable.2
# 1 1 5
# 2 2 6
# 3 3 7

But, how does this approach work with columns where the variable names are different lengths? Not so well.

test.2 <- data.frame(A.Really.Long.Variable.Name = as.character(c(1,2,3)), 
Short.Name = as.character(c(5,6,7)))

name.width <- max(sapply(names(test.2), nchar))
format(test.2, width = name.width, justify = "centre")
# A.Really.Long.Variable.Name Short.Name
# 1 1 5
# 2 2 6
# 3 3 7

There is, of course, a workaround: change the "width" of each variable name to be equal lengths by padding them with spaces (using format())

orig.names <- names(test.2) # in case you want to restore the original names
names(test.2) <- format(names(test.2), width = name.width, justify = "centre")
format(test.2, width = name.width, justify = "centre")
# A.Really.Long.Variable.Name Short.Name
# 1 1 5
# 2 2 6
# 3 3 7

Outputting an R dataframe to a .txt file - Align positive and negative values

Maybe try a finer scale treatment of the printing using sprintf and a different format string for positive and negative numbers, e.g.:

> df = data.frame(x=c('PICALM','Luc','SEC22B'),y=c(-2.261085123,-2.235376098,2.227728912))

> sprintf('%15-s%.6f',df$x[1],df$y[1])
[1] "PICALM -2.261085"

> sprintf('%15-s%.6f',df$x[2],df$y[2])
[1] "Luc -2.235376"

> sprintf('%15-s%.7f',df$x[3],df$y[3])
[1] "SEC22B 2.2277289"

I don't think that write.table or similar functions accept custom format strings, so one option could be to create a data frame of formatted strings and the use write.table or writeLines to write to a file, e.g.

dfstr = data.frame(x=sprintf('%15-s', df$x),
y=sprintf(paste0('%.', 7-1*(df$y<0),'f'), df$y))

(The format string for y here is essentially what I previously proposed.) Next, write dfstr directly:


Does format(..., justify = left) on a dataframe also left-justify the column names?

# print object explicitly

How to print (to paper) a nicely-formatted data frame

Here is a quick and easy possibility using grid.table from the gridExtra package:

pdf("data_output.pdf", height=11, width=8.5)

Sample Image

If your data doesn't fit on the page, you can reduce the text size grid.table(mtcars, gp=gpar(fontsize=8)). This may not be very flexible, nor easy to generalize or automate.

Align strings of a dataframe in columns in r

Tested with four examples, but this version was done without regard for the information you added as a workaround in example 4.

The main addition is shuffle logic (which may be quite slow) to compact the resulting dataframe form right to left. It's possible that the assigned_by_suffix and the assigned_by_single_suffix are no longer required, but I have not verified.

Outputs are at the end of the code

# examples
df1 <- read.table(text="
col1 col2 col3
st1-ab stb-spst sta-spst
stc-spst sta-spst st4-ab
stb-spst st7-ab
st9-ba stb-spst",header=TRUE,fill=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

df2 <- read.table(text="
col1 col2 col3 col4
st1-ab stb-spst sta-spst std-spst
stc-spst sta-spst st4-ab st2-ab
stb-spst st7-ab sa-ac
st9-ba stb-spst",header=TRUE,fill=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

df3 <- read.table(text="
col1 col2 col3 col4
st1-ab stb-spst sta-spst std-spst
stb-spst sta-ab
sta-spst st7-ab sa-ac
sta-spst stb-spst",header=TRUE,fill=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

df4 <- read.table(text="
col1 col2 col3 col4
st1-ab stb-spst sta-spst std-spst
stb-spst st1-ab
sta-spst st7-ab sa-ac
sta-spst stb-spst st7-ab",header=TRUE,fill=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


suffix <- function(s) {str_extract(s, "[^\\-]+$")}

# make a tall dataframe with melt, and get the suffix
dfm <- df4 %>%
mutate(row_id = seq_along(col1)) %>%
melt(id.vars="row_id") %>%
select(-2) %>%
filter(value != "") %>%
mutate(suffix = suffix(value)) %>%
assert_that(!any(duplicated(dfm[c("row_id", "value")])))

# initialize
combined <- data.frame()
remaining <- dfm

# get the groups with more than 1 value
matched_values <- dfm %>%
group_by(value, suffix) %>%
summarize(n=n()) %>%
filter(n>1) %>%
rename(group_id = value) %>%

# .. and assign the group ids that match
assigned_by_value <- remaining %>%
inner_join(matched_values %>% select(group_id), by = c("value" = "group_id")) %>%
mutate(group_id = value) %>%
select(row_id, value, suffix, group_id)
combined <- combined %>% bind_rows(assigned_by_value)
remaining <- dfm %>% anti_join(combined, by=c("row_id", "value"))
# find the remaining suffixes
matched_suffixes <- remaining %>%
group_by(suffix) %>%
summarize(n=n()) %>%
filter(n>1) %>%
select(-n) %>%

# ... and assign those that match
assigned_by_suffix <- remaining %>%
inner_join(matched_suffixes, by="suffix") %>%
mutate(group_id = suffix)
combined <- bind_rows(combined, assigned_by_suffix)
remaining <- remaining %>% anti_join(combined, by=c("row_id", "value"))

# All that remain are singles assign matches by suffix, choosing the match with fewest
assigned_by_single_suffix <- remaining %>%
inner_join(matched_values, by = "suffix") %>%
top_n(1, n) %>%
head(1) %>%
combined <- bind_rows(combined, assigned_by_single_suffix)
remaining <- remaining %>% anti_join(combined, by=c("row_id", "value"))

# get the remaining unmatched
unmatched <- remaining%>%
mutate(group_id = value)
combined <- bind_rows(combined, unmatched)
remaining <- remaining %>% anti_join(combined, by=c("row_id", "value"))
assert_that(nrow(remaining) == 0)

# any overloads (duplicates) need to bump to their own column
dups <- duplicated(combined[,c("row_id", "group_id")])
combined$group_id[dups] <- combined$value[dups]

assert_that(nrow(combined) == nrow(dfm))

# spread the result

result <- spread(combined %>% select(-suffix), group_id, value, fill ="")

# Shuffle any matching suffix from right to left, so l long as there
# is corresponding space an that the whole column can move
# i is source (startign from right) - j is target (starting from right)
drop_cols = c()
suffixes <- suffix(names(result))
for (i in (ncol(result)):3) {
for(j in (i-1):2) {
if (suffixes[i] == suffixes[j]) {
non_empty <- which(result[,i] != "") # list of source to move
can_fill <- which(result[,j] == "") # list of targets can be filled
can_move <- all(non_empty %in% can_fill) # is to move a subset of can_fill?

# if there's space, shuffle the column down
if (can_move ) {
# shuffle down
result[,j] <- if_else(result[,j] != "", result[,j], result[,i])
drop_cols <- c(drop_cols, i)
result[,i] <- NA

if (!is.null(drop_cols)) {
result <- result[,-drop_cols]

# Example 1
# row_id ab st9-ba sta-spst stb-spst
# 1 1 st1-ab sta-spst stb-spst
# 2 2 st4-ab sta-spst stc-spst
# 3 3 st7-ab stb-spst
# 4 4 st9-ba stb-spst

# Example 2
# row_id ab sa-ac spst st2-ab st9-ba sta-spst stb-spst
# 1 1 st1-ab std-spst sta-spst stb-spst
# 2 2 st4-ab stc-spst st2-ab sta-spst
# 3 3 st7-ab sa-ac stb-spst
# 4 4 st9-ba stb-spst

# Example 3
# row_id ab sa-ac sta-spst stb-spst std-spst
# 1 1 st1-ab sta-spst stb-spst std-spst
# 2 2 sta-ab stb-spst
# 3 3 st7-ab sa-ac sta-spst
# 4 4 sta-spst stb-spst

# Example 4
# row_id sa-ac st1-ab sta-spst stb-spst std-spst
# 1 1 st1-ab sta-spst stb-spst std-spst
# 2 2 st1-ab stb-spst
# 3 3 sa-ac st7-ab sta-spst
# 4 4 st7-ab sta-spst stb-spst

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