Incremental Nested Lists in Rmarkdown

Incremental nested lists in rmarkdown

Try inserting four leading spaces. From the documentation (emphasis mine):

The four-space rule

A list item may contain multiple paragraphs and other block-level content. However, subsequent paragraphs must be preceded by a blank line and indented four spaces or a tab. The list will look better if the first paragraph is aligned with the rest:

The inconsistency to do with number of tabs may be due to how many spaces are inserted by default by Rstudio.

R Markdown Bullet List with Multiple Levels

For each sub-level instead of one tab, include two:

* unordered list
+ sub-item 1
+ sub-item 2
- sub-sub-item 1


Sample Image

nested ordered lists in rmarkdown

Cf. the next section of the documentation (my emphasis):

Pandoc also pays attention to the type of list marker used, and to the starting number, and both of these are preserved where possible in the output format.

To get the output you want (all new list should begin at 1.), disable the startnum extension (source):

md_extensions: -startnum

Incremental sub-bullets in RMarkdown and Beamer

This problem is solved by updating pandoc. This works using pandoc 2.1.3

I updated my pandoc at the Terminal with brew install pandoc, which threw an error suggesting I run brew link --overwrite pandoc. I did so, and my pandoc version was updated. I recompile the .Rmd file and the first two but fails to nest cases increment and nest.

How to create an automatic nested list and sub-lists with letters and/or Roman numerals in R-markdown?

Luckily, I have found the answer to my question in another R-Markdown cheatsheet. The point is to put 4 spaces or 2 indents before the sub-list items and 8 spaces or 4 indents before the sub-sub-list items. The following is my code in R-Markdown:

1. What geoms would you use to draw the followings?
a. A line chart
i. `geom_bar()`
i. `geom_line()`
a. A boxplot
i. `geom_boxplot()`
i. box
a. A histogram: `geom_histogram()`
a. An area chart: `geom_area()`

The output is like this:

1. What geoms would you use to draw the followings?
a. A line chart
i. `geom_bar()`
ii. `geom_line()`
b. A boxplot
iii. `geom_boxplot()`
iv. box
c. A histogram: `geom_histogram()`
d. An area chart: `geom_area()`

Creating lists and sub items in R markdown not working any longer?

For everyone that has problems showing simple list, markdown need an Empty line before a list.

This will not work
* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3

The output will look something like this.

This will not work
* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3

To fix this;

* Item 1

* Item 2

* Item 3

should output like this

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

Processing nested lists in nested for loop

output_sublist for i = 1 is

#[1] "a"

#[1] "b"

For i = 2, since we don't clear output_sublist it replaces only the first value and second value remains as it is.

#[1] "a" "b"

#[1] "b"

You need to clear output_sublist after each iteration of i.

for (i in 1:length(input_variables)) {
output_sublist <- list() #Added a line here to clear output_sublist
input_combination_list[[i]] <- combn(input_variables, i, simplify = FALSE)
for(j in 1:length(input_combination_list[[i]])) {
output_sublist[[j]] <- input_combination_list[[i]][[j]]
output_biglist[[i]] <- output_sublist

#[1] "a"

#[1] "b"

#[1] "a" "b"

However, as mentioned in the comments we can do this with lapply as well

lapply(seq_along(input_variables), function(x) 
combn(input_variables, x, simplify = FALSE))

#[1] "a"

#[1] "b"

#[1] "a" "b"

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