Vectorized Searchsorted Numpy

Vectorized searchsorted numpy

We can add each row some offset as compared to the previous row. We would use the same offset for both arrays. The idea is to use np.searchsorted on flattened version of input arrays thereafter and thus each row from b would be restricted to find sorted positions in the corresponding row in a. Additionally, to make it work for negative numbers too, we just need to offset for the minimum numbers as well.

So, we would have a vectorized implementation like so -

def searchsorted2d(a,b):
m,n = a.shape
max_num = np.maximum(a.max() - a.min(), b.max() - b.min()) + 1
r = max_num*np.arange(a.shape[0])[:,None]
p = np.searchsorted( (a+r).ravel(), (b+r).ravel() ).reshape(m,-1)
return p - n*(np.arange(m)[:,None])

Runtime test -

In [173]: def searchsorted2d_loopy(a,b):
...: out = np.zeros(a.shape,dtype=int)
...: for i in range(len(a)):
...: out[i] = np.searchsorted(a[i],b[i])
...: return out

In [174]: # Setup input arrays
...: a = np.random.randint(11,99,(10000,20))
...: b = np.random.randint(11,99,(10000,20))
...: a = np.sort(a,1)
...: b = np.sort(b,1)

In [175]: np.allclose(searchsorted2d(a,b),searchsorted2d_loopy(a,b))
Out[175]: True

In [176]: %timeit searchsorted2d_loopy(a,b)
10 loops, best of 3: 28.6 ms per loop

In [177]: %timeit searchsorted2d(a,b)
100 loops, best of 3: 13.7 ms per loop

How to vectorize with numpy.searchsorted in a 2d-array

Inspired by Vectorized searchsorted numpy for the underlying idea, here's one between 2D and 1D arrays -

def searchsorted2d(a,b):
# Inputs : a is (m,n) 2D array and b is (m,) 1D array.
# Finds np.searchsorted(a[i], b[i])) in a vectorized way by
# scaling/offsetting both inputs and then using searchsorted

# Get scaling offset and then scale inputs
s = np.r_[0,(np.maximum(a.max(1)-a.min(1)+1,b)+1).cumsum()[:-1]]
a_scaled = (a+s[:,None]).ravel()
b_scaled = b+s

# Use searchsorted on scaled ones and then subtract offsets
return np.searchsorted(a_scaled,b_scaled)-np.arange(len(s))*a.shape[1]

Output on given sample -

In [101]: searchsorted2d(a,v)
Out[101]: array([ 1, 9, 10, 6, 9])

Case with all NaNs rows

To extend to make it work for all NaNs rows, we need few more steps -

valid_mask = ~np.isnan(a).any(1)
out = np.zeros(len(a), dtype=int)
out[valid_mask] = searchsorted2d(a[valid_mask],v[valid_mask])

NumPy - np.searchsorted for 2-D arrays

I've created several more advanced strategies.

Also simple strategy using tuples like in another my answer is implemented.

Timings of all solutions are measured.

Most of strategies are using np.searchsorted as underlying engine. To implement these advanced strategies a special wrapping class _CmpIx was used in order to provide custom comparison function (__lt__) for np.searchsorted call.

  1. py.tuples strategy just converts all columns to tuples and stores them as numpy 1D array of np.object_ dtype and then doing regular searchsorting.
  2. uses python's zip for lazily doing same task.
  3. np.lexsort strategy just uses np.lexsort in order to compare two columns lexicographically.
  4. np.nonzero uses np.flatnonzero(a != b) expression.
  5. cmp_numba uses ahead of time compiled numba code inside _CmpIx wrapper for fast lexicographically lazy comparing of two provided elements.
  6. np.searchsorted uses standard numpy's function but is measured for 1D case only.
  7. for numba strategy whole search algorithm is implemented from scratch using Numba engine, algorithm is based on binary search. There is _py and _nm variants of this algorithm, _nm is much faster as it uses Numba compiler, while _py is same algorithm but un-compiled. Also there is _sorted flavor which does extra optimization of array to be inserted is already sorted.
  8. view1d - methods suggested by @MadPhysicist in this answer. Commented out them in code, because they were returning incorrect answers for most of tests for all key lengths >1, probably due to some problems of raw viewing into array.

Try it online!

class SearchSorted2D:
class _CmpIx:
def __init__(self, t, p, i):
self.p, self.i = p, i
self.leg = self.leg_cache()[t] = lambda o: self.leg(self, o, False) if self.i != o.i else False
self.le = lambda o: self.leg(self, o, True) if self.i != o.i else True
def leg_cache(cls):
if not hasattr(cls, 'leg_cache_data'):
cls.leg_cache_data = {
'': cls._leg_py_zip, 'np.lexsort': cls._leg_np_lexsort,
'np.nonzero': cls._leg_np_nonzero, 'cmp_numba': cls._leg_numba_create(),
return cls.leg_cache_data
def __eq__(self, o): return not and self.le(o)
def __ne__(self, o): return or not self.le(o)
def __lt__(self, o): return
def __le__(self, o): return self.le(o)
def __gt__(self, o): return not self.le(o)
def __ge__(self, o): return not
def _leg_np_lexsort(self, o, eq):
import numpy as np
ia, ib = (self.i, o.i) if eq else (o.i, self.i)
return (np.lexsort(self.p.ab[::-1, ia : (ib + (-1, 1)[ib >= ia], None)[ib == 0] : ib - ia])[0] == 0) == eq
def _leg_py_zip(self, o, eq):
for l, r in zip(self.p.ab[:, self.i], self.p.ab[:, o.i]):
if l < r:
return True
if l > r:
return False
return eq
def _leg_np_nonzero(self, o, eq):
import numpy as np
a, b = self.p.ab[:, self.i], self.p.ab[:, o.i]
ix = np.flatnonzero(a != b)
return a[ix[0]] < b[ix[0]] if ix.size != 0 else eq
def _leg_numba_create():
import numpy as np

from numba.pycc import CC
cc = CC('ss_numba_mod')
@cc.export('ss_numba_i8', 'b1(i8[:],i8[:],b1)')
def ss_numba(a, b, eq):
for i in range(a.size):
if a[i] < b[i]:
return True
elif b[i] < a[i]:
return False
return eq
success = True
success = False

if success:
import ss_numba_mod
success = False

def odo(self, o, eq):
a, b = self.p.ab[:, self.i], self.p.ab[:, o.i]
assert a.ndim == 1 and a.shape == b.shape, (a.shape, b.shape)
return ss_numba_mod.ss_numba_i8(a, b, eq)

return odo if success else None

def __init__(self, type_):
import numpy as np
self.type_ = type_ = np.array([], dtype = np.object_)
def __call__(self, a, b, *pargs, **nargs):
import numpy as np
self.ab = np.concatenate((a, b), axis = 1)
ix = np.searchsorted([:a.shape[1]],[a.shape[1] : a.shape[1] + b.shape[1]], *pargs, **nargs)
return ix
def _grow(self, to):
import numpy as np
if >= to:
import math
to = 1 << math.ceil(math.log(to) / math.log(2)) = np.concatenate((, [self._CmpIx(self.type_, self, i) for i in range(, to)]))

class SearchSorted2DNumba:
def do(cls, a, v, side = 'left', *, vsorted = False, numba_ = True):
import numpy as np

if not hasattr(cls, '_ido_numba'):
def _ido_regular(a, b, vsorted, lrt):
nk, na, nb = a.shape[0], a.shape[1], b.shape[1]
res = np.zeros((2, nb), dtype = np.int64)
max_depth = 0
if nb == 0:
return res, max_depth
#lb, le, rb, re = 0, 0, 0, 0
lrb, lre = 0, 0

if vsorted:
brngs = np.zeros((nb, 6), dtype = np.int64)
brngs[0, :4] = (-1, 0, nb >> 1, nb)
i, j, size = 0, 1, 1
while i < j:
for k in range(i, j):
cbrng = brngs[k]
bp, bb, bm, be = cbrng[:4]
if bb < bm:
brngs[size, :4] = (k, bb, (bb + bm) >> 1, bm)
size += 1
bmp1 = bm + 1
if bmp1 < be:
brngs[size, :4] = (k, bmp1, (bmp1 + be) >> 1, be)
size += 1
i, j = j, size
assert size == nb
brngs[:, 4:] = -1

for ibc in range(nb):
if not vsorted:
ib, lrb, lre = ibc, 0, na
ibpi, ib = int(brngs[ibc, 0]), int(brngs[ibc, 2])
if ibpi == -1:
lrb, lre = 0, na
ibp = int(brngs[ibpi, 2])
if ib < ibp:
lrb, lre = int(brngs[ibpi, 4]), int(res[1, ibp])
lrb, lre = int(res[0, ibp]), int(brngs[ibpi, 5])
brngs[ibc, 4 : 6] = (lrb, lre)
assert lrb != -1 and lre != -1

for ik in range(nk):
if lrb >= lre:
if ik > max_depth:
max_depth = ik

bv = b[ik, ib]

# Binary searches

if nk != 1 or lrt == 2:
cb, ce = lrb, lre
while cb < ce:
cm = (cb + ce) >> 1
av = a[ik, cm]
if av < bv:
cb = cm + 1
elif bv < av:
ce = cm
lrb, lre = cb, ce

if nk != 1 or lrt >= 1:
cb, ce = lrb, lre
while cb < ce:
cm = (cb + ce) >> 1
if not (bv < a[ik, cm]):
cb = cm + 1
ce = cm
#rb, re = cb, ce
lre = ce

if nk != 1 or lrt == 0 or lrt == 2:
cb, ce = lrb, lre
while cb < ce:
cm = (cb + ce) >> 1
if a[ik, cm] < bv:
cb = cm + 1
ce = cm
#lb, le = cb, ce
lrb = cb

#lrb, lre = lb, re

res[:, ib] = (lrb, lre)

return res, max_depth

cls._ido_regular = _ido_regular

import numba
cls._ido_numba = numba.jit(nopython = True, nogil = True, cache = True)(cls._ido_regular)

assert side in ['left', 'right', 'left_right'], side
a, v = np.array(a), np.array(v)
assert a.ndim == 2 and v.ndim == 2 and a.shape[0] == v.shape[0], (a.shape, v.shape)
res, max_depth = (cls._ido_numba if numba_ else cls._ido_regular)(
a, v, vsorted, {'left': 0, 'right': 1, 'left_right': 2}[side],
return res[0] if side == 'left' else res[1] if side == 'right' else res

def Test():
import time
import numpy as np

def round_float_fixed_str(x, n = 0):
if type(x) is int:
return str(x)
s = str(round(float(x), n))
if n > 0:
s += '0' * (n - (len(s) - 1 - s.rfind('.')))
return s

def to_tuples(x):
r = np.empty([x.shape[1]], dtype = np.object_)
r[:] = [tuple(e) for e in x.T]
return r

searchsorted2d = {
'': SearchSorted2D(''),
'np.nonzero': SearchSorted2D('np.nonzero'),
'np.lexsort': SearchSorted2D('np.lexsort'),
'cmp_numba': SearchSorted2D('cmp_numba'),

for iklen, klen in enumerate([1, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200]):
times = {}
for side in ['left', 'right']:
a = np.zeros((klen, 0), dtype = np.int64)
tac = to_tuples(a)

for itest in range((15, 100)[iklen == 0]):
b = np.random.randint(0, (3, 100000)[iklen == 0], (klen, np.random.randint(1, (1000, 2000)[iklen == 0])), dtype = np.int64)
b = b[:, np.lexsort(b[::-1])]

if iklen == 0:
assert klen == 1, klen
ts = time.time()
ix1 = np.searchsorted(a[0], b[0], side = side)
te = time.time()
times['np.searchsorted'] = times.get('np.searchsorted', 0.) + te - ts

for cached in [False, True]:
ts = time.time()
tb = to_tuples(b)
ta = tac if cached else to_tuples(a)
ix1 = np.searchsorted(ta, tb, side = side)
if not cached:
ix0 = ix1
tac = np.insert(tac, ix0, tb) if cached else tac
te = time.time()
timesk = f'py.tuples{("", "_cached")[cached]}'
times[timesk] = times.get(timesk, 0.) + te - ts

for type_ in searchsorted2d.keys():
if iklen == 0 and type_ in ['np.nonzero', 'np.lexsort']:
ss = searchsorted2d[type_]
ts = time.time()
ix1 = ss(a, b, side = side)
te = time.time()
times[type_] = times.get(type_, 0.) + te - ts
assert np.array_equal(ix0, ix1)
except Exception:
times[type_ + '!failed'] = 0.

for numba_ in [False, True]:
for vsorted in [False, True]:
if numba_:
# Heat-up/pre-compile numba, b, side = side, vsorted = vsorted, numba_ = numba_)

ts = time.time()
ix1 =, b, side = side, vsorted = vsorted, numba_ = numba_)
te = time.time()
timesk = f'numba{("_py", "_nm")[numba_]}{("", "_sorted")[vsorted]}'
times[timesk] = times.get(timesk, 0.) + te - ts
assert np.array_equal(ix0, ix1)

# View-1D methods suggested by @MadPhysicist
if False: # Commented out as working just some-times
aT, bT = np.copy(a.T), np.copy(b.T)
assert aT.ndim == 2 and bT.ndim == 2 and aT.shape[1] == klen and bT.shape[1] == klen, (aT.shape, bT.shape, klen)

for ty in ['if', 'cf']:
dt = np.dtype({'if': [('', b.dtype)] * klen, 'cf': [('row', b.dtype, klen)]}[ty])
ts = time.time()
va = np.ndarray(aT.shape[:1], dtype = dt, buffer = aT)
vb = np.ndarray(bT.shape[:1], dtype = dt, buffer = bT)
ix1 = np.searchsorted(va, vb, side = side)
te = time.time()
assert np.array_equal(ix0, ix1), (ix0.shape, ix1.shape, ix0[:20], ix1[:20])
times[f'view1d_{ty}'] = times.get(f'view1d_{ty}', 0.) + te - ts
except Exception:

a = np.insert(a, ix0, b, axis = 1)

stimes = ([f'key_len: {str(klen).rjust(3)}'] +
[f'{k}: {round_float_fixed_str(v, 4).rjust(7)}' for k, v in times.items()])
nlines = 4
print('-' * 50 + '\n' + ('', '!LARGE!:\n')[iklen == 0], end = '')
for i in range(nlines):
print(', '.join(stimes[len(stimes) * i // nlines : len(stimes) * (i + 1) // nlines]), flush = True)



key_len: 1, np.searchsorted: 0.0250
py.tuples_cached: 3.3113, py.tuples: 30.5263, 40.9785
cmp_numba: 25.7826, numba_py: 3.6673
numba_py_sorted: 6.8926, numba_nm: 0.0466, numba_nm_sorted: 0.0505
key_len: 1, py.tuples_cached: 0.1371
py.tuples: 0.4698, 1.2005, np.nonzero: 4.7827
np.lexsort: 4.4672, cmp_numba: 1.0644, numba_py: 0.2748
numba_py_sorted: 0.5699, numba_nm: 0.0005, numba_nm_sorted: 0.0020
key_len: 2, py.tuples_cached: 0.1131
py.tuples: 0.3643, 1.0670, np.nonzero: 4.5199
np.lexsort: 3.4595, cmp_numba: 0.8582, numba_py: 0.4958
numba_py_sorted: 0.6454, numba_nm: 0.0025, numba_nm_sorted: 0.0025
key_len: 5, py.tuples_cached: 0.1876
py.tuples: 0.4493, 1.6342, np.nonzero: 5.5168
np.lexsort: 4.6086, cmp_numba: 1.0939, numba_py: 1.0607
numba_py_sorted: 0.9737, numba_nm: 0.0050, numba_nm_sorted: 0.0065
key_len: 10, py.tuples_cached: 0.6017
py.tuples: 1.2275, 3.5276, np.nonzero: 13.5460
np.lexsort: 12.4183, cmp_numba: 2.5404, numba_py: 2.8334
numba_py_sorted: 2.3991, numba_nm: 0.0165, numba_nm_sorted: 0.0155
key_len: 20, py.tuples_cached: 0.8316
py.tuples: 1.3759, 3.4238, np.nonzero: 13.7834
np.lexsort: 16.2164, cmp_numba: 2.4483, numba_py: 2.6405
numba_py_sorted: 2.2226, numba_nm: 0.0170, numba_nm_sorted: 0.0160
key_len: 50, py.tuples_cached: 1.0443
py.tuples: 1.4085, 2.2475, np.nonzero: 9.1673
np.lexsort: 19.5266, cmp_numba: 1.6181, numba_py: 1.7731
numba_py_sorted: 1.4637, numba_nm: 0.0415, numba_nm_sorted: 0.0405
key_len: 100, py.tuples_cached: 2.0136
py.tuples: 2.5380, 2.2279, np.nonzero: 9.2929
np.lexsort: 33.9505, cmp_numba: 1.5722, numba_py: 1.7158
numba_py_sorted: 1.4208, numba_nm: 0.0871, numba_nm_sorted: 0.0851
key_len: 200, py.tuples_cached: 3.5945
py.tuples: 4.1847, 2.3553, np.nonzero: 11.3781
np.lexsort: 66.0104, cmp_numba: 1.8153, numba_py: 1.9449
numba_py_sorted: 1.6463, numba_nm: 0.1661, numba_nm_sorted: 0.1651

As it appears from timings numba_nm implementation is the fastest, it outperforms next fastest ( or py.tuples_cached) by 15-100x times. And it has comparable speed (1.85x slower) to standard np.searchsorted for 1D case. Also it appeared to be that _sorted flavor doesn't improve situation (i.e. using information about inserted array being sorted).

cmp_numba method that is machine-code compiled appears to be around 1.5x times faster on average than that does same algorithm but in pure python. Due to average maximum equal-key depth being around 15-18 elements numba doesn't gain much speedup here. If depth was hundreds then numba code would probably have a huge speedup.

py.tuples_cached strategy is faster than for the case of key length <= 100.

Also it appears to be that np.lexsort is in fact very slow, either it is not optimized for the case of just two columns, or it spends time doing preprocessing like splitting rows into list, or it does non-lazy lexicographical comparison, the last case is probably the real reason as lexsort slows down with key length grow.

Strategy np.nonzero is also non-lazy hence works slow too, and slows down with key length growth (but slows down not that fast as np.lexsort does).

Timings above may be not precise, because my CPU slows down cores frequency 2-2.3 times at random times whenever it is overheated, and it overheats often because it is a powerful CPU inside laptop.

Is it possible to vectorize this numpy array comparison?

To answer your specific question, i.e., a vectorized way to get the equivalent of np.array([a<b_i for b_i in b], you can take advantage of broadcasting, here, you could use:

a[None, ...] < b[..., None]


>>> a[None, ...] < b[..., None]
array([[False, False, False, False, False, False],
[ True, True, False, False, False, False],
[ True, True, True, True, True, False]])

Importantly, for broadcasting:

>>> a[None, ...].shape,  b[..., None].shape
((1, 6), (3, 1))

Here's the link to the official numpy docs to understand broadcasting. Some relevant tidbits:

When operating on two arrays, NumPy compares their shapes
element-wise. It starts with the trailing (i.e. rightmost) dimensions
and works its way left. Two dimensions are compatible when

  1. they are equal, or

  2. one of them is 1


When either of the dimensions compared is one, the other is used. In
other words, dimensions with size 1 are stretched or “copied” to match
the other.


As noted in the comments under your question, using an entirely different approach is much better algorithmically than your own, brute force solution, namely, taking advantage of binary search, using np.searchsorted

Julia: vectorized version of searchsorted


should give you the desired result. Example:

julia> A = [1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 9, 10];

julia> B = [10, 6, 9];

julia> searchsortedfirst.(Ref(A), B)
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

Compare to np.searchsorted:

julia> using PyCall

julia> np = pyimport("numpy");

julia> np.searchsorted(A,B)
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

which (up to Python's 0-based indexing) is equivalent.

What does searchsortedfirst.(Ref(A),B) do?

The dot tells Julia to broadcast the searchsortedfirst call. However, we have to make sure that A is still treated as an array in each call (we want A to be a scalar under broadcasting). This can be achieved by wrapping A in a Ref.

Fast way to check if elements in sub-dimension of a numpy array is in sub-dimension of another numpy array

Here's one vectorized approach based on the per-row offsetting as discussed in more details in Vectorized searchsorted numpy's solution -

# @Divakar
def searchsorted2d(a,b):
m,n = a.shape
max_num = np.maximum(a.max() - a.min(), b.max() - b.min()) + 1
r = max_num*np.arange(a.shape[0])[:,None]
p = np.searchsorted( (a+r).ravel(), (b+r).ravel() ).reshape(m,-1)
return p - n*(np.arange(m)[:,None])

def numpy_isin2D(A,B):
sB = np.sort(B,axis=1)
idx = searchsorted2d(sB,A)
idx[idx==sB.shape[1]] = 0
return np.take_along_axis(sB, idx, axis=1) == A

Sample run -

In [351]: A
array([[5, 0, 3, 3],
[7, 3, 5, 2],
[4, 7, 6, 8],
[8, 1, 6, 7],
[7, 8, 1, 5]])

In [352]: B
array([[8, 4, 3, 0, 3, 5],
[0, 2, 3, 8, 1, 3],
[3, 3, 7, 0, 1, 0],
[4, 7, 3, 2, 7, 2],
[0, 0, 4, 5, 5, 6]])

In [353]: numpy_isin2D(A,B)
array([[ True, True, True, True],
[False, True, False, True],
[False, True, False, False],
[False, False, False, True],
[False, False, False, True]])

vectorized approach to binning with numpy/scipy in Python

If I understand your question correctly:

vals = array([[1, 10], [1, 11], [2, 20], [2, 21], [2, 22]])  # Example

(x, y) = vals.T # Shortcut
bin_limits = range(min(x)+1, max(x)+2) # Other limits could be chosen
points_by_bin = [ [] for _ in bin_limits ] # Final result
for (bin_num, y_value) in zip(searchsorted(bin_limits, x, "right"), y): # digitize() finds the correct bin number

print points_by_bin # [[10, 11], [20, 21, 22]]

Numpy's fast array operation searchsorted() is used for maximum efficiency. Values are then added one by one (since the final result is not a rectangular array, Numpy cannot help much, for this). This solution should be faster than multiple where() calls in a loop, which force Numpy to re-read the same array many times.

Vectorized relative complement of sets in numpy

I assume A and the subarrays of B are sorted and have unique elements. Then for my below example of 10**6 integers divided into 100 subarrays generated by the following code.

A = np.sort(np.unique(np.random.randint(0,10**10,10**6)))
B = np.split(A, np.sort(np.random.randint(0,10**6-1,99)))

You can cut the time in half by setting unique=True. And cut that time by a factor of 3 on top of that by only doing the setminus in for the numbers in A that lie between the biggest and smallest number in the particular subset of B. I realize that my example is the optimal case for this optimization to help so am not sure how that will be for your real world example. You will have to try.

boundaries = [x[i] for x in B for i in [0,-1]]
boundary_idx = np.searchsorted(A, boundaries).reshape(-1,2)
np.setdiff1d(A[x[0]:x[1]+1], b, assume_unique=True),
for b,x in zip(B, boundary_idx)]

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