Typeerror: 'Dict' Object Is Not Callable

TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable while using dict( )

In a fresh interpreter:

>>> bob=dict(name='bob smith',age=42,pay='10000',job='dev')
>>> bob
{'age': 42, 'pay': '10000', 'job': 'dev', 'name': 'bob smith'}

However, you are getting a TypeError:

TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable

This error you get tells you that your dict is not callable.

Since my dict is callable when I open a fresh interpreter, it means that your dict is different.

Most likely, you defined a dict variable, which overrode the built-in dict. Look for the

dict = {...}

line, and rename your variable.

As pointed out by @Robᵩ, don't use built-in names for your variables. Especially avoid the tempting str, list, and so on.

Keep getting TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable

the parentheses are used for calling functions/classes use brackets instead so change




also in letters_values you have letters_pair[0] in quotations, which you need to remove and make it


then do that for every other dictionary object you have.

dict object is not callable - Python 3

You should index into a dictionary with brackets not parentheses.


TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable when using request.json()

In python, a "call" happens when you include a () after a variable. TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable simply means that request.json is a dict and cannot be called. Remove the () after request.json.

def test():
data = request.json

TypeError: dict object is not callable (inside Thread function)

When you use threading.Thread to execute something, you should separate the target callable object (like a function) and corresponding arguments (parameters) then pass them respectively:

myThread = threading.Thread(target=book_italian, args=(email, full_name, gender))

Refer to document.

Django TypeError 'dict' object is not callable

Get the values from dictionary, like:

username = login_form.cleaned_data['username']
password = login_form.cleaned_data['password']

You cannot get the value of a key in DICTIONARIES using () instead use [].

Don't understand cause of this TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable

icaolist = icaolist()

You can't have the same name for the dictionary and the function.

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