Find P-Value (Significance) in Scikit-Learn Linearregression

Python sklearn - how to calculate p-values

Just run the significance test on X, y directly. Example using 20news and chi2:

>>> from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized
>>> from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2
>>> data = fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized()
>>> X, y =,
>>> scores, pvalues = chi2(X, y)
>>> pvalues
array([ 4.10171798e-17, 4.34003018e-01, 9.99999996e-01, ...,
9.99999995e-01, 9.99999869e-01, 9.99981414e-01])

get p value and r value from HuberRegressor in Sklearn

You can also use robust linear models in statsmodels. For example:

import statsmodels.api as sm
from sklearn import datasets

x =[:,0]
y =[:,2]
rlm_model = sm.RLM(y, sm.add_constant(x),
rlm_results =

The p value you get from scipy.lingress is the p-value that the slope is not zero, this you can get by doing:


coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
const -7.1311 0.539 -13.241 0.000 -8.187 -6.076
x1 1.8648 0.091 20.434 0.000 1.686 2.044

Now the r_value from lingress is a correlation coefficient and it stays as that. With robust linear model, you are weighing your observations differently, hence making it less sensitive to outliers, therefore, the r squared calculation does not make sense here. You might get a lower r squared since you are avoiding the line towards the outlier data points.

See comments by @Josef (who maintains statsmodels) from this question, this answer. You can try this calculation if you would like a meaningful r-squared

How to get R-squared for robust regression (RLM) in Statsmodels?

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