Parse Date String and Change Format

Parse date string and change format

datetime module could help you with that:

datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, format1).strftime(format2)

For the specific example you could do

>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.datetime.strptime('Mon Feb 15 2010', '%a %b %d %Y').strftime('%d/%m/%Y')

How to convert a date string to different format

I assume I have import datetime before running each of the lines of code below

datetime.datetime.strptime("2013-1-25", '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%m/%d/%y')

prints "01/25/13".

If you can't live with the leading zero, try this:

dt = datetime.datetime.strptime("2013-1-25", '%Y-%m-%d')
print '{0}/{1}/{2:02}'.format(dt.month,, dt.year % 100)

This prints "1/25/13".

EDIT: This may not work on every platform:

datetime.datetime.strptime("2013-1-25", '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%m/%d/%y')

Parsing a string to a date in JavaScript

The best string format for string parsing is the date ISO format together with the JavaScript Date object constructor.

Examples of ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.

But wait! Just using the "ISO format" doesn't work reliably by itself. String are sometimes parsed as UTC and sometimes as localtime (based on browser vendor and version). The best practice should always be to store dates as UTC and make computations as UTC.

To parse a date as UTC, append a Z - e.g.: new Date('2011-04-11T10:20:30Z').

To display a date in UTC, use .toUTCString(),

to display a date in user's local time, use .toString().

More info on MDN | Date and this answer.

For old Internet Explorer compatibility (IE versions less than 9 do not support ISO format in Date constructor), you should split datetime string representation to it's parts and then you can use constructor using datetime parts, e.g.: new Date('2011', '04' - 1, '11', '11', '51', '00'). Note that the number of the month must be 1 less.

Alternate method - use an appropriate library:

You can also take advantage of the library Moment.js that allows parsing date with the specified time zone.

Convert String Date to String date different format

SimpleDateFormat format1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
SimpleDateFormat format2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
Date date = format1.parse("2013-02-21");

Parse String to Date with Different Format in Java

Take a look at SimpleDateFormat. The code goes something like this:

SimpleDateFormat fromUser = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
SimpleDateFormat myFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

try {

String reformattedStr = myFormat.format(fromUser.parse(inputString));
} catch (ParseException e) {

How can I convert string to datetime with format specification in JavaScript?

I think this can help you:

There's a getDateFromFormat() function that you can tweak a little to solve your problem.

Update: there's an updated version of the samples available at

Converting dd/mm/yyyy formatted string to Datetime

You need to use DateTime.ParseExact with format "dd/MM/yyyy"

DateTime dt=DateTime.ParseExact("24/01/2013", "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

Its safer if you use d/M/yyyy for the format, since that will handle both single digit and double digits day/month. But that really depends if you are expecting single/double digit values.

Your date format day/Month/Year might be an acceptable date format for some cultures. For example for Canadian Culture en-CA DateTime.Parse would work like:

DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse("24/01/2013", new CultureInfo("en-CA"));


System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-CA");
DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse("24/01/2013"); //uses the current Thread's culture

Both the above lines would work because the the string's format is acceptable for en-CA culture. Since you are not supplying any culture to your DateTime.Parse call, your current culture is used for parsing which doesn't support the date format. Read more about it at DateTime.Parse.

Another method for parsing is using DateTime.TryParseExact

DateTime dt;
if (DateTime.TryParseExact("24/01/2013",
out dt))
//valid date
//invalid date

The TryParse group of methods in .Net framework doesn't throw exception on invalid values, instead they return a bool value indicating success or failure in parsing.

Notice that I have used single d and M for day and month respectively. Single d and M works for both single/double digits day and month. So for the format d/M/yyyy valid values could be:

  • "24/01/2013"
  • "24/1/2013"
  • "4/12/2013" //4 December 2013
  • "04/12/2013"

For further reading you should see: Custom Date and Time Format Strings

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