Python List of Dictionaries Search

Python3 - How to Search Key by Values in a List of Dictionaries?

You can use a list comprehension:

data = [{'users': {'user_a': [{'email': ['', '']}], 'user_b': [{'email': ['']}]}, 'class': 'class_A'}, {'users': {'user_d': [{'email': ['']}], 'user_c': [{'email': ['', '']}]}, 'class': 'class_B'}]
email = ""
result = [[i['class'], j] for i in data for j, k in i['users'].items() if any(email in x['email'] for x in k)]


[['class_A', 'user_a'], ['class_B', 'user_c']]

Iterate through a list of dictionaries to find most recent DateTime

You can sort the list in descending order based on the lastLogOnDateTime field and just take the first dictionary of the list

res = []
s = sorted(list_of_dict, key=lambda d: d['lastLogOnDateTime'], reverse=True)
if len(s)>0:
res = [s[0]]

Python - Extract value from list of dictionaries that match a specified key

This can easily be done by looping on both the dictionary and the list, and then comparing the names:

def match_names(names, data):
ret_list = []
for name in names:
for val in data:
if val['name'] == name:
return ret_list

Find item in list of dicts

If all of the keys are unique, you can flatten the list of dictionaries into a dictionary with a straightforward dictionary comprehension.

Note: you don't want to use list as a name for a variable, as it is an important built-in type. Use something like lst instead.

{ k: v for d in lst for k, v in d.items() }


{'ENT_AUT': ['2018-11-27'], 'ENT_NAT_REF_COD': 'C87193', 
'ENT_ADD': 'Ewropa Business Centre, Triq Dun Karm',
'ENT_TOW_CIT_RES': 'Birkirkara', 'ENT_POS_COD': 'BKR 9034',

Getting the value for key 'ENT_NAM' is now just:

{ k: v for d in lst for k, v in d.items() }['ENT_NAM']

find an item inside a list of dictionaries

As you found you have to iterate (unless you are able to change your data structure to an enclosing dict) why don't you just do it?

>>> [d['status'] for d in list_of_dicts if d['name']=='Robert']

Despite this, I recommend considering a map type (like dict) every time you see some 'id' field in a proposed data structure. If it's there you probably want to use it for general identification, instead of carrying dicts around. They can be used for relations also, and transfer easily into a relational database if you need it later.

Search by value of dict in array

Convert list of dict to dict

d = {x["token"]: x for x in large_list}
# 10

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