Mapping a Range of Values to Another

Mapping a numeric range onto another

Let's forget the math and try to solve this intuitively.

First, if we want to map input numbers in the range [0, x] to output range [0, y], we just need to scale by an appropriate amount. 0 goes to 0, x goes to y, and a number t will go to (y/x)*t.

So, let's reduce your problem to the above simpler problem.

An input range of [input_start, input_end] has input_end - input_start + 1 numbers. So it's equivalent to a range of [0, r], where r = input_end - input_start.

Similarly, the output range is equivalent to [0, R], where R = output_end - output_start.

An input of input is equivalent to x = input - input_start. This, from the first paragraph will translate to y = (R/r)*x. Then, we can translate the y value back to the original output range by adding output_start: output = output_start + y.

This gives us:

output = output_start + ((output_end - output_start) / (input_end - input_start)) * (input - input_start)

Or, another way:

/* Note, "slope" below is a constant for given numbers, so if you are calculating
a lot of output values, it makes sense to calculate it once. It also makes
understanding the code easier */
slope = (output_end - output_start) / (input_end - input_start)
output = output_start + slope * (input - input_start)

Now, this being C, and division in C truncates, you should try to get a more accurate answer by calculating things in floating-point:

double slope = 1.0 * (output_end - output_start) / (input_end - input_start)
output = output_start + slope * (input - input_start)

If wanted to be even more correct, you would do a rounding instead of truncation in the final step. You can do this by writing a simple round function:

#include <math.h>
double round(double d)
return floor(d + 0.5);


output = output_start + round(slope * (input - input_start))

Mapping a range of values to another

One solution would be:

def translate(value, leftMin, leftMax, rightMin, rightMax):
# Figure out how 'wide' each range is
leftSpan = leftMax - leftMin
rightSpan = rightMax - rightMin

# Convert the left range into a 0-1 range (float)
valueScaled = float(value - leftMin) / float(leftSpan)

# Convert the 0-1 range into a value in the right range.
return rightMin + (valueScaled * rightSpan)

You could possibly use algebra to make it more efficient, at the expense of readability.

Javascript / jQuery - map a range of numbers to another range of numbers

You can implement this as a pure Javascript function:

function scale (number, inMin, inMax, outMin, outMax) {
return (number - inMin) * (outMax - outMin) / (inMax - inMin) + outMin;

Use the function, like this:

const num = 5;
console.log(scale(num, 0, 10, -50, 50)); // 0
console.log(scale(num, -20, 0, -100, 100)); // 150

I'm using scale for the function name, because map is frequently associated with iterating over arrays and objects.

best way to map a value from range number in python?

Given that the ranges aren't all equal sizes (for 1-4, the range is 50, but for 5 it is 100), you could use a generator expression with sum() like this:

def get_level_of_aqi(aqi):
return sum(l<=aqi for l in [0, 51, 101, 151, 201, 301])

This takes advantage of True having a value of 1 and False having a value of 0

Here are example outputs:

In [1]: get_level_of_aqi(50)
Out[1]: 1

In [2]: get_level_of_aqi(100)
Out[2]: 2

In [3]: get_level_of_aqi(125)
Out[3]: 3

In [4]: get_level_of_aqi(220)
Out[4]: 5

In [5]: get_level_of_aqi(280)
Out[5]: 5

In [6]: get_level_of_aqi(310)
Out[6]: 6

Mapping a range of values to another value

Since the ranges are consecutive, you can try to map them by the start number, and then find the value with a dichotomic search:

var map = [
[1, 49],
[10, 54],
[25, 59],
[50, 50],
[75, 49],
[100, 40],
[151, void 0]
function getValueInRange(arr, n, from, to) {
return (function main(from, to){
if(from>=to) return void 0;
var mid = Math.floor((from+to)/2);
if(arr[mid][0] > n) return main(from, mid);
if(arr[mid][0] < n && mid > from) return main(mid, to);
return arr[mid][1];
})(from===void 0 ? 0 : from, to===void 0 ? arr.length : to);
// Use it like this:
getValueInRange(map, value);

re-mapping a number to another range in pygame

Write a function which maps from a range [a, b] to a range [c, d]:

def maprange(x, a, b, c, d):
w = (x-a) / (b-a)
y = c + w * (d-c)
return y
y = maprange(25, 0, 100, 0, 20)

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