Syntaxerror: Unexpected Eof While Parsing

Why does the IPython REPL tell me SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing as I input the code?

The SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing means that the end of your source code was reached before all code blocks were completed. A code block starts with a statement like for i in range(100): and requires at least one line afterwards that contains code that should be in it.

It seems like you were executing your program line by line in the ipython console. This works for single statements like a = 3 but not for code blocks like for loops. See the following example:

In [1]: for i in range(100):
File "<ipython-input-1-ece1e5c2587f>", line 1
for i in range(100):
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

To avoid this error, you have to enter the whole code block as a single input:

In [2]: for i in range(5):
...: print(i, end=', ')
0, 1, 2, 3, 4,

Unexpected EOF while parsing Syntax Error in Python

In your code add the except block, like so:

import keyboard
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed('a'):
#do something else, if there is an error, or any other key is pressed

If u dont know if u need try except, then just dont keep it in the try block:

import keyboard
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed('a'):

unexpected EOF while parsing error on a line that does NOT exist

you did'nt close the parentheses:

    print(magician.title() + ", you got an amazing score on you exam!")

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