Wheel File Installation

Wheel file installation

You normally use a tool like pip to install wheels. Leave it to the tool to discover and download the file if this is for a project hosted on PyPI.

For this to work, you do need to install the wheel package:

pip install wheel

You can then tell pip to install the project (and it'll download the wheel if available), or the wheel file directly:

pip install project_name  # discover, download and install
pip install wheel_file.whl # directly install the wheel

Also see the wheel project documentation.

How do I install a Python package with a .whl file?

I just used the following which was quite simple. First open a console then cd to where you've downloaded your file like some-package.whl and use

pip install some-package.whl

Note: if pip.exe is not recognized, you may find it in the "Scripts" directory from where python has been installed. If pip is not installed, this page can help:
How do I install pip on Windows?

Note: for clarification
If you copy the *.whl file to your local drive (ex. C:\some-dir\some-file.whl) use the following command line parameters --

pip install C:/some-dir/some-file.whl

Installing and running Wheel file Pypi

I found the solution:

the setup.cfg file was missing the options.entry_points:

console_scripts = tool = MyTool:main

The syntax for entry points is specified as follows:

<name> = [<package>.[<subpackage>.]]<module>[:<object>.<object>]

url: https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/entry_point.html

Install local wheel file with requirements.txt

This is called a direct reference. Since version 19.3, pip support this in both command line and requirement files. Check out an example from the official documentation.

As to OP's question, simply put the local wheel's relative path, i.e., ./<my_wheel_dir>/<my_wheel.whl>, in requirement.txt, e.g.,


Install wheel file on off-line machine which has different processor

You can use the --platform flag with pip download to get the desired version of the wheel. You probably can't get the ARM wheels from PyPi (I haven't done enough with ARM myself to be sure), but piwheels should have them.

This worked for me to get numpy:

pip download --index-url=https://www.piwheels.org/simple --platform linux_armv7l --no-deps numpy

You can of course combine this with a requirements.txt file to get all of your packages at once if you want

pip download --index-url=https://www.piwheels.org/simple --platform linux_armv7l --no-deps -r requirements.txt

In requirements.txt (example):


I'm not sure exactly what version you need, but you can see available versions at piwheels (e.g. for numpy go to https://www.piwheels.org/simple/numpy/)

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