Is There a List of Pytz Timezones

Is there a list of Pytz Timezones?

You can list all the available timezones with pytz.all_timezones:

In [40]: import pytz
In [41]: pytz.all_timezones

There is also pytz.common_timezones:

In [45]: len(pytz.common_timezones)
Out[45]: 403

In [46]: len(pytz.all_timezones)
Out[46]: 563

Python: All possible Timezone Abbreviations for given Timezone Name (and vise versa)

I like unutbu's answer, which led me to the answer that worked for me. I have the locale of the user, so I found that I can use that to remove the ambiguity between time zone abbreviations.

In other words, this fixes the problem with the following:

In [242]: 'Asia/Shanghai' in tzones['CST']
Out[242]: True

In [243]: 'US/Central' in tzones['CST']
Out[243]: True

This function requires a two letter country code:

def GetTimeZoneName(timezone, country_code):

#see if it's already a valid time zone name
if timezone in pytz.all_timezones:
return timezone

#if it's a number value, then use the Etc/GMT code
offset = int(timezone)
if offset > 0:
offset = '+' + str(offset)
offset = str(offset)
return 'Etc/GMT' + offset
except ValueError:

#look up the abbreviation
country_tzones = None
country_tzones = pytz.country_timezones[country_code]

set_zones = set()
if country_tzones is not None and len(country_tzones) > 0:
for name in country_tzones:
tzone = pytz.timezone(name)
for utcoffset, dstoffset, tzabbrev in getattr(tzone, '_transition_info', [[None, None,]]):
if tzabbrev.upper() == timezone.upper():

if len(set_zones) > 0:
return min(set_zones, key=len)

# none matched, at least pick one in the right country
return min(country_tzones, key=len)

#invalid country, just try to match the timezone abbreviation to any time zone
for name in pytz.all_timezones:
tzone = pytz.timezone(name)
for utcoffset, dstoffset, tzabbrev in getattr(tzone, '_transition_info', [[None, None,]]):
if tzabbrev.upper() == timezone.upper():

return min(set_zones, key=len)

This returns the correct time zones for CST:

>>> GetTimeZoneName('CST','CN')

>>> GetTimeZoneName('CST','US')

Is there a simplified pytz common_timezone list?

"Useful" is opinionated. Your opinions may not match with others'. For example, the list in your example doesn't have an entry for Arizona - which is not the same as just Mountain Time, as it doesn't have daylight saving time.

The better approach is to offer two dropdowns. The first should list countries, and the second would list time zones within the country. Since many countries only have a single time zone, many users won't need to select time zones at all. Those that do can limit their choice to a much smaller list.

In pytz, you can use the country_timezones function to get a list of time zones for a particular country.

pytz: getting all timezones, where now is between a specific range of times

The conditional expression used in the if clause of a list comprehension (that's being used in the answer to the linked question) can be as complex as needed as shown below.

Note I have also modified how the time comparison is done so it no longer ignores the minutes, seconds, and microseconds of the converted value which assumes that the time change difference will always be in whole hours. While that's generally true, there are at least a couple of exceptions I know of (and there could be more in the future).

Also note that the time interval itself is not limited to a whole number of hours — so for instance a time range of begin, end = time(hour=9, minute=0), time(hour=9, minute=30) could also be checked.

from datetime import datetime, time
from pprint import pprint
import pytz

def datetime_to_time(dt, tz):
"""Convert datetime dt to timezone tz and return its local time of day."""
ndt = dt.astimezone(pytz.timezone(tz))
return time(hour=ndt.hour, minute=ndt.minute, second=ndt.second,

begin, end = time(hour=9), time(hour=10) # Time range.
now =
in_time_range = [tz for tz in pytz.common_timezones_set if
begin <= datetime_to_time(now, tz) <= end]


How to get the list of US time zones only?

Timezones commonly in use in United States:

import pytz

tznames = pytz.country_timezones['us']

pytz: getting all timezones, where now is specific time

import datetime
import pytz

now =
# datetime.datetime(2012, 6, 8, 10, 31, 58, 493905, tzinfo=<UTC>)

[tz for tz in pytz.common_timezones_set if now.astimezone(pytz.timezone(tz)).hour == 9]
# ['Atlantic/Cape_Verde']

[tz for tz in pytz.common_timezones_set if now.astimezone(pytz.timezone(tz)).hour == 12]
# returns a list of 45 timezones, 'Europe/Oslo' included

Pytz common timezones sorted by offset

I'm not sure that I can understand you correctly but you can try this:

>>> tz = [(item,'%z') + " " + item) for item in pytz.common_timezones]
>>> sorted(tz, key=lambda x: int(x[1].split()[0]))
[('Pacific/Midway', '-1100 Pacific/Midway'), ('Pacific/Niue', '-1100 Pacific/Niue'), ('Pacific/Pago_Pago', '-1100 Pacific/Pago_Pago'), ('Pacific/Honolulu', '-1000 Pacific/Honolulu'), ...

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