Why Python 3.6.1 Throws Attributeerror: Module 'Enum' Has No Attribute 'Intflag'

AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag' - fastai install


as I wrote earlier Enum34 cause issues in many packages.

If you have a similar problem, just use:

pip uninstall -y enum34

My problem was that in my case I should use:

sudo pip uninstall -y enum34

Pyinstaller: AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'

Please uninstall enum34 module if have installed and try again.

pip uninstall enum34

this will solve the error,
if you need enum34 downgrade it to enum34==1.1.8

useful info here
Why Python 3.6.1 throws AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'?

module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag' when creating virtualenv using python3.6?

Your question is probably a duplicate of Using Python 3 in virtualenv

However, do you need to use the third party virtualenv?

In recent python 3 versions there is a standard venv module. It is the recommended way to create virtual environments since version 3.5.

python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment

pyinstaller : AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'

I have a similar problem and I just solved the problem by following this instruction:

Why Python 3.6.1 throws AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'?

pip uninstall enum34

SQLAlchemy installation fails with `module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'`

You probably have enum installed. It's a legacy library and not required. You can probably fix your error with:

pip uninstall -y enum34

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