How to Get Text with Selenium Webdriver in Python

How to get text with Selenium WebDriver in Python

You want just .text.

You can then verify it after you've got it, don't attempt to pass in what you expect it should have.

Get Text from an Element with Selenium (Python)

Does this work ?

wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
desired_text = wait.until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//p[contains(@class, 'sc-')]"))).text

Imports :

from import WebDriverWait
from import By
from import expected_conditions as EC

How to get text from a html using Selenium and Python which has two elements with the same classname where I need to extract both

As per the HTML:

<div class='mesage-in'> cool text here </div>
<div class='mesage-in'> bad text here </div>

The following line line of code:

texto = navegador.find_element_by_class_name('message-in').text

will always identify the first matching element, extract the text and assign it to texto. So when you try to print texto, the text of the very first element i.e. cool text here is printed.


You can get all elements with same classname i.e. mesage-in and put on a list as follows:

from import By
texto = navegador.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, 'message-in')

Now you can print the desired texts with respect to their index as follows:

  • To print cool text here:

    print(texto[0].text) # prints-> cool text here
  • To print bad text here:

    print(texto[1].text) # prints-> bad text here


You can also crate a list of the texts using List Comprehension and print them as follows:

texto = [my_elem.text for my_elem in driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "message-in")]
print(texto[0]) # prints-> cool text here
print(texto[1]) # prints-> bad text here

How to extract the text from the webelements using Selenium and Python

This works to an extent:

WebDriverWait(driver, 30).until(EC.visibility_of_all_elements_located((By.XPATH, "//*[@data-test-id = 'svx-job-title']")))
jobs = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//div[contains(@class, 'job-cardstyle__JobCardHeader')]")
all_jobs = [job.text for job in jobs]

WebdriverWait imports:

from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC


['Software engineer III\nRandstad USA\nLas Vegas, NV', 'C\nPython Developer\nconfidential\n$55 - $65 / Per Hour', 'C\nSenior Software Engineer\nCox Communications Inc\nLas Vegas, NV', 'Mission Systems Engineer\nDCS Corporation\nLas Vegas, NV', 'G\nSoftware Engineer - 914\nGCR Technical Staffing\nHenderson, NV', 'Z\nNetSuite Developer\nZone & Company Software Consulting\nLas Vegas, NV', 'IT Project Engineer\nRauland Florida by Ametek, Inc.\nSunrise, NV', 'A\nWeb Developer\nArdor Global', 'Senior Software Engineer – Node\nMeridian Technology Group Inc.']

Process finished with exit code 0

You may split the list with \n delimiter for further usage. Also, seems like this site loads the cards dynamically, i.e., as you scroll down, new cards load up, so you may not get all the cards in one instance.

How to get text, using Selenium Python XPATH

You want just .text

So, use this

elem = driver.find_element(By.XPATH,'//*[@id="t3_9kxrv6"]/div/div/div[3]/span/h2').text

Python and how to get text from Selenium element WebElement object?

Once you locate the element you can use the text property.


for element in self.driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('img'):
print element.text
print element.tag_name
print element.parent
print element.location
print element.size

Get text from span tag with Python and Selenium

To print the text Director you can use either of the following Locator Strategies:

  • Using css_selector and get_attribute("innerHTML"):

    print(driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "h2.jobTitle > span[title]").get_attribute("innerHTML"))
  • Using xpath and text attribute:

    print(driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//h2[contains(@class, 'jobTitle')]/span[@title]").text)

Ideally you need to induce WebDriverWait for the visibility_of_element_located() and you can use either of the following Locator Strategies:

  • Using CSS_SELECTOR and text attribute:

    print(WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "h2.jobTitle > span[title]"))).text)
  • Using XPATH and get_attribute("innerHTML"):

    print(WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//h2[contains(@class, 'jobTitle')]/span[@title]"))).get_attribute("innerHTML"))
  • Note : You have to add the following imports :

    from import WebDriverWait
    from import By
    from import expected_conditions as EC

You can find a relevant discussion in How to retrieve the text of a WebElement using Selenium - Python


Link to useful documentation:

  • get_attribute() method Gets the given attribute or property of the element.
  • text attribute returns The text of the element.
  • Difference between text and innerHTML using Selenium

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