How to Remove a Substring from the End of a String

Remove substring only at the end of string

def rchop(s, suffix):
if suffix and s.endswith(suffix):
return s[:-len(suffix)]
return s

somestring = 'this is some string rec'
rchop(somestring, ' rec') # returns 'this is some string'

How do I remove a substring from the end of a string?

strip doesn't mean "remove this substring". x.strip(y) treats y as a set of characters and strips any characters in that set from both ends of x.

On Python 3.9 and newer you can use the removeprefix and removesuffix methods to remove an entire substring from either side of the string:

url = ''
url.removesuffix('.com') # Returns 'abcdc'
url.removeprefix('abcdc.') # Returns 'com'

The relevant Python Enhancement Proposal is PEP-616.

On Python 3.8 and older you can use endswith and slicing:

url = ''
if url.endswith('.com'):
url = url[:-4]

Or a regular expression:

import re
url = ''
url = re.sub('\.com$', '', url)

How can I remove a substring from a given String?

You could easily use String.replace():

String helloWorld = "Hello World!";
String hellWrld = helloWorld.replace("o","");

Remove string characters from a given found substring until the end in Python

Using split(" in "), you can split the string from the "in".

This produces a list with the two ends. Now take the first part by using [0]:

string.split(" in ")[0]

If you don't want the space character at the end, then use rstrip():
string.split(" in ")[0].rstip()


How to remove substring from the end of the string

use substr(your_column , -num)

substr(, -6)

UPDATE final_table SET parametre = substr(parametre,1, length(parametre)-3)
WHERE parametre like '%***'

Remove substring at the end of a string based on a list of strings to remove

Use Series.str.replace with regex pattern - added $ for match end of string, added \s+ for match space before and joined | for regex or:

pat = '|'.join(f'\s+{y}$' for y in x)
df['Names'] = df['Names'].str.replace(pat, '')
print (df)
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How to remove a substring that starts and ends with certain characters in Python

You can use re module. Try -

import re
a = 'foldername/pic.jpg'
out = re.sub(r'/.*\.', r'.', a)

How to remove the end of a string, starting from a given pattern?

str.substring( 0, str.indexOf( "xxx" ) );

Remove trailing substring from String in Java

You could check the lastIndexOf, and if it exists in the string, use substring to remove it:

String str = "am.sunrise.ios@2x.png";
String search = "@2x.png";

int index = str.lastIndexOf(search);
if (index > 0) {
str = str.substring(0, index);

Find and remove a string starting and ending with a specific substring in python

You can use re.sub :

>>> s='dasdasdsafs[image : image name : image]vvfd gvdfvg dfvgd'
>>> re.sub(r'\[image.+image\]','',s)
'dasdasdsafsvvfd gvdfvg dfvgd'

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