Basic Http File Downloading and Saving to Disk in Python

Basic http file downloading and saving to disk in python?

A clean way to download a file is:

import urllib

testfile = urllib.URLopener()
testfile.retrieve("", "file.gz")

This downloads a file from a website and names it file.gz. This is one of my favorite solutions, from Downloading a picture via urllib and python.

This example uses the urllib library, and it will directly retrieve the file form a source.

How to download a file over HTTP?

Use urllib.request.urlopen():

import urllib.request
with urllib.request.urlopen('') as f:
html ='utf-8')

This is the most basic way to use the library, minus any error handling. You can also do more complex stuff such as changing headers.

On Python 2, the method is in urllib2:

import urllib2
response = urllib2.urlopen('')
html =

Download method to save files to disk using specified destination/file name, and timeout time limit, without opening file first

I don't think you can write to a file without opening it.

urllib opens it too.

Download large file in python with requests

With the following streaming code, the Python memory usage is restricted regardless of the size of the downloaded file:

def download_file(url):
local_filename = url.split('/')[-1]
# NOTE the stream=True parameter below
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r:
with open(local_filename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
# If you have chunk encoded response uncomment if
# and set chunk_size parameter to None.
#if chunk:
return local_filename

Note that the number of bytes returned using iter_content is not exactly the chunk_size; it's expected to be a random number that is often far bigger, and is expected to be different in every iteration.

See body-content-workflow and Response.iter_content for further reference.

Download file from web in Python 3

If you want to obtain the contents of a web page into a variable, just read the response of urllib.request.urlopen:

import urllib.request
url = ''
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = # a `bytes` object
text = data.decode('utf-8') # a `str`; this step can't be used if data is binary

The easiest way to download and save a file is to use the urllib.request.urlretrieve function:

import urllib.request
# Download the file from `url` and save it locally under `file_name`:
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, file_name)
import urllib.request
# Download the file from `url`, save it in a temporary directory and get the
# path to it (e.g. '/tmp/tmpb48zma.txt') in the `file_name` variable:
file_name, headers = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url)

But keep in mind that urlretrieve is considered legacy and might become deprecated (not sure why, though).

So the most correct way to do this would be to use the urllib.request.urlopen function to return a file-like object that represents an HTTP response and copy it to a real file using shutil.copyfileobj.

import urllib.request
import shutil
# Download the file from `url` and save it locally under `file_name`:
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response, open(file_name, 'wb') as out_file:
shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file)

If this seems too complicated, you may want to go simpler and store the whole download in a bytes object and then write it to a file. But this works well only for small files.

import urllib.request
# Download the file from `url` and save it locally under `file_name`:
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response, open(file_name, 'wb') as out_file:
data = # a `bytes` object

It is possible to extract .gz (and maybe other formats) compressed data on the fly, but such an operation probably requires the HTTP server to support random access to the file.

import urllib.request
import gzip
# Read the first 64 bytes of the file inside the .gz archive located at `url`
url = ''
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=response) as uncompressed:
file_header = # a `bytes` object
# Or do anything shown above using `uncompressed` instead of `response`.

Download and save PDF file with Python requests module

You should use response.content in this case:

with open('/tmp/metadata.pdf', 'wb') as f:

From the document:

You can also access the response body as bytes, for non-text requests:

>>> r.content

So that means: response.text return the output as a string object, use it when you're downloading a text file. Such as HTML file, etc.

And response.content return the output as bytes object, use it when you're downloading a binary file. Such as PDF file, audio file, image, etc.

You can also use response.raw instead. However, use it when the file which you're about to download is large. Below is a basic example which you can also find in the document:

import requests

url = ''
r = requests.get(url, stream=True)

with open('/tmp/metadata.pdf', 'wb') as fd:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size):

chunk_size is the chunk size which you want to use. If you set it as 2000, then requests will download that file the first 2000 bytes, write them into the file, and do this again, again and again, unless it finished.

So this can save your RAM. But I'd prefer use response.content instead in this case since your file is small. As you can see use response.raw is complex.


  • How to download large file in python with

  • How to download image using requests

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