How to Use Pip with Python 3.X Alongside Python 2.X

How to use pip with Python 3.x alongside Python 2.x

The approach you should take is to install pip for Python 3.2.

You do this in the following way:

$ curl -O
$ sudo python3.2

Then, you can install things for Python 3.2 with pip-3.2, and install things for Python 2-7 with pip-2.7. The pip command will end up pointing to one of these, but I'm not sure which, so you will have to check.

Can pip (python2) and pip3 (python3) coexist?

Every Python should have own pip because every Python may use different version of the same module and every Python installs modules in different folder.

You can use Python2 to reinstall module pip for Python2 and it should create file with correct name pip

python -m pip install -U --force pip

You should also have pip, pip2, pip2.7, pip3, pip3.5.

You can even have pip3.6, pip3.7 at the same time.

If you write in console pip and press tab and it should show you all programs which start with word pip

You can find full path for pip with

which pip 

and you can open it in text editor to see if it is python's script.

Different pip have different first line - ie. #!/usr/bin/python or #!/usr/bin/python3.5.

Rest code should be the same for all versions.

Dealing with multiple Python versions and PIP?

The current recommendation is to use python -m pip, where python is the version of Python you would like to use. This is the recommendation because it works across all versions of Python, and in all forms of virtualenv. For example:

# The system default python:
$ python -m pip install fish

# A virtualenv's python:
$ .env/bin/python -m pip install fish

# A specific version of python:
$ python-3.6 -m pip install fish

Previous answer, left for posterity:

Since version 0.8, Pip supports pip-{version}. You can use it the same as easy_install-{version}:

$ pip-2.5 install myfoopackage
$ pip-2.6 install otherpackage
$ pip-2.7 install mybarpackage

EDIT: pip changed its schema to use pipVERSION instead of pip-VERSION in version 1.5. You should use the following if you have pip >= 1.5:

$ pip2.6 install otherpackage
$ pip2.7 install mybarpackage

Check for more details


  • or

Using pip version with Python 3.x alongside Python 2.x on Windows

You will want to make sure you have the correct Anaconda environment activated, which it looks like you have in this case.

conda env list   # Display the list of conda environments

Sample Image

In the Windows Command Prompt you should just need to use:

activate py35   # Or whatever your Python 3.5 environment is called. (Mine is root)
pip install pymssql

Instead of pip-3.5.

To install it in another environment (mine is called py27):

activate py27
pip install pymssql

I successfully used this command in both my Python 2.7 and 3.5 Anaconda environments.

To go back to your primary environment (root), just type activate without an environment name after it

Using pip on Windows installed with both python 2.7 and 3.5

You will have to use the absolute path of pip.

E.g: if I installed python 3 to C:\python35, I would use:
C:\> python35\Scripts\pip.exe install packagename

Or if you're on linux, use pip3 install packagename

If you don't specify a full path, it will use whichever pip is in your path.

Pip for Python 3.8

Install pip the official way:

curl -o

made 3.8 my default Python version

It depends on how you did that, but it might break something in your OS. For example some packages on Ubuntu 18.04 might depend on python being python2.7 or python3 being python3.6 with some pip packages preinstalled.

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