Add Missing Dates to Pandas Dataframe

Add missing dates to pandas dataframe

You could use Series.reindex:

import pandas as pd

idx = pd.date_range('09-01-2013', '09-30-2013')

s = pd.Series({'09-02-2013': 2,
'09-03-2013': 10,
'09-06-2013': 5,
'09-07-2013': 1})
s.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(s.index)

s = s.reindex(idx, fill_value=0)


2013-09-01     0
2013-09-02 2
2013-09-03 10
2013-09-04 0
2013-09-05 0
2013-09-06 5
2013-09-07 1
2013-09-08 0

Fill missing dates in a pandas DataFrame

You could create a date range and use "Fecha" column to set_index + reindex to add missing months. Then fillna + reset_index fetches the desired outcome:

df['Fecha'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Fecha'])
df = (df.set_index('Fecha')
.reindex(pd.date_range('2020-01-01', '2021-12-01', freq='MS'))


        Fecha  unidades
0 2020-01-01 2.0
1 2020-02-01 0.0
2 2020-03-01 0.0
3 2020-04-01 0.0
4 2020-05-01 0.0
5 2020-06-01 0.0
6 2020-07-01 0.0
7 2020-08-01 0.0
8 2020-09-01 4.0
9 2020-10-01 11.0
10 2020-11-01 4.0
11 2020-12-01 2.0
12 2021-01-01 0.0
13 2021-02-01 0.0
14 2021-03-01 9.0
15 2021-04-01 2.0
16 2021-05-01 1.0
17 2021-06-01 0.0
18 2021-07-01 1.0
19 2021-08-01 0.0
20 2021-09-01 0.0
21 2021-10-01 0.0
22 2021-11-01 0.0
23 2021-12-01 0.0

Dataframe: Add new rows for missing dates

You can use .reindex + .ffill():

min_date = df.index.min()
max_date = df.index.max()
date_list = pd.date_range(min_date, max_date, freq="D")

df = df.reindex(date_list).ffill()


              S&P500    Europe     Japan
2002-12-23 0.247683 0.245252 0.203916
2002-12-24 0.241855 0.237858 0.200971
2002-12-25 0.241855 0.237858 0.200971
2002-12-26 0.237095 0.230614 0.197621
2002-12-27 0.241104 0.250323 0.191855

OR: Use method= parameter

df = df.reindex(date_list, method="ffill")

How to add missing dates in pandas

Use DataFrame.reindex, working also if need some custom start and end datimes:

df = df.reindex(pd.date_range(start, end, freq ='D'))

Or DataFrame.asfreq for add missing datetimes between existing data:

df = df.asfreq('d')

Pandas: Add missing dates up to current date

Use DataFrame.reindex with unique codes and date_range for all combinations of pairs dates and codes:

df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])

idx = pd.date_range('01-01-2021', pd.to_datetime('now').normalize())
codes = df['Code'].unique()

df1 = (df.set_index(['Date','Code'])
.reindex(pd.MultiIndex.from_product([idx, codes], names=['Date','Code']))
print (df1)
Date Code Count_1 Count_2
0 2021-01-01 A 5.0 4.0
1 2021-01-01 B NaN NaN
2 2021-01-02 A NaN NaN
3 2021-01-02 B NaN NaN
4 2021-01-03 A NaN NaN
.. ... ... ... ...
345 2021-06-22 B NaN NaN
346 2021-06-23 A NaN NaN
347 2021-06-23 B NaN NaN
348 2021-06-24 A NaN NaN
349 2021-06-24 B NaN NaN

[350 rows x 4 columns]

Adding missing dates to a time series from a csv file

I load using:

df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO('''date        GWL
15/01/2001 9.73
15/08/2001 10.55
15/11/2001 11.65
15/01/2002 9.72
15/04/2002 9.92'''), sep='\s{2,}', engine='python', parse_dates=['date'])

What you need to do in your code is just pass the parse_dates=['date'] parameter to your pd.read_csv. Don't pass the other stuff. I need to use io.StringIO because you won't provide your data in a constructor format.

This yields:

        date    GWL
0 2001-01-15 9.73
1 2001-08-15 10.55
2 2001-11-15 11.65
3 2002-01-15 9.72
4 2002-04-15 9.92

Construct an Ides-centred monthly date range:

months = df['date'] - pd.offsets.MonthBegin()
d_range = pd.date_range(months.min(), months.max(), freq='M')
d_range = d_range - pd.offsets.MonthBegin() + pd.offsets.Day(14)


>>> df.set_index('date').reindex(d_range)
2001-01-15 9.73
2001-02-15 NaN
2001-03-15 NaN
2001-04-15 NaN
2001-05-15 NaN
2001-06-15 NaN
2001-07-15 NaN
2001-08-15 10.55
2001-09-15 NaN
2001-10-15 NaN
2001-11-15 11.65
2001-12-15 NaN
2002-01-15 9.72
2002-02-15 NaN
2002-03-15 NaN

Including the missing dates in the date column of pandas dataframe for a specific timespan

Set Date as index and reindex it with df_date:

df_date = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2019', end='11/1/2020', freq='MS')
df = df.set_index('Date').reindex(df_date)


>>> df
2019-01-01 NaN
2019-02-01 NaN
2019-03-01 NaN
2019-04-01 NaN
2019-05-01 NaN
2019-06-01 NaN
2019-07-01 NaN
2019-08-01 NaN
2019-09-01 NaN
2019-10-01 46486868.0
2019-11-01 36092742.0
2019-12-01 32839185.0
2020-01-01 NaN
2020-02-01 NaN
2020-03-01 NaN
2020-04-01 NaN
2020-05-01 NaN
2020-06-01 NaN
2020-07-01 NaN
2020-08-01 NaN
2020-09-01 NaN
2020-10-01 NaN
2020-11-01 NaN

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