How to Set Cron Job Url for Codeigniter

How to set cron job URL for CodeIgniter?

I have used below cron

php /full-path-to-cron-file/cron.php /test/index


This works for me.

Thanks to all

How to run a cron job on a CodeIgniter controller that all the URL does is run a query from an API, update the DB & send emails (from within CI)?

curl -O - >/dev/null 2>&1 is not cli.
Curl makes normal http request to your webserver, whilst cli stands for php command line script.

To run it as cli:

$ cd /path/to/your/web/root
$ php index.php tools Cli_only cron_job

For your conjob it must be:

14 16 * * *  cd /path/to/project; php tools Cli_only cron_job >/dev/null 2>&1


It is quite common practice to run curl requests from cron job, which have it's pros. For example it allows to run a cron job as any user, and guarantee the job is executed by webserver user. Using cli, it is your responsibility to set the cron job for correct user, e.g. crontab -u www-data -e if your webserver user is www-data. Otherwise you are at risk to mess with permissions for temporary files like caches, logs etc.

If you are not sure about internals, it may be better to keep using curl in your cron job, but limit access to the controller for certain IP addresses. For example instead of

is_cli() OR show_404();

use something like

$this->input->ip_address() == '' OR show_404();

How to set cron job url in codeigniter on HostGator cpanel

if you want to run it in each 5 minute on daily basis then add it like -

* /5 * * * wget

How to setup cron job for a codeigniter script on server

Use /usr/local/bin/php instead of php to get codeigniter to pick up on the URI segments.

so try this if it works

/usr/local/bin/php /home/name/public_html/index.php stockupdate index

Running a cron job with CodeIgniter

Uset wget command along with your url to run cron in codeigniter file in your case it should be:


and be careful do not use path of file use the url which invokes your function.

how to set cron job if using codeigniter in cpanel?


  1. Create a command-line route in app/Config/Routes.php. I.e:
// ...

$routes->cli("cli/ship-product/(:segment)", "Services\Buy::ship/$1");

// ...


cli/ship-product/(:segment) - Represents your route. The (:segment) is optional depending on if your Controller method requires an argument or not.

Buy - Represents your Controller.

ship - Represents your Controller method.

$1 - Represents the optional (:segment) to be forwarded to the first Controller method's argument if in case it requires one. You may omit it if your Controller method doesn't require any arguments.

Notice the use of CLI-only routing with the help of ->cli(...).

  1. Run your cron job.
/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/kuslon/kuslon/public/index.php cli ship-product "ed053cb1-29a4-42f2-a17e-3109fa4d80fe"


-q - Represents quiet-mode. Suppress HTTP header output.

/home/kuslon/kuslon/public/index.php - Represents the absolute path to your project's index.php file. This assumes that the first kuslon in the path represents your Cpanel username and the second kuslon represents your project root folder.

cli - Represents the first section of the command-line route you defined earlier.

ship-product - Represents the second section of the command-line route.

"ed053cb1-29a4-42f2-a17e-3109fa4d80fe" - Represents the third optional section of the command-line route that may be required by your Controller method.

  1. Sample Controller.

namespace App\Controllers\Services;

use App\Controllers\BaseController;

class Buy extends BaseController

public function ship(string $uuid)
// echo "{$uuid}";


Resource: Running via the Command Line


If in case all your routes pass through an Authentication filter, you may want to exclude these command-line based routes in app/Config/Filters.php. I.e: As you may notice below, I've excluded all routes starting with cli/* from the authfilter.


namespace Config;

use App\Filters\AuthenticationFilter;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class Filters extends BaseConfig
// ...
public $aliases = [
'authfilter' => AuthenticationFilter::class

public $globals = [
'before' => [
'authfilter' => [
'except' => ['cli/*']
// ...

Codeigniter cron job not working

the steps to prepare CodeIgniter 2.x for cron-jobs via CLI (command line interface):

1st: create a copy of your root index.php file and save it in your root as cli.php

2nd: in your cli.php replace <?php with this code:


/* override normal limitations */
ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');

/* deny direct call from web browser */
if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) die('Permission denied.');

/* constants */
define('CMD', 1);

/* manually set the URI path based on command line arguments... */
unset($argv[0]); /* except the first one */
$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/' . implode('/', $argv) . '/';

3rd: execute your cron job like this:

/usr/bin/php /var/www/website/public_html/cli.php controller method

where /var/www/website/public_html/ is your server's home directory, the location of your index.php and cli.php.


for CI 3.0 you find the necessary information here

database: you'll need to provide your db config settings in your controller method, as the cron job just executes the controller's method. So it doesn't know anything about any database settings!

$config['hostname'] = "localhost";
$config['username'] = "username_admin";
$config['password'] = "password";

$this->db = $this->load->database($config, TRUE);

debug: just add a link in your html to run your controller's method like: index.php/controller/method (remove that once you website is live)

source: very helpful

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