Codeigniter Check for User Session in Every Controller

codeigniter check for user session in every controller

Another option is to create a base controller. Place the function in the base controller and then inherit from this.

To achieve this in CodeIgniter, create a file called MY_Controller.php in the libraries folder of your application.

class MY_Controller extends Controller
public function __construct()

public function is_logged_in()
$user = $this->session->userdata('user_data');
return isset($user);

Then make your controller inherit from this base controller.

class X extends MY_Controller
public function __construct()

public function do_something()
if ($this->is_logged_in())
// User is logged in. Do something.

Codeigniter - set/check session in every controller function

You can use a hook :

Or you can code your small script into the construct of your controllers.

function __construct()
//Put your code here, you can also load your models and stuff
//Code code code

And here is an example of a hook for i18n (language module) -- Create a file under applications/hooks/my_hook.php

function setUserLang()
//Getting the language of the user
//If nothing was found, stick with English
$ci =& get_instance();
$lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2);
switch ($lang){
case "fr":

case "en":


And go to applications/config/hooks.php and add something like :

$hook['post_controller_constructor'][] = array(
'class' => '',
'function' => 'setUserLang',
'filename' => 'my_hook.php',
'filepath' => 'hooks'

CodeIgniter check sessions in every controller?

Create a MY_Controller in the application/core folder which extends CI_Controller. Place your session functions in the MY_Controller file and then have the rest of your controllers extend MY_Controller instead of CI_Controller.

CodeIgniter - How to check session to be used at every methods

Create a file called MY_controller.php (the prefix can be edited in config file) in /application/core:

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {

function __construct()


//Initialization code that affects all controllers


class Public_Controller extends MY_Controller {

function __construct()

//Initialization code that affects Public controllers. Probably not much needed because everyone can access public.


class Admin_Controller extends MY_Controller {

function __construct()
//Initialization code that affects Admin controllers I.E. redirect and die if not logged in or not an admin


class Member_Controller extends MY_Controller {

function __construct()

//Initialization code that affects Member controllers. I.E. redirect and die if not logged in


Then anytime you create a new controller, you decide what access it requires

    class Book extends Member_Controller {

//Code that will be executed, no need to check anywhere if the user is logged in.
//The user is guaranteed to be logged in if we are executing code here.

//If you define a __construct() here, remember to call parent::__construct();

This cuts code duplication a lot, since if you need another member controller other than Book you can just extend the Member_Controller. Instead of having to do the checks in all of them.

CodeIgniter: checking if user logged in for multiple pages

You can run code in every method of a Controller by running it in the __construct() method:

function __construct()
if ( ! $this->session->userdata('logged_in'))
// Allow some methods?
$allowed = array(
if ( ! in_array($this->router->fetch_method(), $allowed)

You can remove the "allowed" bits if you want to restrict access to the whole thing, but there are better ways to do this, like creating a base controller:

// Create file application/core/MY_Controller.php
class Auth_Controller extends CI_Controller {

function __construct()
if ( ! $this->session->userdata('logged_in'))

Then have your restricted controllers extend Auth_Controller instead of CI_Controller. Now your code will be run every time the controller is loaded.

More info on extending core classes:

Also of interest:

Codeigniter show controller if session exists

You put the session $this->session->userdata('is_logged_in') condition in __construct()

Like this :

class Lists extends CI_Controller {

public function __construct() {
if($this->session->userdata('is_logged_in') != 1) {
//redirect code here

public function index() {

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