Check If Url Has Certain String with PHP

PHP - If URL contains string

You can use a startswith function (see this stackoverflow post: startsWith() and endsWith() functions in PHP). Here, you test would be:

if (startsWith ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/forum/'))

You can also use a regexp: Here, your test would be:

if (preg_match ('#^/forum/#', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))

Hope this helps.

Check if URL has certain string and match position with PHP

Go like this:

$url = ''; //output: georgetown

if (strpos($url,'georgetown') !== false && strpos($url,'austin') !== false)
echo 'Georgetown';
else if (strpos($url,'georgetown') !== false)
echo 'Georgetown';
else if (strpos($url,'austin') !== false)
echo 'austin';

first if condition is checking if austin and georgetown, both are there in the url, if yes georgetown will be printed. rest two conditions are just checking for austin and georgetown individually.

See hear Php fiddle ->

Hope this helps.

Check if text contains URL

You can use stristr()

$has_link = stristr($string, 'http://') ?: stristr($string, 'https://');

Or preg_match()

preg_match('/(http|ftp|mailto)/', $string, $matches);

a code that checks the current url, checks if it contains a certain string

With javascript you can try as below:
window.location.pathname will give the string added to the main url

<script type="text/javascript">

if ((window.location.pathname === '/orders') {
console.log("orders url");


If php you can try this:

if (str_contains($URL, 'orders')) {
print_r("URL contains orders");

PHP to check if a URL contains a query string

For any URL as a string:

if (parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY))

If it's for the URL of the current request, simply:

if ($_GET)

How to check current URL inside @if statement in Laravel 5.6

I would tackle this the following way.

@if(str_contains(url()->current(), '/dashboard/attendance/report'))
<a href="#" class="btn btn-danger" target="_blank">Button</a>

The str_contains() function checks whether the string (parameter #1) contains the second string. I prefer this function because the Laravel url() function returns a full url, whereas you would like to check whether the url contains a certain path.

Documentation for the url()->current() can be found here:

A way to ensure that /dashboard/attendance/report is at the end of the current url, you could use the following:

@if(substr(url()->current(), -1) == '/dashboard/attendance/report'))
<a href="#" class="btn btn-danger" target="_blank">Button</a>

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