PHP Object Attribute with Dot in Name

php object attribute with dot in name

Specify aliases in your SQL query like SELECT column AS nameWithoutDots ...
or access these properties with $object->{''}
or cast the object to array like this: $obj = (array)$obj; echo $obj[''].

PHP stdClass Object with dot

You can try using braces:


Or you can cast it to an associative array

$result = (array) $object->GetPlayerResult;
$player = $result["RegistrationResponses.Player"];

If you are parsing your website response using json_decode, note the existence of the second parameter to return as associative array:


When TRUE, returned objects will be converted into associative arrays.

How can I access a deep object property named as a variable (dot notation) in php?

It is very easy to reduce the object path using variable property notation ($o->$p):

$path = '';
echo array_reduce(explode('.', $path), function ($o, $p) { return $o->$p; }, $user);

This could easily be turned into a small helper function.

Get json object's value in php if its name contains dots in PHP

$obj->root->{''} will work.

ps: $obj->root->{} might not work.

b.t.w: Why not use Array? json_decode($json, true) will return Array. Then $a['root'][''] will always work.

Is it possible to use period (dot) in a PHP function name?

the answer

to call a method in php, use -> not .

(.) using in PHP

for combining two strings, like:

$str1 = "hello ";
$str2 = "world";

$str12 = $str1.$str2;

hello world

(.) using in js

It's called dot-notation, you can access properties on an object by specifying the name of the object, followed by a dot (period) followed by the property name. This is the syntax: objectName.propertyName;

How to convert dot notation to object in php?

class sth 
public function convert($instance , $str)
$params = explode('.', $str);
if($params == 1) {
return $instance;
} else {
$obj = $instance;
foreach($params as $key => $param) {
if(!$key) {
$obj = $obj->{$param};
return $obj;

$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->test = new stdClass();
$obj->test->test2 = new stdClass();

$sth = new sth();
var_dump($sth->convert($obj, 'sth.test.test2'));

PHP generic function to implement dot notation to navigate into hierarchy of objects and retrieve a property

First, use a loop or recursion instead of a switch.

function getName(Foo $foo, string $path){
$components=explode('.', $path);
foreach($components as $p){
return $current->name;

I will further comment that that accessing arbitrary properties on objects(at least actual class instances, not StdClass objects) seems like a poor design. Depending on the actual goal, you should be able to structure your classes to better support this(perhaps define an interface Nameable that classes must implement, or perhaps move the name lookup into the class itself so that it is responsible for recursion). The ideal implementation is difficult to define without knowing the real use case.

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