Curl Error 60: Ssl Certificate in Laravel 5.4

cURL error 60: SSL certificate in Laravel 5.4

Do not ever modify files in the vendor/ folder. Ever. They can and will be overwritten on the next composer update you run.

Here is my Solution for WampServer

I am using PHP 7.1.9 for my WampServer, so change 7.1.9 in the example below to the version number you are currently using.

  1. Download this file:
  2. Place this file in the C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.1.9 folder
  3. Open php.iniand find this line:


Change it to:

curl.cainfo = "C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.1.9\cacert.pem"

Make sure you remove the semicolon at the beginning of the line.

Save changes to php.ini, restart WampServer, and you're good to go!

How to solve cURL error 60: SSL certificate in Laravel 5 while Facebook authentication

I just spent a number of hours grappling with this. The correct answer is

"indeed to put the cacert.pem file and amend the php.ini file to match as suggested by Moez above. ..... but I kept on getting CURL error 60's The trick was getting a clean copy of the PEM file! Any method involving windows notepad or other editors corrupts the file and gives the cURL error 60 etc. Finally I found and downloaded a tar file with a clean copy of the cacert.pem file ...... it then all worked perfectly."

And since you are working on Windows, this could be the problem.

cURL error 60: SSL certificate in Laravel 5.3

I'll be fully honest, I don't know anything about Laravel. But I had the same problem, so as many other, on Symfony. And so as you I tried many things without success.

Finally, this solution worked for me :
URL solution

It indicates that instead of a certificate problem, it could came from a environnement non-compatibility. I used XAMPP instead of WAMP and it worked.

cURL error 60: SSL certificate: unable to get local issuer certificate

How to solve this problem:

  • download and extract cacert.pem following the instructions at

  • save it on your filesystem somewhere (for example, XAMPP users might use C:\xampp\php\extras\ssl\cacert.pem)

  • in your php.ini, put this file location in the [curl] section (putting it in the [openssl] section is also a good idea):

curl.cainfo = "C:\xampp\php\extras\ssl\cacert.pem"

openssl.cafile = "C:\xampp\php\extras\ssl\cacert.pem"
  • restart your webserver (e.g. Apache) and PHP FPM server if applicable


How solve cURL error 60: SSL certificate in Laravel 5?

Try disabling CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER to stop cURL from verifying the peer's certificate:

->setDefaultOption('config/curl/' . CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

cURL error 60: SSL cert issue when sending email with artisan command

You can either modify the vendor folder GuzzleHttp\Client change verify key to false from configureDefaults method as I did in my local machine


You can read this conversation in Laracasts and try downloading the .pem files in some of the comments.

Here are some links:

  • .pem File Download

After that you should edit your php.ini file accordingly:

curl.cainfo = "[pathtothisfile]\cacert.pem"

PS: I would just edit the vendor file, because it's much faster and not hard to realize.

cURL error during making API call. cURL Error Number:[60] SSL certificate prob: self signed certificate in certificate chain

you go to /vendor/quickbooks/v3-php-sdk/src/Core/HttpClients and edit CurlHttpClient.php


// $curl_opt[CURLOPT_CAINFO] = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/OAuth/OAuth2/certs/apiintuitcom.pem"; //Pem certification Key Path

change it to

' $curl_opt[CURLOPT_CAINFO] ="/home/folder/public_html/quickbooks_app/resources/cert/cacert.pem"; 

note: you can put your cacert.pem anywhere just change the address where you link it.

you can get cacert.pem on this site

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